How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 64 Agreement Reached! Lu Yuan's Plan

to be honest.

Lu Yuan really likes these two from the Su family.

So although there was already a threat in the words.

But he actually expressed it that he didn't want the Su family and his son to make a different decision than him.

Because that would make this beautiful moment of a day or two disappear.

As the head of the family, how could Su Feiguang not understand the meaning of Lu Yuan's words?

But it's really hard for him to choose...


It stands to reason.

Lu Yuan has already captured Wang Defa, and it is very easy to destroy the Wang family.

in other words.

Lu Yuan was already equivalent to destroying the Wang family by himself.

Su Feiguang only needs to agree to this matter, and he can successfully take over most of the Wang family's property.

That is the property of one of the top ten families in Huanhai City! !

Even though he was one of the top ten families, Su Feiguang still coveted him.

You can harvest so much industry without any effort.

Why didn't he agree to such a good thing? ? ?


Once he takes over the Wang family, other families will join forces to deal with him.

Su Feiguang knew.

He simply cannot withstand the attacks of other companies.

But he had never considered betraying Lu Yuan.

No matter what Lu Yuan's purpose was, he was the first to tell himself about it.

That means Lu Yuan trusts him.

Su Feiguang couldn't betray someone who trusted him.

So now Su Feiguang is very confused...

Because as Lu Yuan said.

The decision he makes now will directly affect the Su family and the entire Huanhai City!

Lu Yuan did not urge Su Feiguang to make a decision. He also knew that it was a difficult decision.

Su Ming, who was on the side, had also finished digesting Lu Yuan's information, and asked excitedly: "Brother Lu, where is Uncle Wang...Wang Defa now, and what is his condition like?"

"He, I can't say."

Lu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and smiled and said, "How about Brother Su go in and have a look in person?"

"Go in?"

"Yes, it's my power that can make people disappear silently."

Lu Yuan also showed his cards at this time.

If the Su family accepts his proposal, then he and the Su family will become grasshoppers on a rope.

It doesn't matter if they know about the superpower.

If the Su family does not accept their proposal, then it is very likely that the two parties will become mortal enemies. It doesn't matter how much you know about the enemy.

When Su Ming heard this, he swallowed subconsciously.

Because Lu Yuan's words can be divided into two interpretations.

One way, I treat you as a trusted partner and stop pretending.

On the other hand, if you don't accept my proposal, you will disappear for no reason.

However, after a brief period of fear, Su Ming smiled openly and said, "Come, I want to see with my own eyes what kind of state Wang Defa is in now. This will be good for both of us."


Lu Yuan nodded and grabbed Su Ming's hand.

The next second.

He and Su Ming disappeared into the conference room at the same time!


When Su Feiguang saw the two disappear, he suddenly became a little anxious.

No matter how he perceives it.

No trace of Lu Yuan or his son could be found.

Even the power detector in the conference room did not detect any power fluctuations! !

This was really the first time he had seen such a weird power!

At this time, he probably understood why someone as strong as Wang Defa could be easily killed by Lu Yuan...

Just a touch like this can take people away.

This ability is really buggy!


the other side.

Lu Yuan and Su Ming appeared in the divine space at the same time.

Because Lu Yuan was holding him, Su Ming was not suspended from the flow of time.

at this time.

He saw this infinite space, and at the same time he saw Wang Defa with an angry expression, as if he was permanently frozen.

"I'll go, Brother Lu, this is amazing, isn't it?"

When Su Ming saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Yuan smiled faintly and joked jokingly: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill someone and silence you now?"

"Well, you can't get past this joke, right?"

Su Ming smiled and knocked on Lu Yuan's chest.

He came to Wang Defa and poked Wang Defa's face with his finger.

After seeing that the other party did not respond, he asked curiously: "In your dimension, time has been suspended?"

"It can be understood that as long as I touch it again, the frozen object will be unblocked. Do you need me to unblock Wang Defa and chat with you?"

"No, no need..."

Su Ming quickly waved his hand and refused.

What a joke.

Wang Defa will see himself once the lockdown is lifted.

He would definitely take himself as a hostage as soon as possible and ask Lu Yuan to let him out.

Will Lu Yuan let him go then?

The answer is naturally no...

Seeing Su Ming being so nervous, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little funny and said, "I'm kidding you, how about it? Now do you think that if you cooperate with me, you will lose to those families?"

Hearing Lu Yuan's words clearly stated, Su Ming couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Lu, I know that you have given us a great gift, but it's just that our Su family cannot take this gift alone, leaving aside Wang Defa. Apart from you, there are eight more powerful people like him..."

Although Su Ming didn't say anything else.

But Lu Yuan understood what he meant.


Su Feiguang alone could not face the siege of eight other extraordinary beings of the same level.

Not to mention that they have several times more extraordinary beings under their command.

Once a war breaks out, the Su family will definitely lose.

Lu Yuan had thought of this a long time ago, and then asked: "Actually, I have also considered this, but in fact this problem is easy to solve."

"Brother Lu, let me know what you have to say."

"You go find an extraordinary person with the ability to imitate or transform, let this person look like Wang Defa, and replace him and return to the Wang family to take charge of the overall situation. This way, people from other families will not find out for the time being, and we can slowly empty out the Wang family, and then Wait for the opportunity to win over other families, and then the entire Huanhai City will be your Su family's domain."

"This method works!"

When Su Ming heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

They were all stunned by Lu Yuan's explosive news before.

So much so that no one thought of such a simple solution...

Su Ming immediately asked Lu Yuan to let him out.

Wait until both of them come out.

Su Ming immediately told Su Feiguang about Lu Yuan's proposal.

Upon hearing this, Su Feiguang felt that this plan was feasible.


He was originally unwilling to take this risk, but Lu Yuan arrested people and gave him a solution.

It would be a bit impolite to refuse this.

Think of this.

Su Feiguang immediately expressed his position seriously: "Nephew Lu, we accept your proposal. You 6 and I, the Su family, will share 4 of the Wang family's property. This will be the way it will be distributed in the future. If something goes wrong, our Su family will be there to take care of it. I don't know." Do you think this plan is feasible?"

"Okay, deal." Lu Yuan said with a satisfied smile.


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