How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 84 Dark Gold Level Weapon, New Entry

"What's going on, Brother Lu?"

Su Mingna looked confused.

Lu Yuan went out for a trip and had to go directly to the hotel when he came back.

Originally this should be a very bad thing, but Lu Yuan had a smile on his face.

This was completely unpredictable to Su Ming.

Lu Yuan did not explain, but smiled and said, "Are you sure you want to know?"


Seeing Lu Yuan's evil smile, Su Ming quickly shook his head: "Don't say it, I don't want to know at all."

"Haha, it's a good thing to go."

Lu Yuan patted Su Ming's back and then walked towards the hotel.

Su Ming looked at Lu Yuan walking in front and couldn't help but shake his head and said with emotion: "He is such an unpredictable person."

The words fell.

Su Ming quickly followed.

The two returned to the hotel all the way.

Lu Yuan asked Su Ming to summon the other three people.

at this time.

In Lu Yuan's room.

Lu Yuan took out all the large number of soul beads that Chen Xian had plundered.

This picture shocked everyone!

"Damn it, Brother Lu, did you rob Baiwu City's small treasury?"

"Boss are too exaggerated. It is really too exaggerated..."

"Ahem, I just want to know, did you give these to us, Army Corps???"


After listening to everyone's questions, Lu Yuan just smiled lightly and said, "These things were donated to me by kind people. I don't have any personal use for them, so I gave them to you."


Lu Yuan took out the weapons and ammunition he bought for the monkeys from the God's Space and said: "I have already fed food into your mouths. If your performance is still very poor, then I am serious no solution anymore."

"Brother Lu, don't worry, we will definitely not let you down."

Su Ming happily began to distribute the soul beads, and said something solemnly while doing so.

The other three people also expressed their opinions one after another.

One by one, they patted their chests and promised that Lu Yuan's good intentions would not be in vain.

See this.

Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, he didn't take out everything and distribute it. He kept the two-color and three-color blue jade soul beads, and gave Su Ming and the others things that Lu Yuan had no use for.


After everyone got the soul beads, they went back to their rooms to absorb them.

Lu Yuan also took this opportunity to improve his strength again.


Lu Yuan took out his own weapon - Daxia.

A good weapon that greatly enhances combat.

When he uses omnipotent enhancement to improve his thief's power, what Lu Yuan has to do is to improve this non-own combat power.

[Tang Hengdao (low-grade mithril), strengthening requirements: 20 million yuan. 】

[Does it cost money to strengthen it? 】

"Let's do it!"

Lu Yuan's current money is about 160 million.

According to his speculation, the weapon can be upgraded to dark gold level.

The first enhancement cost 20 million and did not produce an entry.

The second enhancement cost 40 million, but there was still no entry.

The third enhancement cost 60 million...

This time, there is finally another entry!

[Congratulations on your successful strengthening, you have obtained Tang Hengdao (dark gold low-grade), and obtained an additional entry - Destroyer. 】

[Destroyer: Weapons with this entry can easily destroy weapons and armor that are lower than their own quality, and will also destroy weapons that are higher than their own quality as the number of attacks increases. 】


Lu Yuan looked at the effect of this entry and smiled with satisfaction.

Don't look at it as if it seems useless.

But in fact.

People in big cities all have super armor.

It is difficult for ordinary weapons to directly harm the physical body.

But with this entry, you can kill the target easily.

When dealing with weapons of higher quality than one's own, as the weapons collide more times, the opponent's weapons will also cause damage. In contrast, Daxia, who has a weapon that never wears out, will not suffer any damage at all.

After doing this again and again, Lu Yuan's Daxia can be regarded as an artifact!

The next enhancement will cost 80 million, and Lu Yuan has no money for the time being.

After finishing the weapons.

Lu Yuan released the Devouring Sky again and strengthened it again.

The current level of Devouring Heaven is level 22. Upgrading to level 23 requires 16 million, and upgrading to level 24 requires 18 million...

Lu Yuan calculated the money in his pocket and found that it was almost enough to raise Devouring Heaven to the fifth level of Starlight.

Wait until the upgrade is completed.

Lu Yuan went from being a billionaire to having only 6 million left. Looking at his "shrunken" wallet, Lu Yuan once again sighed: "The money is really not enough..."

After dealing with these things, Lu Yuan also began to absorb the soul beads.

The second and third color blue jade soul beads are still a great supplement to him.

Over the next two days.

Lu Yuan, Su Ming and others are all working hard to improve their strength.

After absorbing all the soul beads, the paper strength of Lu Yuan's team is no longer weaker than a team from a third-level force...

Captain Lu Yuan: The level has reached the sixth level of Starlight, and the combat effectiveness is unknown.

Team pet Devouring Heaven: Waiting for the fifth level of Starlight, the combat power is comparable to the ninth level of Starlight.

Vice-captain Su Ming: The level has reached the fourth level of Starlight.

Team members Yu You and Monkey: The level has reached the second level of Starlight.

Therapist Lu Yun: The level has reached the first level of Starlight.

Because it was a highly anticipated game, Lu Yuan did not intend to show too many special abilities.

Preliminary estimate, when there is an audience.

Lu Yuan planned to use two to three abilities.

Among them, Devouring Heaven is the most powerful means of a single entity, so it naturally needs to be used.

So for the second ability, Lu Yuan plans to use the power of thunder that he is most familiar with. This ability is not only fast, but also very destructive. It is also very useful in combat.

The third ability was used as a last resort, and Lu Yuan tentatively decided it was energy absorption.

This ability is a good choice whether it is offensive or defensive.


This is Lu Yuan's self-restriction when there are people around because he doesn't want to be noticed.

If you are in a place with no people...

Lu Yuan would not be merciful.

Registration day.

After Lu Yuan and others discussed the battle plan, they left the hotel and went to Baiwu Square, the registration office for the competition.

when they came here.

The vast Baiwu Square was already overcrowded.

More than 500 contestants from hundreds of cities have registered and gathered here.

Lu Yuan and others were led by the staff to a window.

The staff of Baiwu City checked the IDs of Lu Yuan and others and asked, "We have successfully registered you here, but you still need a team name. Have you already thought of a team name?"

"Do you need a team name?"

Lu Yuan's mind turned quickly and he said casually: "Let's just call the people downstairs full of idiots."


As soon as these words came out.

The staff was silent, and Su Ming and others were also silent...

It's not hard to imagine.

If you use this team name, when other teams are ranked below your own team...

How much public outrage will that cause?

To confirm that Lu Yuan was not joking, the staff asked again: "Sir, are you sure you want to choose this name?"

"Yes, that's it."

Hearing Lu Yuan's confirmation again.

The staff can only register this name.

And silently wished Lu Yuan and others good luck...


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