When the train was reaching hogsmeade, we changed into our robes and got off the train.

"firs' years, firs' years!"

hearing that voice, Harry was excitedly called out-

"Hagrid!" he quickly walked up to the half gaint.

Hagrid was...bigger than I had thought. But that is to be expected since I was used to the movie Hagrid, but the actual size was around eleven feet. Anyway, rest was like the books stated- A long mane of shaggy black hair, beard covering most of his face.. you get the idea.

Harry quickly walked up to the half gaint while I followed with Susan and Hannah.

We reached the lake.

Hagrid calls out "No more tha' four to a boat"

The four of us climbed into the boat.

Then Hagrid finds Neville's toad and returns it.

So, Hogwarts, it seems, is far larger than what I saw in the movies. Though that's a good thing since I've got more things to explore.

We cross nthe lake and Hagrid knowlcked the doors that lead to the antichamber. There,

we saw Minerva McDonagall, I mean McGonagall. She had visited me on m,y 11th birthday for the letter and shopping. She looked to be in her 50s, had a sharp and stern expression Emerald green robes, a pointed hat, and had a 'don't mess me' Aura around her.

She did her usual gig, that she's been repeating for god know how many years.

( about houses and sorting and all...)

After she left, the 'father's ferret' came strutting again....

But, for some reason, he'd been silenced by an anonymous and kind person, doing everyone present a favor.


I wait for anyone to throw shit at me.

He simply vanishes the shit before it can be thrown.

I won't just stand and wait there, like a Chinese protagonist and let people take a shot at me, so that I can start faceslapping the antagonists with their own shit.

Anyway.. some red haired idiot was talking about fighting a troll for sorting but we were minding our own business. And then we were called into the great Hall and McGonagall set the old hat on the stool.

And it started singing.

Then it stopped singing.

I didn't pay attention to what it was signing since that I've already been bored by these scenes playing out exactly the same way as I'd read in my previous life.

McGonagall was taking out the list for calling out names, I looked at Hannah, who looked very nervous.

"Hey, don't be so nervous or you'll be called for the sorting first." I told her.

'what can I do? I'm bored.' I thought to myself.

"...." Her eyes widened and she got even more nervous than before.

"Abbott, Hannah " McGonagall called out.

Hannah was now just the definition of what I read in the books. 'a pink faced nervous girl with blond pigtails.'

She scurried over to the hat and put in on.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat announced in a loud


The Puffs puffed up and cheered for drawing the first blood.

The sorting went the same way as it went in the books( Harry's scar pricked a bit but I did did nothing.)

I mean, I know that Voldemort couldn't or didn't read Harry's mind through occlumency since if he had done that, then he would've known where Harry lives which he clearly didn't in the seventh part.

Anyways, everything's going like it was supposed to. Untill it was my turn,

"Maxwell Christopher" As soon as McGonagall announced my name.....

Nothing special happened, most weren't interested as long as it wasn't the Harry potter.

Most people were talking among themselves.

They were catching up with each other after the summer holidays.

I walked confidently to the hat. I was taller than everyone in my age group, and I had an almost perfect appearance. Though that is to be expected. (results of passively channeling magic throughout your body for four years,) My body, under the cloak, was fitter than any other of my age group. It's like the body of those anime characters who are kids yet sport an eight pack. ( example/reference: killua or kid Gohan= during first time supersayan 2)

As I was walking through the great Hall, towards the hat, I had long since activated the trigger and began putting in a substantial amount of magical power into my occlumency shields.

What? You think I wouldn't have prepared for this event and simply let it read my mind while it can very easily able to babble my secrets to the whole world? Nah! I have a peaceful

plan A.

but if it doesn't work (though that's unlikely), then I'll have two go with plan B or C.

And My occlumency shields, after being consciously supplied with magic, are almost indestructible.

It's like you've got a strong iron shield(strong enough to block a certain old goat),

And then, suddenly, the iron shield changes into a Vibranium shield. (If you don't know Vibranium then think of it as Adamantine or Orichalcum)

Worst case scenario (plan-E): The hat by passes the shields even after I execute plan A to D, then E for Exit. There're other schools just as good if not better. With my money, I can forcefully get myself admitted anywhere I want.

So, I wasn't afraid if my plans didn't work out. At most, if the hat really the type to babble other people's secrets, then it'll only be able to tell others(Dumbles) that I have near indestructible occlumency shields.

And, If it is somehow able to by pass my shields, then I have a defense system set up in my mind and I'll simply pull the hat off my head.

(My inner monologue was over and time started to pass again.)

I reached the hat and put it on.

And did as I had planned.



(A.N.: I am suddenly very busy so I'll continue in the next chapter.

'Hang' in there! I'll be back soon...)

(A.N.-2: At present,

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