HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 118: Mission Passed Respect -

Flitwick had praised Chris excessively in front of all the students that even Chris was surprised.

'Oh, Professor, you're making me embarrassed.' Thought Chris in his mind and tried to put up a serious expression outwardly to even though inwardly, he'd been laughing his evil laughter for finally beginning his first step to becoming a lord.

From the beginning, he'd built a good rapport with all the teachers. He knew it'd all come handy one day, though never this soon.

Thus, even Snape, after targeting Chris for a few times, gave up and started finding Chris tolerable. Why? Because for obvious reasons, Chris knows the bullies the best. So he played the role of the student whom the bullies would want to target the least.

"Thank you, Professor, for your kind words." said Chris as once again faced the crowd. Now it was time for speech. Chris put up a serious expression.

"I'm going to announce the Manager and Teacher's positions in a few days. I will not bias my decision based on Houses, so those who want to apply for the teacher's or Manager's position, please contact me."

He then put up a positive expression. "Let's not bring any house rivalry in this club and make it a place where we can all unite, learn, and have fun together."

"To make sure that the students don't get bored with their studies, the club will also organize various activities and events after gaining the teachers approval! And to promote healthy competition and motivation to improve, the club will also organize various competitions and games with different prizes for the winners!" Said Chris making everyone very excited for the club especially the competitions and activities. There was a severe lack of those in this school. Chris has always had an opportunistic mindset and when he realized the potential of this club, he just couldn't let this idea go from his mind. This club is a guaranteed success and being its President is having more influence over the students than even the Professors. But Chris won't let them get jealous of this. Just look at his next words.

Chris, "The name of the of the club will be: The Hogwarts Home Club or HHC." Putting his hand on his heart and pausing for a few seconds for to create the atmosphere,he said, "I was an orphan untill a few months ago and I feel like... Hogwarts is a like a home to me. And I know, that a majority of the students think the same. Thus I couldn't see the standards of our home going so low that the students can't learn anything in an entire subject. And that's the reason why I decided to open this club! To help those students who wanted to learn magic but couldn't... to help those new students who think that Hogwarts is a place where education is taken as a joke and even a fraud can get a job... to help those students, who think that the standards of Hogwarts' magical education are slowly going down... to help those OWLs and NEWTS students whose future is getting harmed because of one subject... And...to help those students who can't catch up with other students and think they're not talented. I want, every single one of these people to also feel the same happiness and excitement that I feel while living and studying at Hogwarts to feel at home at this place! So... my fellow students, lets make our home an even better and exciting place together." he said, spreading his hands apart.

The applause that the students gave him back for his speech for so overwhelmingly enthusiastic and loud that it would get your blood pumping and your ears ringing. Indeed Chris Martin should definitely go into politics.


*Chris PoV*

After that overwhelming applause, I decided to step down after a single thankyou which even I couldn't hear due to the excessive loudness of the crowd. As I made towards my Nyxie, the crowd parted to make way for me as many people patted my back while throwing out compliments.

When Flitwick had first announced me as the President, even though many were happy with it, there were many people who weren't that much enthusiastic about it, some were skeptical about me leading the club, and some were just plain jealous and wanted to be the President themselves.

But just look at them after my speech. It's as if I casted some kind of magic on them.

I had started mastering the magic of words long. before I came to this world. Words do have magic. You just have to put the right ones together at right timing, and Boom! See the magic.

The first part of my speech made them realize the power I had over them since I was going to be the one deciding who would be the managers and teachers.

The next part of my speech was targeted for those who were not too enthusiastic after realizing that it would just be a study group. The games, events, and competitions AND the prizes for the competitions were mentioned so that they can't help but be interested. I have found out that almost all witches and wizards are either Chuunibyous or attention seekers. That's the reason why everyone applies for Quidditch, even if they don't particularly like the sport and that's why everyone was crazy about the Tri-wizard tournament. So when they heard about other games, events, and competitions, they got excited. This part also made them realize that I knew what I was doing as I planned such events and I obviously do it better than them.

The last part made them realize that I they don't need be jealous of me and I was a very good person who's not going to use this position for his personal gains. The home thing I said was a master's stroke. I don't know why, but my research has led me to discover that more than 80% of the students have a strong attachment and sense of belonging with it. So much so that they even consciously or subconsciously think of it as their home! Thus, when they see this guy whose feelings and thinking matches so much with theirs, my words will become more credible to them and they'll believe my words more easily. And when they hear my next words and they realize that guy has such a noble and selfless goal — Doing all this to improve his home and help students! Thus, they'll think no one is better suited to be the President than me.


*General PoV:

Chris's duel and speech had made it completely worth it for students to come and check out this 'dueling Club'.

After Chris had defeated Lockhart, Harry cleared his throat as looked at Hermione. "Ahem, Hermione, do you still believe that Lockhart is not a fraud and he did all those things he wrote in his books?" Asked Harry, trying to confirm whether Hermione was really retarded or not.


Hermione's mind was a complicated mess right now. She had been trying to deny it for all this time, but now it couldn't have been been any clearer. Lockhart IS a fraud! Chris had gone out of his way to show everyone that. He even had time to smirk at her in the middle of his duel when when Lockhart's spells were totally ineffective and while she was getting the biggest shock of her life.

And even after brutally beating Lockhart, no one seems to be criticising him at all! Not even Professor Flitwick! The teachers have instead given him the club president position. That much acknowledgement is like the ultimate wet dream for someone like Hermione.

She had been trying so hard to follow the rules and everything the teachers instructs, but Chris hadn't even done his homework on his own! And yet, here he is, being the teacher's favorite while Hermione is left far behind. She can't even do most of what he did in the duel just now!

Hermione Granger had to admit it now. She had been wrong and Chris was right. All her beliefs are crumpling down, and right now, she definitely can't handle Harry's teasing on top of that. Hermione rushed out of the hall to get some time alone to think things through.

"Hey where are you going?!" Harry tried so stop her as he called out to her, but she already gone. "Why would she suddenly leave like that?" asked Harry to no one in particular as he ran his hand through his hair.

Neville, who was never the one to interfere in the banter of these two, shrugged, "Uh... maybe she forgot something?" This was still a Remembrall Neville.


Harry looked to the heaven wondering if there was a problem with his present company. Because if he starts feeling that Chris is the most normal one among his friends, then either his friends, or he himself have some serious issues. Because normal isn't a word that can generally be associated with Chris.


Tracy was applauding cheerfully for Chris along others after Chris's speech.

"Truly, a pity he didn't lose." muttered Daphne thinking that she could have definitely gotten Nyxie from that squib Lockhart if Chris had lost.

Tracy raised her eyebrows, "If you really wanted him to loose, then why are you smiling right now?"

Daphne frowned. "I don't smile." she checked her face, and sure enough, her lips were definitely curving up a little unconsciously. She stopped smiling. She guessed that she just didn't want Nyxie to stay with Lockhart even for a second. And,

"I guess it's because it was quite an entertaining night." She murmured.

"Entertaining enough to break that cold mask on your face, huh?" asked Tracy while elbowing her.

Daphne's smile vanished as her expression became cold again, "I told you, I'm not like this by choice."

"...Hey, I'm sorry, Daph! I was only joking. Don't take it seriously." Tracy grabbed Daphne's hand as felt guilty was unknowingly vanishing the very rare smile on her friend's face.


As Chris reached Hannah and Susan, Nyxie flew directly into his arms as he patted her affectionately, "You don't need to worry, Nyxie. Daddy's super strong." he reassured her. Seeing Chris fight always gets her worried.

Looking back up, he saw Susan looking at him with sparkling eyes. "Can you teach me how to do all that as well?!"

"...." Well, this dueling fanatic would obviously focus more on the duel rather than him just being declared the President of Hogwarts's one and only club. (Upto now, the only club he's heard about is the headless hunt and that's made of ghosts.)

"We'll see." he replied, while the rest of his friends came to surround him.

"Congrats, mate!"

"Why didn't you tell us anything about this?!"

"Yeah, but the duel was great!"

"Lockhart finally got what he deserved!"

Behind them, his saw all my acquaintances as well. 'Well it's going to be a long day.' he thought as he shook his head.


While Chris was busy dealing with his friends, he didn't know that he had just made someone else's work a lot easier. Yes, the one other person who benefited from this was:

The Diary Riddle.

After witnessing Chris's smashing performance at the duel as well him becoming the President of this interesting sounding club, Micheal Corner was beyond angry and jealous. He had finally gotten more attention as the fake Heir than Chris, but the attention seeker had to ruin it all. Right now, who the hell f*cking cares about the Chamber and Heir?

All of this made it very easy for the diary Tom to take over Micheal Corner. And, it is now a certainty that Riddle can take over him much faster than usual.


The next two days had been the worst days for Gilderoy Lockhart. The photos of his duel had been sent to the daily Prophet, witch weekly and all other publishing companies. Hogwarts was now a hot piece of meat for the these newspapers and magazines. Even though the Ministry had banned them from posting anything about the Heir or the Chamber of the Secrets, no one gave a shit if they targeted one of the most famous celebrities of Britain, Gilderoy Lockhart.

And thus, reporter were asking permission to enter and take interviews of the students to get the full story about what had happened. And them being reporters, even without permission, they got their hand pretty much everything about from Lockhart, the punch, the photos of the punch, the duel, and the club... everything was written in the newspapers and magazines in the following days.

The article of Daily Prophet was like this:

"Gilderoy Lockhart: Fraud and Incompetent?!" (Date: xx/xx/xxxx)

—by Andy Smudgley

(Below this were the moving moving photos of Lockhart crying and running away when I'd punched him and the moving photo of me receiving applause as I stood with my wand help aloft while Lockhart laid in a sorry state.)

It went like this: Gilderoy Lockhart, the famous Adventurer and best seller Author has been found to be very contradictory to we all have believed him to be until now after his Secrets got revealed.

It was revealed that Gilderoy Lockhart, on his very first day and first class of teaching, got punched in the face by a second year student, Chris Martin, the son of world champion french duelist, Durant Martin.

"That git was asking for it!" says Terry Boots, also a second year who was present at the time. "Lockhart first insulted Chris, then he insulted his dad. And then was trying to forcefully take Chris's pet! Chris did what anyone else would want to do to such a person, he punched Lockhart in face so hard that his teeth got knocked out!"

The photo you can see printed is of Gilderoy Lockhart, crying and running to the hospital wing like a child. Truly, no one can tell he's the same person who's supposedly gotten injured multiple times while fighting Werewolves, vampires, and dark creatures.

But the matter didn't end here. Gilderoy Lockhart, in hopes of seeking revenge on a child, challenged Chris Martin the son of a world Champion duelist to an Honor Duel on Saturday evening at the first day of the Dueling Club. And the results were quite shocking!

'He's can't even perform the basic charms and hexes! They were completely ineffective. He got totally trounced by Chris!" Says Pierce Spencer, a seventh year Ravenclaw.

On further, research we've found that the statement is indeed the truth. According to our sources, Gilderoy Lockhart miserably lost the duel against the Chris Martin. Apparently, his spells were so weak that they couldn't even affect Chris. And he didn't anticipate that Mr. Martin (2nd year) would turn out to be a gifted student able to perform upto fifth year spells, who inherited his father's talent in dueling as well.

Is a person like this qualified enough to keep an Order Of Merlin Third class and be a member of Defense Association?

(For more about Lockhart's fraudulent ways, go to page xx article X.)

Another article was like this: 1001 factual, methodical, and logical Found in Lockhart's books. (Expert's analysis)

Another was: Lockhart can only use Memory Charm?

The Famous Adventurer XXXX XXXXX hypothesis: Lockhart stole other people's works.


The last one was actually incited by Chris himself, when he found that the idiot wizards were still not making the connections. In the end, when the matter was still hot, he decided to just make up the complete hypothesis with proof and sent it to an Adventurer who did have some accomplishments but not as famous as Lockhart. He had overestimated media of the wizarding world, so he had to spell it all to everyone before the matter dies down.

And it worked like a charm! The article with all the proof was published, and the Adventurer, like Lockhart, took all the credit, which was what Chris wanted. Chris doesn't want to show that he cares even one bit about the matter. He wanted to show that it was all a small matter for him.

But whatever. With this, Chris can finally say, Mission Accomplished.

But one negative thing that happened due to all these events was that, the fake heir had been turning green with envy! Here he was, Petrifying students and staff with the fearsome Slytherin's monster, but guess who gets to be in the newspaper... Chris Martin!

This can't go on. He'll going to do so many attacks that no one would even want to step out of their rooms due to the fear of him!

While the fake Heir Michael Corner was writing all this, the fake Heir was feeling more and more powerful and in control.

"Soon." he thought as he read everything this foolish boy was writing. He'd like to personally thank this supposed genius, Chris Martin, for helping in making his revival so much faster than he had anticipated.


A.N.: I don't think I'm dying just yet. The fever went down. I think I'll live.

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