The winter was coming, ahem, I mean, the Christmas was coming, and I had to buy gifts for everyone.

Damn, I never used to pay much attention to these kind of things in my previous life. Except for my parents, brother and a few close friends, I didn't used to exchange gifts. And after coming here, I used to spend my Christmas in the bar. I mean, the Dursleys did invite me, but I just didn't want to celebrate with those people. They only invited me because of Harry. As for the Tonks family, we only exchanged gifts through owls. I don't think we're that close. I mean, sure, we've a good relationship, but Christmas is really a family thing for them. Though me and Ted did celebrate New year together once.

Now that I think about it, how did Canon Harry spent most of his Christmas? If I remember correctly, He celebrated it in Hogwarts most of the times. First year in Hogwarts because he didn't want to go to the Dursleys, second year at Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione because they wanted to investigate about the heir of Slytherin, third year also with Ron Hermione in Hogwarts, Fourth year, there was the Yule ball. He only celebrated it with the Weasley family until his 5th year and that was when Arthur was attacked.

Unlike my previous Christmas, this year, I have made so many friends that I'm having problems with what to gift them. I'm not in the days where I could Google the most suitable gifts for Christmas and order them online. I've to buy something for them myself.

'Hmm....lets just buy a lot of chocolates and be done with it.' I thought. Money is not a problem anyway. I'll buy some other expensive muggle stuff that looks classic or old fashioned.

'This much should do, right?'

I was currently in the room of requirements, making a list of what I should give to my friends. The door opened and Tonks walked in.

She walked over to me while I was skill writing the list."Wotcher?" She asked as she asked as playfully messed up my hair. 'hmm...I need to cut them.' I thought idly, as I stretched. Then I replied, "It's just a list of friends and the gifts for Christmas."

She quickly snatched it up and read it. "Alright let's see, Terry- Chocolates, Padma- Chocolates, Lisa- Chocolate, Anthony- chocolate blah, blah, blah....

You are either one lazy baboon or you seriously suck at giving gifts." She dead panned. But then a she frown crossed her cute face, "Why am I not on the list?" she asked.

"Why would you be on the list?" I asked as if I was offended. "That's a list I made so that I don't forget sending them gift. Meaning, I can accidentally forget any one of them. Why would I need to add my girlfriend's name on it? You're gift is already prepared."

"Oh....WAIT! WHO'S YOUR G-girlfriend?!!" She was shouting loudly but said the last word a bit timidly.

"Yeah, yeah, keep denying the reality." I said cheekily but then I had to jump up from my couch to dodge a stinging hex sent my way. hah! this gives me a sense of déjà vu. This is not the first time she's resorting to violence when cornered. By now, I have got an accurate measure of when to shut my mouth and start dodging. 'Wait till can show you a bit more, then I'll make you more obedient.' I thought as she casted a sticking spell on the floor where I was going to land, combined with a jelly legs hex. I'll admit, she's getting more and more difficult to deal with.

I played with her for a few minutes before we called a pause.

"Ha..ha..haah...that was some nice warm up." I said while wiping some sweat from my brow.

"Whatever. What are you gifting me anyway?" She asked, her curiously finally winning.

"Nah, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for it." I said with mock seriousness.

"Alright, then I won't tell you about what I prepared either." She said while turning away.

"Ok." I replied casually, just to irritate her. Though, I was also curious.

"Arrgh! Why do you have to be so frustrating? Do you think it's funny?" She asked in half anger-halfexasperation.

'Um...I will admit, it is fun. But I won't admit it. Am I contradicting myself?' I was inwardly thinking nonsense. Anyway, let's change the topic, "Are you going home for Christmas?" I asked.

She brightened up upon hearing about home. "Yeah, finally some holidays! I almost feel like I'd be burried under all the homework and studies."

'Oh, so she's going after all.' I thought, a bit disappointed. I had hoped she might stay due to studies, oh well, she must be missing home, it's not like I don't know the feeling.

"What are your plans?" She asked.

I gave an excited smile while hiding my disappointment. "I want to see the Christmas at Hogwarts so I guess I'll stay." I said. I did want to see it. I'm sure I won't be bored if the Weasley twin stayed. I'll get some nice snowball fighting opponents. And the feast, a hundred fat, roast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce....


I stop the drool that was escaping from my mouth. I admit, I am a foodie.

"Why don't you come with me? Mum and dad would be would be happy. It will be fun." It seems that Dora still caught a bit of my sadness, so she offered to celebrate together.

This time, a genuine smile came my lips. Since I'm admitting things today, then I'll admit that I'm touched. "No. It will be awkward. And besides," I paused my smile turning into a grin. "We've barely started dating, isn't it too soon to meet your parents? I think we're progressing too fa-" Alright, alright, I know the drill, shut my mouth and start dodging....


The next morning, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. I wanted to go and play in snow like the kid that I am, but we had classes today. Though I'm serious about playing in snow like a kid. There were so many things that kids can do that adults can't, well not without consequences at least. I only realized this after I had grown up.

Anyway, so I was sitting on the Hufflepuff table with Tonks, Susan and Hannah. I was peacefully eating my breakfast, unaware of my impending crisis...

Some owls came swooping in, delivering the posts. Due to the sudden heavy snowing, the owls were in a bit bad condition. Tonks family's owl, Hoots (named by baby Dora), also came this time. As soon as she saw it's condition, she didn't even let it land. She directly caught it and took it to the infirmary.

"Would she be ok?" Hannah asked worried.

"It'll be fine. If a little snow could harm the owls, then no one would send messages in winter." I reassured her.


In the infirmary,

Dora quickly rushed up to madam Pomfrey, who was giving giving a pepperup potion to a student who had cold.

"Madam Pomfrey, can you quickly check her condition?" She asked while presenting Hoots to her.

"Alright dear, put her here. Remove that letter as well." Said madam Pomfrey while presenting an empty table.

While madam Pomfrey was checking up Hoots, Dora glance at the letter in her hand. It was enclosed in quite a fancy envelope.

Dora frowned in confusion. They only use this kind of packing on special occasions. Usually, it's just a simple envelope.

But then she read who it was addressed to:

"Chris Jackson??"

"Christmas invitation??!"


A.N.: What will happen next? I can't wait, can you? But.. I'm a bastard who likes taking advantage to desperate people. So, gimme powerstones and I'll post it faster.^^

For those who forgot, Christopher Maxwell(pet name Chris) is his current name while Chris Jackson is his adult aging potion identity.

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