How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 65: Kill The Head Of The Wang Family And Gain Magical Skills Again!

Lu Yuan happily agreed to this matter.


The ratio given by the Su family is very good.

They bear most of the risk and understandably take 40% of the dividend.

As the main output, Lu Yuan accounts for 60%, which is very reasonable.


What Lu Yuan valued most was not these resources, but the superpowers of the family heads! !

People who can become the heads of the top ten families have powerful and strange abilities.

For example, Wang Defa's energy absorption is simply a perfect superpower nemesis.

Kill them and get these powers.

That's what Lu Yuan is most interested in.

The two parties reached an intention to cooperate and did not sign any agreement.

Because obviously.

This kind of thing cannot be put on the table.

If the federal government pursues them, both the Su family and Lu Yuan will face endless pursuit.

So Lu Yuan directly brought Su Feiguang and Su Ming to the God's Space.

Looking at the frozen Wang Defa, Su Feiguang looked at Lu Yuan with admiration and said, "Nephew Lu is really amazing. Wang Defa's superpower is energy absorption. Basically, the superpower doesn't have much effect on him. The energy in your body is far inferior to He can actually capture him here, he is indeed a formidable person!"

"It's okay, there's nothing to be proud of."

Lu Yuan said something like Versailles, which made Su Feiguang speechless.

But he was indeed shocked by Lu Yuan once again.

With this strength, who would he catch?

"Uncle Su, I'm going to unblock him. When the time comes, please leave his last breath and let me kill him." Lu Yuan handed the superpower suppressor to Su Feiguang's hand and said.

Although Su Feiguang didn't know why Lu Yuan wanted to kill Wang Defa himself, he still agreed to the request.

He gave Wang Defa a superpower suppressor.

Speaking of which, this is another bug in the God's Space. As long as Lu Yuan does not touch it, any object touched by others will not restore the flow of time.

That is to say.

If Lu Yuan wanted to, he could let Su Feiguang kill Wang Defa now.

But in order to obtain his superpowers, we can only unblock it first.

After putting on the ability suppressor.

Lu Yuan touched Wang Defa.

The next second.

Wang Defa continued his thoughts before being frozen, and was just about to compete with Lu Yuan in physical exertion.


He saw a familiar face...

"Su Feiguang!!"

Wang Defa didn't expect that Su Feiguang would appear here.

He looked at Lu Yuan and Su Ming behind Su Feiguang and immediately understood what was going on.

I just wanted to activate my ability and start attacking.

At this time, Wang Defa discovered...

He was actually put on a superpower suppressor without even knowing it! !

"Su Feiguang, it turns out you are the mastermind behind this!"

Wang Defa, who knew his fate, also stopped struggling.

If he faced Lu Yuan, he was not afraid that he would die.

But now he is facing Su Feiguang, who is at the same level as him...

He already knew that he was going to die today.

No begging for mercy, no fear.

Some just have infinite hatred for Su Feiguang and Lu Yuan! !

Su Feiguang didn't talk nonsense to him, and said expressionlessly: "Old friend, you have offended someone you shouldn't offend, so let me give you a ride."

The words fell.

Su Feiguang's entire body turned into a stream of light.

So fast.

Lu Yuan didn't see it clearly at all.

Wait until Su Feiguang's figure appears again.

Wang Defa's body was already covered with scars.

At this moment.

Su Feiguang gave the sword man in his hand to Lu Yuan: "I have pierced all the blood vessels in his body. If I don't kill him within five minutes, he will bleed to death."

"Okay, five minutes is enough for me to torture him."

Lu Yuan took Su Feiguang's sword, came to Wang Defa's side, and sneered: "I hold grudges very much, are you ready?"


Lu Yuan put away his sword and cut off Wang Defa's five fingers!

Fingers connected to the heart.

The pain of his broken finger made Wang Defa scream.

It's not over yet.

Lu Yuan swung his sword again and chopped off the fingers of Wang Defa's other hand.


He inserted the long sword into Wang Defa's crotch and twisted it left and right.

"Ahhh, kill me, you little brat, if you have the ability, just kill me!!"

The pain this time was beyond what ordinary people can accept.

Even Wang Defa really wanted to die at this moment...

What a pity, how could Lu Yuan let him go?

He did this to himself yesterday, even though he felt no pain.

But Lu Yuan has always wanted to take revenge.

Whatever he did to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan would pay back double the amount!

Completely ignoring Wang Defa's screams, Lu Yuan continued to rotate his crotch left and right!

The long sword turned into a meat grinder, mincing the body of () into fine pieces!

Seeing this scene, Su Feiguang and Su Ming couldn't help but swallow their saliva...

I don’t know why, when I saw this picture.

Both of them felt a chill in their crotches...

So much so that they didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that Lu Yuan would go crazy and stab them.

Probably more than a minute passed.

Seeing that Wang Defa was about to die, Lu Yuan stopped torturing him.

He raised the sword in his hand and chopped off Wang Defa's head!

So far.

The head of the Wang family, one of the ten major families in Huanhai City, was tragically killed by a junior named Lu Yuan!

[Congratulations on killing the Extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - energy absorption! 】

[Energy Absorption: Through physical contact, it can absorb all energy and invalidate the opponent's superpowers. It grows to a high level and can also be immune to superpower attacks with energy lower than its own. 】

[It was detected that the host killed a key figure for the first time, triggering specific conditions. 】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the god-level skill - Resurrection of the Dead. Please continue to work hard to unlock more skills. 】

[Resurrection of the dead: When you kill a target, you can choose whether to pay money to resurrect the target. Once you choose to resurrect, the deceased will be resurrected as a living dead. Outsiders cannot tell the clues, and the strength and It will be the same as before death, but it will not continue to upgrade. The injuries will be restored automatically. Unless you die, the resurrected dead will not die and will obey any of your instructions! 】

"Me Giao?"

Lu Yuan shouted in surprise in his heart.

He didn't expect it at all.

This time, after killing Wang Defa, he unexpectedly gained a magical skill.

The key is.

This magical skill is very suitable for this kind of predicament! !

Not only can you use this skill to turn Wang Defa into his living dead servant.

And after being resurrected, Wang Defa still has all the strength he had before his death!

Isn’t this just full level combat power? !

The thought of this.

Lu Yuan immediately turned his attention to Wang Defa's body, and a prompt box appeared.

[To resurrect the dead for this target, you need to pay 5 million yuan. The current deductible balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again...]


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