I was walking towards the Quidditch pitch with the Nimbus 1500 in my hand. My heartbeat had sped up. I was feeling the familiar rush of Adrenaline.

This wasn't skydiving. Neither was it was simply gliding.

This was..... Flying.

J.K. wouldn't know the significance it had for the thrill seekers like me. I had wondered, many times, how it must feel to actually fly.

Did you know that a typical skydive lasts for only 5 to 6 minutes. The freefall only lasts for about 50 seconds. And yet, so many people spend a lot of money on it.

And here, I can experience that and more multiple times for free.

I could already see Harry zooming around like a pro.

"Hey Jilly, protect me if I'm about to crash.. don't let me get hurt." I called before I mounted the broom and kicked off without a second thought.

I knew the basics. I inclined the broom at about 45 degrees and bend forward (a little more than recommended for a first timer) . And the next thing I know is that I'm rushing

up into the sky with an incredible speed. There were no obstacles around me so I tried maneuvering the right and left to get used to this. I don't know if what was written in the books was all there was to flying a broomstick.

Once got a feel of all basics, I bent forward full on and pulled my broom up, going higher.



*After a few hours*

"It was so much fun! Why do I have to come back here?" said Harry.

We were back in front of at Private drive.

And Harry was still jumping around for having found his favorite hobby. The house elves had told him that his dad also used to fly a lot, so that had sealed the deal.

We'd even chased each other around the mansion.

"I already told you. You would be reported missing. And some people from the magical world would also be worried." I explained patiently. He was after all a kid. Though he's much better than most 6 year olds.

" Just follow the plan and open the door when all of them are asleep, Then I'll make it so that they treat you even better than Dudley." I told him.

"Alright" he said hesitantly. He still couldn't believe I could do that. But he quickly brightened up "Thanks Chris, the last two days were the best days in my life." he said a broad and happy smile.

I laughed at that "Oh Harry, just you wait until tomorrow. Your days are only gonna get better." I while patting his head while he tried to dodge away.

With that, I returned back to the orphanage. After all I needed some guinea pigs to perfect the spell before tonight's action.


The Next morning,

(Harry's POV:)

I woke up to the sound of someone gently knocking on my cupboard door.

I was immediately wide awake wondering who could be doing that. The Dursleys were never the ones for knocking. They only knew banging and shrieking.

And then I heard a sobbing sound.

" Harry, please open the door! Harry? Harry!"

I Immediately open the door to see Aunt Petunia crying while bent down. She immediately hugged me and started crying.

"Oh harry, I.. *sob* I'm s..so soorrry. I'm so sorry I did all that to you." She started sobbing while hugging me.

I was very much taken by surprise.

I... I had never been hugged before.

This was the first I remember being hugged by someone.

This feeling....this warmth.

I think I can still remember this vaguely. From a long long ago.

My eyes had started to tear up. My hands, as if moving on their own, started to close around my aunt, whom I hated just a few moments before. But right now, all I wanted was to feel get more of this feeling. This warmth. I need to thoroughly remember it.

Then I remembered something .....("oh Harry, wait untill tomorrow. Your days are only going to get better.")

'Thankyou so much Chris'

'I wonder if the God sent him to help me'

I thought to myself while hugging aunt Petunia.



While I was brush my teeth, while thinking

some nonsense like-

' *ding* '

'Congratulations. You have reached 100% loyalty with your lackey - Harry potter.'

I chuckled thinking about that.

'They must have woken up by now...

I wonder if overdid it a bit' I thought as I remembering last night.

I had snuck in and casted confundus charm on all three of them. And then I just made them see reason. Petunia already must have had some degree of affection for Harry due to Lily since when I implanted suggestions that-she is very sorry for treating Harry like that and she should love Harry as he is the last memory of her only sister, she readily agreed.

As for Vernon, that guy is sick. He simply wasn't buying that he loved the boy. I mean, sure he repeated the words in the confounded state, but even in the confused state, he was making a face like he'd swallowed a bug.

I simply casted a more powerful confundus charm on him and told him repeatedly that he should treat Harry as his own son . And : he doesn't want to bully a child anymore. I would simply cast it again if it were ever started wearing off.

'I would have to check how it all worked out. Otherwise I'll make some improvements on what suggestions that I'm implanting in them.'

For Dudley, I simply ordered him that he's very afraid of me so he better lay off Harry and also not let anyone else bully Harry.

'Sigh, with this done I just need to work on the matron and my school teacher.

Then I can learn and practice magic in peace.'

For now, I'll just keep renewing the spell while doing research on it. With the use of trigger, this spell has a lot of potential if manage to tweak it a little bit. There would be a permanent solution soon enough.

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