HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 119: The Patronus

A.N.: Has anyone wondered why MC never mentioned his Patronus before? You'll know why today.


For the next few days, I was busy dealing with all the people lining up for positions in the new Club.

But... a lot suddenly happened in just one day after these peaceful yet hectic days.

The fake Heir had gone on a mad spree and Petrified two students in one day!

One was Collin Creevy and the other was a fourth year Ravenclaw who had once made fun of Micheal last year.

'Man, I'd warned both of them multiple times to not wander around! But they didn't follow my words in the end.' I thought as I shook head.

I've always been telling muggleborns to stay in Lockdown and wear masks if they go out. The Heir won't recognize if you're a muggleborn or not if you're wearing masks. But well, the fact that you're wearing a mask is a dead giveaway that you're sus, so that's one's out I guess, I only said it as a pun.

Now it was officially pandemonium in the school. The students were ascorted everywhere in groups, with teacher's supervision, and the start of my club had been delayed temporarily due to this situation. Really man, what the f*ck is wrong? I thought I had time.

Tom should have atleast given me until the end of the year before he started this whole drama!

'Whatever. I'll just have to rush my plans a bit.' I thought as I went to the room of requirements the same night.

But before that, I need to do something else. Tonight, I'll try experimenting on the Patronus Charm. I have some urgent use of it.

I haven't done much research on it before because I thought I wouldn't need it until the fifth year. Dumbledore, Voldemort and the Basilisks are not Dementors, are they?

Um...Alright, let me be honest: It was one of the first spells I tried researching! Even if it's useless until third year! Because... well, I'm a geek who had once in muggle childhood loved the spell. It was kinda my favourite.... Expecto Patronun! It somehow always tickled my Chuunibyou heart when I was a kid in my previous life.

And... I also wanted to know what my Patronus would be. How exciting is that?! These are the reasons it was one of the first spells I tried experimenting on with my unique magic casting.

I wasn't directly expecting a magical creature, like Dumbledore's Phoenix (I totally was) but I was atleast hoping for a cool animal which suits my nature. Like, maybe a snake or some maybe something from the big cats like a tiger, leopard, cheetah. At that time, I didn't have even have any enmity with wolves. (Though for some reason, I really hate wolves now.)

But... my Patronus turned out to be a total embarrassment. So much so that I just didn't cast it ever again, let alone experiment with it and combine it with my unique magic casting.

I still remember the day as if it was just yesterday —After a lot of tries most of which failed due to my low magic power at the time, I'd finally managed to make a Corporeal Patronus! And as it started to come out of my wand, I thought it was Snake, which would have been alright, but...it turned out to be—











A Leech!


... It was like my Patronus was mocking me! And it had really hit a sore spot back then, because, in a twisted and complicated sense, it did fit my actions at that time. And that had been it. I was done with the Patronus Charm for the foreseeable future.

But tonight, I'm gonna try it again. Because I think it could be useful it in something that's going to inevitably happen soon.

I first activated the trigger.

"Alright, hope it's changed." I muttered as I looked at Nyxie sitting on my shoulder. She licked my face as if to encourage me and I smiled. Last time when I casted the spell, I was just a loner recalling my already fading happy moments of my past life and adding a few future fantasies to make a Patronus with my meagre magic power in my immature body.

But this time, my Patronus is going to be something else. With so much magic power and so many new happy memories, even a leech would be so powerful that I could pass it off as some ancient magical creature.

I recalled all my happy memories, the time I spent together with Dora, when Dora first gave me kiss on cheek, when Nyixe had snuggled with me and called me daddy, when Dora had kissed me on the lips, which Andromeda gave me motherly love, when Camille first hugged me, when Esmée happily hugged me and called me a big brother, when me, Nyxie, Esmée, Gabrielle and Fleur all played together and when I spent time with my whole family.

"Expecto Patronum!" I called out.


An intense white light burst out from my wand, dying the whole room of requirements white. And something gigantic burst out of my wand.


"....Dayyyyyme." I muttered as I looked at the massive Dragon in front of me. I never knew that Patronuses can produce sounds.

I was so real and life like! I could see every scale clearly, I could see it breathing, it could feel the wind blowing as it flapped it's wings. And... I could feel the positive energy it was emitting.

"Meewww!" Nyxie grew excited upon seeing it as she flew up and circled the dragon. It was basically a part of myself. It was my inner self.

I waved at the dragon. "Hey, so you did change! Thank god!" The dragon roared back at me as it settled on the ground.

"Don't act cocky now that you've got a shape of a dragon. Always remember that you were just a leech at some point." I shot back. I didn't know if I was telling that to the dragon, ornto myself.

The dragon lowered it's head, as if embarrassed.

Well, I was just checking the Intelligence of my Patronus. In books, Patronuses had shown evidences of having sentience. And I have now confirmed that there is some truth to that.

Now, let's get on with the research. I memorized the feeling of magic that I had felt just now. It was quite different. And I also noted my magic power consumption. To my surprise, it wasn't that much! I mean it was a lot more compared to the last time I used a Patronus Charm, but it was still didn't seem enough to produce a dragon as big as this one. I dispelled the magic and casted it again.

"Expecto Patronum!" This time, the dragon wasn't as big, and the light wasn't as bright. But I clearly remember putting in the same amount of magic power as the previous one, but that one was a lot stronger!

"So, that's actually a thing, huh?" I muttered figuring it out. I'll name it

—Positive Energy.

Magical energy isn't the only power being used in this spell. So... there's actually a thing like getting power from your emotions! How cool is that? And the more interesting thing is, I can actually feel it. The feel of the energy traveling through my body is quite different from the normal magics.

I think that's what happens when I use the Super Trigger Rosé. A part of that energy comes from my strong emotions.

To make a Patronus, you need both the emotional and magical energy in great amounts. That's why it's difficult.

Now, what I need to do is, to remove the limits set upon this incredible mix of emotional and mental energy. The energy can only be used in limited amount and for limited things as long as it's bound by the spell frame called 'Expecto Patronum'.

I brought all my happy memories together again, and I focused all of my intent on bringing out the all the positive energy out along with magic. I brought out the energy which I had felt earlier.

But...It wasn't quite working. I think I need more positive energy. I pictured myself kissing Dora and her kissing me back passionately as we had a reunion and I also turned off the occlumency...



Something broke, and pure white energy started bursting out from my body! And this overwhelming feeling of happiness... OMG I feel like I'm on drugs right now!

"Hahah...hahaha what..haah was I going to do again?" I wondered as I tried to focus.

Yeah, I need to make this energy very very tangible. And I need to start small, in case it needs too much power.

I called out my inner animal, my Patronus woth whom I had even conversed with just a few minutes ago. Then, I started pouring out all my energy out as I shaped it into my Patronus.

*ROOOAAAAR* My inner animal started to come out as the energy started taking a staple. But this time, I had the complete control over it, since it wasn't bound by the spell frame.

"Haahaha...Come on!"

I compressed the energy as I willed it to be not corporeal, but REAL. Oh man, this is going to be so awesome!

"Damn!" My magic started getting sucked in like crazy and I somehow also felt emotionally drained. Since the last two spells were already quite massive and very powerful, not like other people's small Patronuses.

I stopped the power output and quickly cut off all my magic and emotion energy as I activated my occlumency. I didn't want to create something permanent.

"roar." A tiny voice came from between my hands.

I looked down and saw a very small life-like dragon, which was even smaller than Nyxie. It could easily fit inside a normal pocket with room to spare. It wasn't glowing, that means there was no power dissipation right now, because that's how designed it. It would only use the power when it needs to. It's going to last a lot, since it has a lot of power stored in it.

Nyxie came down and started examining the dragon curiously.

I gave the Patronus my orders. "Go hide in Hagrid's hut. Hide inside his pocket when they take him to Azkaban. Protect him for his stay there without being detected. Then go to Sirius Black's cell and protect him untill he breaks free. Remain undetected."

"This is Sirius Black." I said as I created a face like him with my magic. "He might be in the shape of a dog." The dragon nodded it's head and flew out of the window.

Well, that's the use I had for the Patronus Charm. Hagrid's going to Azkaban since he's suspected to be the Heir, and two attacks happened today. I'm helping because I simply can. And I feel responsible about it since I could just destroy the Diary right now, but that wouldn't give me anything, neither would it prove Hagrid's innocence.

"But right now, I'm drained man." I muttered as I laid down on the couch. I need to fill my Dora energy by having another long chat with Dora. Thinking this, I brought out my Dora Diary.


A few days later, as I sat at the breakfast at along with Harry, Hermione, Neville, Hannah and Susan, I found that Harry looked quite down and he wasn't eating anything. Neville and Hermione also looked out of it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while eating.

Harry ran his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"They've taken Hagrid to Azkaban."

'They sure move fast.' I thought inwardly.

I think I should also move along my plans before it's late. I have a few ways to deal with the whole matter with my, all of them quite different, with their own advantages and disadvantages.

"We were right there when they took him." Neville added with a sad face and I realized what had happened. Unlike me, these three are quite close to Hagrid. And regularly go to visit him.

Hermione was rightfully angry. "They think, that he's the one who's behind the attacks!"


"What the hell?!"

Both me and Susan reacted incredulously. I was only doing it for show since it does deserve it due to it's absurdity.

"How does Hagrid have anything to do with this?" I asked trying to see if they know anything without the Diary telling them.

"We don't know!" Said Harry.

"I'm trying to research about it in library." said Hermione, speaking to me for the first time after the Dueling Club event. Though she still wasn't meeting eyes meaning she was still a bit bitter about getting a reality slap earlier on the dueling day.

Right then, the owl posts arrived.

"I think we can find something in the daily Prophet." I muttered.

Hermione snatched her copy of the daily Prophet out of the owl even before the poor bird could land. The bird gave an angry hoot in protest but Hermione was already reading the prophet.

While I was shaking my head at this, a letter dropped in my empty plate.

"Sus." I muttered. I usually don't receive letters these days, since my family and Dora have that online chatting diary.

I first casted a few diagnostic charms on it. Finding it alright, I picked it up to see who sent it.

"Fleur Delacour?"

A.N.: Stuff happened but it's alright now. I'll try for regular updates from now on.

Anyways, A Leech?! Hahahahaha... Can't blame him for never mentioning. The dude might have even sealed it away with occlumency to spare himself from the torture.

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