Everyone had shot off while I was left hanging in the air along with my jaw hanging open.

""I'll give you the kiss if you win!""

Thinking about the scene I'd just witnessed, my heart beat accelerated and my breathing became hurried. Blue light started flickering within my eyes hidden beneath my goggles, though I wasn't aware of it. I looked down to see faint arks of blue lightning traveling from fingers, which were visible through my fingerless gloves, into the broom. Before I knew it, my thought process had accelerated and I realized several things at once:

1: I still haven't activated the trigger yet. At least not consciously.

2: If not done consciously, then it's similar to accidental magic.

3: I can't let other see this.

4: My thought process is abnormally fast. Activating trigger also makes accelerates my thinking process somewhat, but that's nothing compared to the speed with which I'm thinking right now.

And lastly, 5: I'm finally gonna get serious this time...

All this happened within 3 seconds after the whistle was blown and not wasting any more milliseconds, I bent down so much that my chin directly touched the broom handle.

I shot past the starting line with so much acceleration that it would be questionable if there was something wrong with my head.

Because it is like asking for injury if you're going full tilt with a Nimbus 2000 on an obstacle course like the one in front of me. The impact of crashing might just be enough to rip the limbs right out their sockets.

But I wasn't thinking about these things at the moment.

I was only thinking about winning.

I bent to the right even before I reached within 20 metres from the first obstacle. Because I had flown past it in the next second.


*Dora, third person POV:

Dora was sitting by herself on one of the most crowded stands. Every one of the nerds here were talking and discussing among themselves.

They were discussing the odds of winning of each participant. Dora didn't have any problem with that, but the problem was, they were currently discussing the odds of Chris. It's not like they knew him or anything, but his appearance and demeanor naturally drew people's gazes. His blond hear seemed to shine golden in the sunlight, plus that cute face, Dora always has to hold herself back from pinching his cheeks.

Though that's not what caused the people around her to discuss him, it was his Nimbus 2000 that drew more gazes.

These people were all on about how he can't do that course on the Nimbus, and why are so many younger years participating, how he won't be able to handle the Nimbus and crash right into the obstacles, blah-blah...

Dora wanted to give these ignorant people a piece of her mind, but the captain had already blown the whistle to gather everyone's attention.

As soon as the captain was about to start the count, everyone around Dora had started cheering for their players. Dora's eyes already on Chris and she found him looking right at her. Hyped up by the surroundings Dora also started cheering for him to win' this damned thing so that the people around her would eat their own words.

He gave her that lazy smile/ smirk of his that's on his face most of the time.


Dora wanted to facepalm at the ridiculousness of the situation. While everyone tensed up and waiting for the count down to finish, there he was, relaxing comfortably on his broom stick and smiling at her, like he doesn't even care about the race.

'Does he not want to win? No. He's simply underestimating the other player a bit too much.'

Dora had never seen him fly before, so she didn't know how good he was, but seriously, 'He can't be that good, Can he?' You can never be sure with Chris.

'Looks like a he needs motivation'.

But Dora couldn't think anything that could motivate Chris. The guy is a million for Merlin's sake, he can easily get whatever he wants...

But then she suddenly remembered! Yeah, that must be it. Though he hasn't talked about it even once after they had returned from Christmas, but before that, he's always saying he wants...her k-kiss.

Dora wasn't sure why he didn't kiss her that time under the mistletoe that day, but Dora was both, relieved....and disappointed that he didn't. She wasn't sure what she would've done if he did kiss her that day.

But today, even Dora didn't even have time to think about these things. She only knew one thing right now.

'I want him to win'.

That's it. She was tired of everyone underestimating her genius best friend.

And, she wanted to show these ignorant nerds who's the boss here!

And so, without giving it much thought she shouted with all her might:

""I'll give you the kiss if you win!""

But as soon as she had shouted that Dora quickly realized what she had done.

'Damn it! Wouldn't I really have to k-kiss him if he did win this thing?'

She quickly looked at him, hoping that he hadn't heard it, but it seemed that the luck was not in her favour, or rather, it was in HIS favour, because even though everyone had flown away, he was still sitting gobsmacked on his broom. The lazy smile that was previously on his lips nowhere to be seen. And then, for a moment, Dora thought that his blue eyes were glowing under this goggles, but then he quickly looked down.

'Must be the reflection of sunlight from the goggles🥽' Dora thought.

But right after that, she saw Chris looking forward, and...the face she saw him make...

Dora got goosebumps looking at the always easy going Chris so focused. But that was only for moment, because in the next moment, Chris had blast off, full speed on his Nimbus.

Dora gasped and stood up. Many other people, who were also watching Chris, also stood up.


But Chris didn't listen. He dove straight into the obstacles course like he didn't know that he's going straight to Destination F.

And, Dora realized she had shot herself in her own foot.

'There's no need to win like this'. She thought as she saw him flying with a lunatic speed.

Though what she had been expecting didn't happen. By now, everyone's attention had come on to Chris and everyone was exclaiming, swearing and cursing while pointing at him.

But the spectacle they saw next.....became a legend in Hogwarts.

As soon as it was looking like he was gonna crash right into the first obstacle, they saw him tilt a little to the left, they only saw him dodge the first obstacle by a hair's breadth, and he went right through the ring placed right behind the first obstacle, and he suddenly did a 360 roll sideways only for a bludger to pass right through his previous position.

By now, he had already left a few people behind since all the other players had to slow down a lot to by pass the obstacles. Chris still show no signs of slowing down and he was fastly approaching a trio of Ravenclaws who were, for some reason, trying to bring down a little girl who was, by far, somehow thwarting their attempts.

Those were, of course, Roger Davies, his goons and Cho Chang though Nymphadora doesn't know this.

Chris passed right through the trio of bullies at such a speed that Dora couldn't even see what he did. But in the moment, the three bullies became unstable and two of the three bullies directly crashed into obstacles. The third one somehow avoided crashing, but he had become so slow that his winning chances are very low.

After that, during his three laps, Chris never slowed down once and by now, many curious students who were nearby had also come to witness the godly flying skills of Chris after hearing the super-loud commotion that the assembled students were making. During this time Dora never sat down even once. She could only yell at him to slow down, but the noise made by the audience was louder. Dora considered using 'Sonorus' spell so that she could amplify her voice, but then she thought against it, because of several reasons.

1: Even if Chris acts immaturely most of the time, he's always quite cautious and calculative about what actions he takes. And this time he's even serious about it.

2: There's no threat to his life, everything else can be cured by madam Pomfrey.

3: Among so many spectators madly cheering for him, wouldn't she be mobbed to death if she alone tried to stop him?

4: Being quite the Quidditch fan herself, Dora didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't help but want to see more of such inhuman flying skills.


A.N. : How was it? If good, then gimme powerstones (✷‿✷)

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