How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 33 Break The Record And Return To The City!

This encounter was indeed a bit unexpected.

Su Ming found Lu Yuan, whom all the major families were looking for.

Lu Yuan got a map with detailed records.

The meeting between the two parties did not end with a tense moment, but a farewell amidst laughter and laughter.

Wait until Su Ming leaves.

Lu Yuan followed the map and headed to the next place.

There were no maps before.

Wherever he goes, he relies on luck.

but now.

With the map given by Su Ming, Lu Yuan immediately started the rush mode.

If anyone wanted to talk about who was rushing the hardest, it was naturally Lu Yuan.

It has a flight mode that is most suitable for traveling, and it also has silence that can block sounds so that no one can detect it.

Match these two.

Lu Yuan was high in the sky and would hardly attract the attention of the humans below.

Only those soul beasts in the sky would attack him continuously.

But this.

Lu Yuan also found a solution.

That is to wait until those flying soul beasts are close to him.

Lu Yuan suddenly released the power of thunder!

Thunderbolt flies.

The restraint relationship in this Pokémon also applies in this world.

Once those flying soul beasts are hit by lightning, they will be hit by lightning.

Almost none survive.

Even if there were occasional survivors, Lu Yuan would wipe their necks.

The key is.

All this without any sound.

In the sky above a thousand meters.

Lu Yuan was struck by lightning, burned again, and pulled over to wipe his neck with telekinesis...

The main theme is a person who can release all his powers as he pleases! !

How powerful is Lu Yuan with all his firepower?

After flying for less than ten minutes, more than sixty flying soul beasts were captured.

This record was lost because no one saw it.

Otherwise, everyone's outlook on life will definitely collapse.

Those soul beasts that make people cautious and extremely fearful are like moving treasury and experience bags in Lu Yuan's eyes!

His mighty and domineering appearance cannot be seen by the humans underneath.

But the spirit beasts in the sky can see it clearly.

So much so that those flying soul beasts rushed to tell each other one by one.

in the next period of time.

Lu Yuan was stunned that he had not encountered a flying spirit beast...

This was in sharp contrast to the situation when he was surrounded just now.

But Lu Yuan didn't care that much.

Because overall, the soul beads obtained by using full firepower are still not as good as the consumption.

If he continued to kill like this, he would be forced to land and rest.

So it's good to be like this now, at least I can concentrate on completing the task.

During the flight.

Lu Yuan also saw many dark sides of human nature.

For example, I just saw an all-female team defeated by an all-male team. The five women desperately asked for help, and finally called for another team, but that team did not help them, but instead fought with them. The previous team worked together to play these five girls to death...

Another example.

One team actually dealt with a huge lizard in broad daylight...

It can only be said that in an environment where death can occur at any time, everyone is really under great pressure.

Not only are women encountered, but even some female creatures cannot escape their bad luck...

Other things such as killing people and cheating, betrayal by teammates, etc., you will see several cases at regular intervals...

Lu Yuan did a simple calculation.

Not many extraordinary people died on the bodies of soul beasts, but the number of extraordinary people who died at the hands of their own people was still high.

In a sense, this is really sad...

Because there is no harassment from other soul beasts, and there are markings on the map.

Lu Yuan spent most of the day and successfully completed all the tasks.

During this process.

Because Lu Yuan deliberately avoided those extraordinary people.

So no additional humans were killed.

It's just that humans escaped, but the soul beasts were not so lucky.

While completing the task.

Lu Yuan also killed more than two hundred soul beasts.

The level has once again been raised from the fifth level of awakening to the sixth level of awakening.

In one day, he improved by two levels.

This upgrade speed is completely unprecedented and unprecedented!

But there is no way.

Lu Yuan also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength didn't allow it! !

Looking at the sky that has turned completely dark.

Lu Yuan did not choose to continue killing, but planned to go back and hand in the mission.

On the way back to the city.

Lu Yuan inevitably met some people, but because he was near the city.

Everyone is relatively restrained in their actions and can be considered to be in peace.

When you get to the city gate.

Lu Yuan discovered that people from the Bai family were taking over the city's defense.

Everyone who returns to the city is inspected very strictly.

Lu Yuan already knew about this through hearing before returning to the city.

The Bai family's forced memory reading of everyone in the wild caused a lot of controversy in the city.

Everyone is very disgusted with this behavior.

Although the Bai family is one of the top ten families, it is not the only one after all.

In order to appease the emotions of the extraordinary people in the city, other families released pressure on the Bai family, which made them afraid to read the memories of people entering the city.

Otherwise, Lu Yuan would not dare to walk in so arrogantly.


It was Lu Yuan's turn to enter the city.

One of the people from the Bai family said in a bad tone: "Show me your extraordinary certificate."

Lu Yuan nodded and took out his ID.

When the other party looked carefully, there were some changes in the expression on his face.

Then he seemed to have seen the dazzling S+ talent. The Bai family member's attitude changed 180 degrees. He returned the certificate to Lu Yuan with both hands and said softly: "I'm sorry for wasting your time. You can go in now." .”


Lu Yuan took back his ID, smiled slightly and left.

The Bai family members have been successfully led astray by Lu Yuan.

The main thing they checked was the extraordinary people with fire-type abilities. As for the extraordinary people with other abilities, it was just a formality.

After all, only fire extraordinary people can create such a huge fire.

It's impossible. The person who killed White Lotus was a dual-system transcendent, right?

The probability of this is very low.

To put it another 10,000 steps back, even if he is really a dual-system transcendent.

You really can't afford to offend the Bai family!

Lu Yuan briefly glanced at the city gate before heading to the Transcendent Association.

After ordering a free cocktail as usual, Lu Yuan looked at the bartender with a smile and said, "What's the fastest completion record for collection tasks here?"

"Twenty-eight hours."

"Then starting from today, I will keep this record."

Lu Yuan smiled confidently.

Then he took out the long list of tasks printed in the morning from the God's Space, handed it to the bartender and said: "I have completed all the tasks above. Are you free to check and accept it now?"

"Are you...sure it's all done!?"

The bartender couldn't help but raise his tone a bit.

Because she was really shocked by Lu Yuan.

It was not her class in the morning, but she had also heard that there was a strange person who took on all the collection tasks he could.

She even laughed at it at the time.

Unexpectedly, at night, she would see this man in person.

What's even more unbelievable is that.

This person also claimed to have completed all the tasks! !

It's not that she doesn't believe Lu Yuan, it's that no one else would believe it! ! !

Someone just wanted to raise a question.

Lu Yuan took out all the materials for this mission in front of everyone!

this moment.

The whole place was silent! !


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