[A.N.: ( Before I start writing this chapter I wanted to share that I have just now gained enlightenment about something. You can also skip this.) So I've just now realized that I write and post new chapters much faster when I've left the previous chapter on a cliffhanger. Reason? Could be anything. Maybe I'm just enjoying writing more went am tormenting people so I get ideas quickly, or maybe I write and post it quickly so that the readers don't curse me too much while they're hanging.

Take this these newest three chapters for example, I've written all three of them within 6 hours (though I'm posting them with a few gaps in-between) and all them have a kind of cliffhanger between them. So...I was thinking..... maybe I should...keep this up?

(• ▽ •;)

Anyway, the biggest factor has always been your powerstones and your comments. I can't find the motivation to write without either of them. So, whatever happens, keep those two coming.(。♡‿♡。)]



I didn't stop the magic for the whole three laps. There was a to reason for me to do that. With my accelerated thought process, I had already figured that it'd be for the best if I thoroughly feel and analyze this state of mine, otherwise, it would be extremely infuriating if this was a one night stand, meaning if I couldn't activate this power again. Plus,




Right now, all of my senses were at a heightened state. And flying through the obstacles at this breakneck speed, with the sound and feel of wind rippling by me,

I felt more alive and I'd ever felt before.

I could faintly make out the sound of the crowds cheering, but that was all drowned by the sound of wind whistling through my ears. If I hadn't wore my goggles, then my eyes would've watered non-stop and run dry by now.

This was my final lap and I could already see the finish line approaching. And, I also noticed that I was fast approaching Roger Davies who was now weaving through the final few obstacles.

'Is it his 2nd lap? Or maybe first? I don't care. The bastard is going down. He got lucky the last time since I only have two hands.'

Am I being petty? Abso-fking-lutely yes.

Do I care? Nope.

I sped up, and while he was busy preparing to dodge his last obstacle, I practically grazed by him, (using magic is against the rules in Quidditch) and I shot a wandless spell at him at point blank range.


When have I ever played by the rules?

Roger Davies, the guy who would have become the Quidditch captain in the future if not for my reincarnation, crashed straight into the last obstacle and in the next moment, I had shot right through the finish line.

I slowed down my speed and flew out of the track in order to land. I slowly deactivated my newly discovered power. I had, by now, anlyzed it enough that I could reactivate it, though it may take and lot of time and concentration.

And, the fuel efficiency of this thing is garbage. I was already almost drained from activating it for a this much time.

And I have also decided thought up a name for this state

Upto now, the states that I have already discovered are-

1) Trigger:

-Effects: When activated, I can do wandless magic, and the power of my magic is amplified multiple times if do it with a wand.

Pure magic runs throughout my body and it has a passive effect of bringing my body to it's optimal condition, that includes healing the wounds, maturing my body to make it better and thus accelerating my aging, though it would slow down the aging in case of someone who's already old.

-Signs of activation: A soothing feeling, felt throughout the body, faint traces of Rainbow light can seen running through the body and in the eyes.

Can be used for long time with my current magic power.

2)Super Trigger:

-Effects: Abnormally fast growth of the body, not tried enough in case it may lead to negative side effects. The magic amplification is crazy. Not researched enough, extremely high magic consumption.

-Signs of Activation: A burning feeling of the pure magic rampaging throughout the body. Rainbow light visibly flows through the views, eyes shine in Rainbow light, and the hair start to float upwards like rainbow arks.

Can be used only for a short period of time with my current reserves

So now that I've discovered a third, I'm gonna use my genius naming sense and name it:

Super Trigger Blue!

...aren't I too original?

So, while we're at it, let's also name that red light which I couldn't control during the Christmas:

Super Trigger Rosé!

Lolololol, I am such genius.

By the way, it is actually original, since dragonball Z hasn't been made in this world yet. What? Sue me.


3) Super Trigger Blue:

Effects: Not much is known yet except, it heighten my senses and nerve reflexes. My thought process is accelerated, and I can do still do wandless magic as evidenced by how I trashed the bullies.

Signs of Activation: Faint arks of blue lightning can be seen traveling through my body, a tingling sensation can be constantly felt throughout the body. I don't know how much hair looks in this state since they were, fortunately, covered by my helmet. I think my eyes might also show the blue light, but I didn't have a mirror to check myself at that time. It can be used longer that super trigger, but still the fuel efficiency is very low.


While I was deep in my thoughts about my new magic, I heard the whistle sound and turned to see Andrea Nicholls blowing the whistle. She also had a pair of large binoculars hanging down by her neck.

And right now, she was look at me with a somewhat obsessed expression. Then she put the tip of her wand on her throat, and loudly announced:

"""The Seeker Trials are over!""""




For a moment there was silence in the whole pitch, even the pitiful participants who were still trying their best to go through the obstacle course, stopped flying and looked at Andrea with various degrees of expressions.

Then, everyone began making noise again. The participants were protesting, my newly made fans were cheering, some other spectators were also protesting.

Of course, I understand their sentiments, after all, firstly, the second and third place of this round had yet to be determined. Secondly, there was also a second round, in which, the three selected players had to catch the snitch. But, she just announced the end of the event directly.

This time, Andrea put her wand tip on her throat, and then blew the whistle.


Even I had to cover my ears do to the sound. Then, removing the whistle while keeping the wand on her throat, she said,

""Christopher Maxwell has been selected as the new Ravenclaw seeker. All the members of the team have already made the decision unanimously. If you ignorant people still have protests, then let me tell you something: That boy, with the amazing skills he has, can even go pro right now, without any further training.""


So, the trials ended and I got selected as the seeker. Or more like, it would have caused a riot if I had refused after showing off some of my "skills" on the pitch.

Dora had dragged me away before I could be mobbed by my new fans who had just witnessed the most miraculous flying skills in the world. She was dragging me towards the Forbidden Forest.

Recalling the words she shouted before the trial

"""I'll give you the kiss if win""""

I couldn't help but think that, after so much wait, I was finally going to get some.

But, after reaching a secluded place, she turned around and asked while gripping my collar, "What.... the..... Fu*k! Just...how were you so..."

"Fantastic?" I suggested helpfully.

No, more like... reckless and brainless." Then she glare at me tried to give me a nasty right hook.

"What the-"

Thankfully, I dodged sudden the assault of this mad woman. I only now noticed that she's actually very, very angry right now.

Damn, I should've read the mood before.

But Dora wasn't finished yet. She tried to punch me again and again.

"You----brainless---idiot----trying---to die---with that insane speed!"

She keep punching me after each word, and listening to her words, I instantly recognized her problem.

This scene is.....extremely familiar. In my previous life, my mother also used to react similarly when I used to do some insane stunts and she happened to witnessed them by chance.

Back in those days, I used find it bothersome, but right now, after so many years of loneliness?

I just hugged Dora and didn't dodge anymore. Dora didn't resist but still hit by back with fists weakly, muttering- "Stupid, stupid idiot". etc.


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