Registration information completed successfully.


The staff sent several competition rules to Lu Yuan and others.

The entire superpower competition is divided into two stages.

The first stage is the big waves washing away the sand.

All participating teams will go to another place outside Baiwu City for a wild hunting battle, which will last for three days. The top 128 teams with the most loot will advance to the second stage.

The second stage is the superpower competition.

Teams that have entered this stage will draw lots to draw dueling teams. The competition will be conducted in a one-on-one format. With a best-of-five-game system, players can continue to compete until they are eliminated. The first team to win three games will be deemed as the winner. Successfully advance until the final champion is determined.

It can be said.

This rule is very similar to the rules of the previous competition in Fantasy Sea City.

The only difference is that the opponents are different.

Then the survival competition was brought forward.

After Lu Yuan understood the rules, he laughed confidently in his heart: "Champion, magical skills, here I come!"

The official start time of the game is ten o'clock in the morning.

at this time.

There is still some preparation time.

After Lu Yuan finished reporting his name, his eyes searched around.

Su Ming saw that Lu Yuan seemed to be looking for something, and smiled knowingly: "Brother Lu, are you looking for the opening price?"

"Hey, it's true, did you see it?"

Lu Yuan said without denying it.

Follow his ideas.

For such a big game, there must be a lot of openers.

Even the organizer of White Mist City will not miss this opportunity to make big money.

Lu Yuan's idea is simple.

That is to bet all your money on your own team.

As a first-level team, their odds should be very good.

In this way, you can transfer a lot of money at will in the end.

But Lu Yuan searched for a long time and didn't see anyone opening the market.

This made him very confused.

Su Ming heard Lu Yuan's words and explained: "This city's technology is relatively advanced, so we don't use such traditional methods."


Su Ming took out his phone and opened a page.

There are basic information about all teams and a floating odds on it.

"Is this an app?"

Lu Yuan said a little surprised.

This kind of app technology was not uncommon in previous lives, so Lu Yuan was naturally familiar with it.

But in this world...

This was really the first time he saw it.

Su Ming was a little surprised that Lu Yuan knew about it. He had asked a waiter about it when he went out last night.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan seemed to be familiar with this.

Seeing this, Su Ming didn't need to explain, and said directly: "People in big cities use this to bet. As long as you bind the federal digital card, you can directly transfer money to place bets."


Su Ming once again explained to Lu Yuan what a federal digital card was.

"This city is really advanced."

After listening.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh, and then gave the remaining six million to Su Ming and asked Su Ming to save it for him.

Su Ming's previous identity was not simple. Once when he was visiting a third-level city, he opened a federal digital card that could be accessed in real time...

This kind of bank card is not the kind you see in untouchable areas where you have to go to an ATM to withdraw money.

But just like space accessories, you can automatically deposit and withdraw money into it.

And during this process, changes in the amount inside will be reported to the Federal Central Bank in real time.

It can be said to be an extremely convenient thing.

This method is beyond Lu Yuan's knowledge...

But he also understands that there are even superpowers in this world.

So this kind of thing is not too strange, right?


Su Ming deposited Lu Yuan's money into the digital card.

The number on the card instantly changed from 20 million to 26 million.


Su Ming searched on his mobile phone and found the location of his team.

[Downstairs is a team of big idiots, from the first-level city Huanhai City. The current odds of advancing to the top 128 are 1:30, with a maximum bet of 100 million, and the odds of winning the championship are 1:100, with a maximum bet of 100 million. 】


After seeing the odds, Lu Yuan swallowed excitedly.

He didn't expect it at all.

The odds of my own team are so terrifying!

Take the top 128 for example.

Invest 10 million, and if you really do it, you can lose a full 300 million! !

If you vote for the champion, you can get 1 billion for 10 million! ! !

These odds are quite normal to be honest.

Because Lu Yuan and others are a team from a first-level force.

Who would believe that such a team can be ranked among the top 128?

Who would believe that this team will win the championship? ?

The answer is of course no one believes it!

If no one believes it, no one will invest money.

If no one invests money, we can only use high odds to attract people to send money!

This is a common tactic in casinos.

It's just that such a high odds just made Lu Yuan happy.

He and Su Ming looked at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking.

Immediately without hesitation.

Su Ming bet all his money on his team to win the championship!

See notification of successful bet.

Lu Yuan and Su Ming looked at each other and smiled, both of them understanding each other tacitly.

By the time the game is over, the organizer will probably cry to death, right?

If I didn't think about winning too much, I wouldn't be able to leave White Mist City.

Lu Yuan will definitely cash out all the space accessories and captured weapons and equipment in the God's Space, and then make crazy bets on his team.

But in that case, it will attract the attention of Baiwu City.

This is something Lu Yuan doesn't want to see.

Be a human being.

Be greedy when you should be greedy, and not be greedy when you should not be greedy.

Lu Yuan had a good grasp of this scale.

Not long after placing the bet.

The old man who appeared outside the door last time is here again.

He stood on a three-story house, glanced at every participating team present, and then said: "I think you should understand the rules almost. The location of the first stage of the big wave has been decided. Let's follow. Please look here."

The old man just finished speaking.

In front of him, a holographic projection appeared.

This kind of technology is not even expected to be seen in Huanhai City, even some third-level cities do not have it.

But everyone's attention right now is not at all about surprise.

Their attention was focused on the projected picture.

It was a rough map with the level and activity range of the soul beasts marked on it.

The old man asked everyone to look at the map and said: "This is the Sunset Valley outside Baiwu City. The soul beasts that live there are between the fifth and ninth levels of Starlight. You will be randomly teleported to a place in this valley later. , three days later, the points will be assessed based on the heads of the soul beasts killed. The specific points are based on the list on the projection. I won’t go into details. Do you have any questions?"

No one spoke, and it was obvious that there was no problem.

Seeing this, the old man announced impassionedly: "Then I'll give you ten minutes to prepare. When ten minutes are up, the 30th Superpower Competition will officially begin!"


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