I was currently sitting in the potter library while reading some occlumency books.

Well, I thought I have to start somewhere, so why not occlumency.

There are many advantages to this. First and foremost I need it in case anyone decided to take a peak inside my mind.

Then there's the fact that I would need to remember the knowledge from my previous life better. Otherwise I might forget about something important.

And then, of course, to see if I can boost my mind through it.

There are some other uses, like keeping my emotions under control.

While I was reading a book called 'the basics of mind magic', Harry was still asking the house elves about his his parents.

I had just explained to him the basics about his parents. The things that all other magical people should know.


As we entered and looked around the mansion, I answered the question he had asked the house elves.

I said " You know, it's good that you asked Harry. Today, before coming here, I went to meet the grandma witch. I asked the her about your parents and why you are famous."

"What did she say?"

"Well, She said that there was a was... a war in the magical world. There was an evil villain. He was called something like- you- know-who. He used to kill good people. And whenever he came after you and your family, your parents died protecting you and he somehow couldn't kill you and got killed instead."

We walked in silence while I let him digest that information.

Then I spoke again " Your parents must have loved you very much Harry. They gave their life protecting you. Don't believe whatever the jailers told you."

*flashback end*

So, it went something like that. And now, he's hounding the house elves. Trying to know every little detail about them. To confirm that they loved him. To confirm that they weren't some drunks who died in a car accident.

'looks like it'll take time for all of it to sink in, huh.'

Sighing, I just went back to reading the occlumency book.

(If you want me explain the theory and process of how he learnt occlumency, then you haven't read enough HP fanfics. I mean almost everyone of them has it. It would be boring and a waste to go through that again and I don't think I'd be able to bring anything interesting and new.)


After I'd read enough of occlumency to get started for tonight, (like clearing my mind and stuff), I started to search for the fifth year Hogwarts charms books. I wanted to find a specific charm that could help me a lot in my current situation.

I found the fifth year charms book. It had Lily Evans written on it. I flipped through it.

'Here it is. the confundus charm'.

I started reading.

"The confundus charm is a charm used to induce confusion and misdirection into the target. The spell can used to confuse anything that has a king of it's own, be it animate or inanimate.

There were varying degrees of confusion that could be caused by thespell, ranging from becoming unaware of the current situation, forgetting important information, or becoming particularly impressionable."

The incantation was 'Confundo' and the wand movement was something like a question mark.

This is probably the most useful spell for me right now. With this, I can confound the matron into believing something like - I need to study a lot. So she shouldn't have me do chores nor should she ever come to disturb me.

She should just leave my food on my door. This instruction is so that she doesn't worry about me not coming down to eat food when I would be staying at Potter manor. I'd have Jilly (my new house elf) empty the plate of food so that she thinks that I've eaten.

I can also confound my teacher to mark my attendance daily.

So...with this nifty little spell, I can free up the schedule of the whole day.

I stretched a bit. Harry had long since gone to check out his new broom.

I started to practice the spell while reading the details and tips written in the book.

'It seems that both Lily and Snape had the same habbit of writing notes in the free spaces if the book. Well, it's to my benefit.'

After some time, I was done with the spell. I'd just perfect it by casting it on the orphanage children. It's not harmful anyways.

I took out my broom and went out to join Harry. When Harry asked me to come fly with him earlier, I was also tempted. In fact, I wanted to experience it more than Harry. because I have always had a thing for excitement and I was always an adrenaline junkie.

But, in this I life, I have to learn to exercise control. Here, I don't have any parents to fall back on. And I simply don't have the heart to waste so many advantages that I have. So I made sure I completed my target for today before going.

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