HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 9: I got a house elf

"That's.....big." I muttered as I stared ahead.

" It is" Harry agreed. Staring in front in awe.

We were standing in front of a pair of large gates. Beyond them was a large expanse of grounds. From here, I could see trees, gardens, and a clearing with three hoops on each side. Beyond that, lay a huge Manor which I could see beyond the trees.

"Go on Harry. Try and open the gates." I told him while simultaneously closing his gaping mouth with my hand.

He slapped my hand away lightly.

"Wait till you see Hogwarts". I said while smirking.

He went ahead put his hand on the gate tentatively. Then he jerked a bit. Must be the wards.

While the gates started to open in the usually creepy way, there was a pop sound that startled both of us.

My hand to my wand but stopped Midway when I saw who it was.

"Master potter be back! master be back!

Silly be so happy! Jilly! Nilly! master be back!

Master be back!"

Two more pops and two more elves were dancing around Harry.

It looked rather funny.

"Harry, don't be scared from them. They're called house elves. They're friendly. Tell them that I'm your friend and they need to follow my orders as well. Otherwise, they'll most likely only focus only on you."

Harry was already scared silly by 'Silly' the house elf. I'd forgot to tell him about the house elves.

After Harry calmed down, I asked him tell the house elves to answer my questions truthfully.

"Hello, I'm Chris, Harry's best friend. We're like brothers . Now answer some of my questions. What were your last orders?" I asked. I felt the need to show them that I was close to Harry. So that they listen to my words willingly.

'What the hell? Why are they crying?'

They all started crying at that question. They told me about it while crying.

It seems they were tasked with taking care of both Gordric's hollow and the mansion. And during the attack, they were at the manor.

I had already told Harry that the grandma told me that his parents weren't killed in car accident but they died in war. So, he wasn't surprised. Though he was still quite sad about that.

I asked them if they can apparate through wards like, to other people's Manor. They said that they can but other house elves can detect them.


the million-dollar question -

can they apparate a human alongside them through wards?

And I was intrigued by their answer.

they said they can't.

But, I clearly remember Dobby doing this in the seventh book.

I asked them why they can't. They simply said they can't.

Then, I asked them if house elf can survive without a master.

They said they can't last for more than 20 days. And they'd be very weak without being bound.

I asked them then how did they survive without a master after their previous master's death.

They said that they bounded to the mansion. They said that they can't leave the mansion grounds. If they do, they would be very weak and won't survive more than 10 days. they also can't do much magic at that time.

'hmm... it seems like Dobby really was special. The only free elf.

...Or was he?

He was powerful enough to bring so many people out of the Malfoy manor wards without being bonded.

Even if he was might already have had access to the wards due to working there previously, that still doesn't explain how he was able to come and go to Harry without problems? I'll find out the answer one day. But I'm relieved that no other elf can do it.

Though it does make sense. If he wasn't an exceptional case, then, what would be the point of having so many wards if any house elf can pop right onto your bed while you're sleeping, (like Dobby popped inside Hogwarts's powerful wards), and stab you through your eye.

"Alright, so what's the difference between being bonded to a wizard and being bonded to the manor.?" I asked.

"Wizards be providing more and better food than the manor." Silly replied. She seems their spokesperson.

"Okkaaay.... Hmm, how many of you can bond with Harry?" as soon as I said that they seemed excited but quickly turned sad as if they realized something.

"Master Harry Potter still be a child. Master Harry Potter be only able to bond with one."


I faked cough, kept a straight face and shameless said, "Alright then, one of you can bond with Harry and one of you can bond with me. The remaining one should wait until we're older."

I said glancing at Harry. Who's still trying to make sense of the situation. He was also listening when I was asking them questions.

"Did you know my parents? who were they? how were they like? Can you please tell me?"

he Looked very hopeful while asking this from the elves..

In the debt I owed him, I also added a house elf.

What? He can't bond with it anyway. I-I just don't like to waste resources...

That day, Jilly the house elf became bonded to me.

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