I put on the shabby old hat and sat down on the stool. I put the memories of me being diligent in my studies in my muggle school, my memories of reading a different books etc. etc. on the surface of my mind, outside my occlumency shields. You can say that I hid my Vibranium occlumency shields, under those memories.

My surface thoughts were,

' please don't read my mind. please put me in Ravenclaw', etc...

I acted like a kid who was scared of a spider.

While inwardly, I was prepared to enact plan B in case it thoroughly wants to make sure that I was sorted right.

The hat, as it seems was quite gentlemanly,

I felt it probe my surface thoughts and then see one or two memories of me studying.

And then it called out-


*sound of cheers*

I put down the hat walked to the Ravens' table.

I wasn't at all surprised by this out come. The hat usually calls out the house immediately.

It only takes time in complicated cases.

''Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind."

These were the hat's own words.

And, I just acted just like a typical mob ravenclaw.

Why Ravenclaw, you asked?

'hehe.. Snakes don't lie in plain sight'.

This should explain it all.

Besides, Ravenclaw is, after all, the house of reincarnators and transmigrators.

I sat down with the rest of the first years.

You know, Terry Boot, Padma Patil, Su li, Lisa Turpin etc...

Some of them were already showing Ravenclaw traits like talking to their seniors or among themselves, gathering information. While some were just sitting while nervously looking around.


"Potter, Harry" called out professor McGonagall.


Everyone's focus immediately suited to Harry Harry who was walking towards the stool.

This time, I had taught him quite a bit about the wizarding history. He also knew about his parents from the house elves.

He had also found several pictures of them, also with James's prank collection.

One day, I had found him in his dad's room reading some letters. His eyes were full of tears.

This was a different Harry Potter. So it won't be a surprise if he became a slytherin.




Only...I couldn't let it happen. If he went to the slytherin, then there are many uncertainties for both, Dumbledore and thus, me.

I don't know if the hat was just bullshiting in the Canon or if that Harry Potter could actually do well in Slytherin.

But, this Harry Potter, no one knows him better than me. And I can say with certainty, that he is not Slytherin material. I mean kids his age are really gullible. And any senior year Slytherin who has a similar mind as me, can easily corrupt him.

I didn't always wanted him with me either. And he isn't much of a 'knowledge and wit' kind of guy. So if he comes to Ravenclaw, then he won't be able to make friends with these nerds. He'll only hang out with me and I'll always be on Dumbles radar.

It had to be either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.

So, 'someone' had found the letters of his parents and put them where he can find them. 'Someone' had also undid the locking charms and notice me not charms placed on the trunk which contained a lot of prank items, removed the harmful ones, and hid it where Harry could find it.

'Dumbledore's got nothing on me'. I thought as I clapped for Harry along with the Griffindors. He looked in my direction with a regretful expression while he started to walk towards his new housemates.

I gave him a thumbs up to encourage him.

'Go, little one,' I thought while wiping an imaginary tear from the corner my eye

'Spread your wings.'

"Do you know him?" I glanced beside me and found the guy named Terry Boot looking at me.

"We were in the same compartment in the Hogwarts Express." I answered simply.

That wasn't a lie.

The others around me who had heard our interaction started to further question me.

'Seriously? how nosy are you guys?'

I sighed while I anwered all of their questions cryptically.

"What is your name agian?" I looked at the opposite side of me. It was the one the girls.

' So, finally asking something not related to potter huh'

I gave her a smile.

"I'm Christopher Maxwell. you are?"

"Su li." she got embarrassed and look down.

Well, it seems that I'm as handsome as ever. I shouldn't smile much.

"Alright," I said "let's introduce ourselves since we'll studying together."

I thought that I might as well start socializing. Otherwise, once I'm too powerful in the future, I might accidentally get myself labelled as dark lord if I don't leave a favourable impression on everyone.

As we talked, the last few people got sites and Dumbledore stood up and did his nonsense.

The dinner appeared and we dug in.

I look over at Padma, who briefly joined her hands with her closed eyes for a few seconds before she started eating.

"Hey Padma, were you praying just now?"

She nodded, "Indian Magical community worships gods," she explained.

I was intrigued, "Oh? Which God do Indians worship?" I asked, thinking about the God I met.

Parvati made a troubled face, "Well, the Indian Magical community is very diverse. There are different religions and different Gods."

I talked more with her and found out that her family had migrated here for business.

'Oh, good to know,'

'i might explore other magical communities if I get bored here.' I thought to myself.

I talked with all of them as i also told them some interesting things about magic and Hogwarts that they wouldn't find in first year books.

'Alright, I'll turn them into nice followers.' I decided.

During the dinner I glanced at the Hufflepuff table a couple of times as well.

Her pink hair really stood out. She was still as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

Then Dumbledore stood up and gave his speech and kindly asked the mischievous students to pay a visit the third floor corridor by telling them not to.

- chapter end-

(A.N.: Let me explain clearly about the sorting.

The sorting hat doesn't read all your memories. It just reads your habbits, desire, your personality, your hobbies etc. And mc put all of that outside his occlumency shield.

If it used to read minds completely then it would have found out the 11 year oldTom Riddle's dark deeds.

I'll admit that mc might not be able to trick it if it was really Trying to read everything about a student, then it would, at least have found out that mc has some op occlumency shields)

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