"Hey Dora, save my seat for a bit. I'll go to the bathroom." Leaving that overused cliche line to the her like a superhero leaves to his romantic interest, I quickly changed into my costume, put on my mask and flew up to save the child....just kidding, I simply went down the stands, disillusioned myself, and quickly looked up to find Harry.

I casted a wandless cleaning on hands and wand. What? I was eating popcorn just now. There want butter all over my hands.

I then quickly made eye contact with the broom. I started to build up my intent. My magic started to respond even before I chanted any incantation, but I held it back forcefully, like an arrow held ready to shoot.

I had of course researched the curse and counter curse that Quirell and Snape had used in the Canon.

As soon as I started chanting, the magic went straight to the broom. I felt a slight resistance before the curse was broken forcefully and the broom stabilized almost instantaneously.

So, Ladies and gentlemen, this is the difference between wizards like Quirell and Snape, and a wizard of culture like me. I could have just started chanting like an idiot with minimal results if I followed the already walked path. But I have developed my own way to casting spells. It has taken a long time in developing this. I had to study all kinds of spells and see the process of their formation. Then I had to learn to make changes in them by consciously controlling my magic.

Just now, the cursing and counter cursing of that broom was like a fight in which we were only allowed to use our fists. And as soon the bell rang, I ran up to the opponent and directly cut him down with a sword.


'How bad must the dying victim feel as he looks at the his opponent who cheated.' I thought to myself as I glanced at the stands where Quirell and Snape were supposed to be sitting.

Sure enough, Quirell was looking at Snape as if Snape killed his puppy. Snape, for some reason, was giving Quirell a smug look. Ah well...It seems that both are in a misunderstanding here

As I return back to my seat, Dora looked at me suspiciously,

"How come you're back so fast? It should take longer to go back to the castle and return."

I looked at her like she was an idiot. "Why would I go to the castle? The bathroom is right there." I said, gesturing towards the forbidden forest nearby.

"You!! Disgusting!"

"What? How is it disgusting? It will only help the plants, no one saw me, I saved time, No one would go there and lastly, I even used 'scourgify'. See?" I showed her my clean hands.

"The butter from the popcorn is all cleaned. That's proof enough."

"Alright, alright, but still, go to the castle nest time, you barbarian."

"So, you aren't disgusted with me anymore?"

"Nope." She said while looking at the match.

"So you won't mind me doing this, would you?" I said as I hugged her with one arm.

"Hey! let go, you disgusting barbarian!"

"Haha, this is my compensation, you popcorn thief!"

"Wha-! How did you know that?!"

"Hahaha, So I was right. I just saw you eyeing my popcorn earlier so I just took a shot blindly. Who knew, that you would actually turn out to be a disgusting thief. So, That's why you were so frustrated to see me come back so fast! Not because of me doing my business in the forest, Haha! you're too obvious, girl."


Dora was saved from more of my merciless teasing by Lee's voice, announcing Griffindor's win. Harry finally caught the snitch.

"Anyway, here." I put my half filled bucket in Dora's empty one. "You should have just asked me, honey."


That was similar to how Ted calls Andromeda. Ted is my aging portion-ed alias's friend after all, so I've seen them interact. I'm once again shooting blindly.



With that, I also cheered with the crowd. Gotta say, winning a gamble is bringing an inexplicable sense of thrill. No matter how small.


While everyone was cheering or booing in the stands, Dora quite looked at Chris, who was also cheering along with everyone. Then beautiful smile unknowingly formed on her lips as her appearance subtly changed on its own.

At that moment, she looked very beautiful, though no one, even herself, noticed the change.


While I was cheering, I turned to look at Tonks, and could have swore she looked like a goddess for a second, but her appearance turned back to normal, making me wonder if I was hallucinating.

A metamorphagus usually has one default appearance and it requires contant magic power to keep another. Dora has had a few bad experiences in Hogwarts due to her being a very beautiful metamorphagus, since then, her appearance unconsciously changed a little to help her blend in with the crowd. But after that, the changed appearance became her default appearance, there was no problem if it was only this much, but that appearance kind of messes up her sense of balance, making her an adorable clutz. Now she can only be in her original appearance (without having to resort to using her metamorphagus ability) at her home, when she's with her parents. I only found out about her real appearance when Ted invited me to dinner to discuss some business and she happened to be at home for her summer Holidays.

As we walked to the castle, me drinking cola while tonks happily munching on my popcorn, I said, "You know, other people would be very jealous if they find out that you won't get fat even after eating all that."

"What about you? Aren't jealous at all?" She ask me with a teasing smirk.

"Ha! why would I be jealous? Haven't I already shown you my abs? As if I'll ever get fat!" I do have an 8 pack by now, even many muggle elven year olds do, let alone me, who trains with pure magic. I have to say, I was already quite fit in my previous life, since I regularly used to play sports. In this life, I've been exercising daily even in Hogwarts. You just have to check the internet to see that it is not too rare to have abs for eleven years old Muggle kid.

Anyways, I showed her my abs this one time when I was very sweaty from our duel, which usually involves me jumping around to dodge everything she throws at me since I can't show her much more than third year stuff. I'm not complaining though, it's an excellent way of practicing my dodging skills.

"How are you so fit anyway?" She asked. "The way dodge my spells is way too freakish." She said while shaking her head.

It's her way of complementing me. My speed, stamina and dodging ability are improving right before her eyes.

"Thanks for the compliment. I'm fit because I wanna be the best duelist in the world." I said while I moved my hand to pick up a few popcorns from the bucket, which she promptly smacked away. I raised my eyebrows, "Alright, you can have that. I'll not be sharing the next time I make more."

"Noooo..... Take this, O world's best duelist." She said while offering the bucket exaggeratedly.

O looked down at her with a raised chin,

"Hmm...now you're obedient. Tell me, honey, how did you like our first date?"

Tonks: "...." ( This shameless flirt!!!)


(A.N.:For those old readers who have forgot, I didn't include this in summary, Chris has another identity for in the muggle world, he's in registered in his early 20s aging form. He hired Ted Tonks as his lawyer since he was quite ignorant of magical and muggle British law. Ted had not only helped him in business, but also gave taught many practical things in life which one only learns through experience. So Ted became kind of, his mentor/ friend/ future: maybe father-in-law??.)

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