"Anyway, I'm glad that at least my sister had a good childhood." I said with a smile.

Fleur looked at me for a moment, perhaps only now realizing that not everything is sunshine and daisies for a successful person.

The more successful someone is, the more desperate his circumstances must have been, to push him forward and fuel his determination. Chances are, he still isn't as happy with with his life as you are with what you already have.

"Do you not feel sad that you couldn't have a similar childhood as her?" asked Fleur as finally reached the girls.

I thought for a bit and decided to answer her honestly. "Me? No. I am content with things as they are. I wouldn't have been who I am today if I had the support of two powerful and rich parents. I am who I am today, because everyday for the past years, I worked hard for everything I wanted and pushed myself forward with the thought that no one else would help me get want I want other than myself. Yes, I did suffer hardships, a lot of them, but I have grown and learned a lot from them."

I had long realized this. If I had been reborn or transmigrated into a such a rich and powerful family, and that too in France! not in the wizarding Britain, then not much would have changed from my previous life. I would've still been a young master, who does what he wants. (Though it seems I was fated to be one is this life as well anyway. Just a few years late.)

If was born a young master in France, I wouldn't have had to come out of my comfort zone. To thicken my skin and borrow money from a child. To realize that I was a bit foolish and immature in those days (I still sometimes am).

I wouldn't have had the satisfaction of doing something on my own. The thrill of checking the stocks day and night and seeing their values soar right in front of my eyes. I wouldn't have to worry every day, that one day, my friend would have to face the worse Darklord of all times.

Most of all — I wouldn't have known the true worth of a family.

After hearing my final words, I think there was no longer any awkwardness between us as I saw Fleur give me a smile and nodded her head as if she finally understands something. So, I guess it's mission accomplished.

Right then, we finally reached the girls and Nyxie came flying back to me and landed on my shoulder.

Fleur looked curiously at Nyxie and said, "It's animated very well. The dragon almost looks real."


Well, that works too. It's better if I don't have to explain that it's a real creature. I've been pondering about how to go about revealing Nyxie to the school. She can't always be invisible, can she? Currently, she has more intelligence and sentience than an 8 year old human girl. So, how would such an entity feel upon only having one person to interact with?

I had thought about revealing her as a familiar to the school, but that would lead to a whole lot of complications. Familiars of XXX and above categories were strictly required to be registered to the ministry. Which is reasonable, considering that they require even animagae to be registered.

Another problem would be that people interested would want to know how I found such an unseen species of dragon. And this just the beginning of the list of problems. So I'm thinking of cancelling this one.

The other option is— Animation transfiguration, which Fleur just guessed.

In most simple terms that even dumb people can understand, Transfiguration is of 4 types:

- Transfiguration between Inanimated objects: Transfiguration from one inanimated object to another inanimated object.

e.g.: A matchstick into a needle.

-Transfiguration between Animates objects: Transfiguration from one animated object to another animated object. (From one living thing to another.)

e.g.: Animagus transformation.

-Inanimation transfiguration: Turning animated (living) thing into object.

e.g.: Turning a Rat into a chalice.

*-Animation Transfiguration: Turning a non living object into a living object.

e.g.: 1) Turning a rock into a dog.

*2) Turning a small statue of a dragon into a true dragon.

Transfiguration does not necessarily need to be an instant thing. It can take hours and days and months to transfigure complicated things. But the results pays off.

Cedric Diggory transfigured the dog and gave it just two functions. To bark and to move around. So to say, you can keep giving it more and more functions like programming an Ai.

You'll have just have to think it, and it'll behave just like that. It's quite a lot easier than programming. If the muggles could do this, they'd have created a true Artificially Intelligent being long ago, which could think for itself like a real human and even have emotions.

That's the manual way of doing it. If you want it instantly, you can just cast the spell, give magic power and focus your intent on 'I want a dog.' The dog thus produced would perform all actions that you even involuntarily believe a dog does. Though it takes a lot of magic power.

And all the time, the results aren't as you expect them to be.

Like the dragon models of the Tri-wizard Tournament. Harry's dragon model bit him. A long time after the Second Task, theminiature dragon modelofVictor Krumwas seen trying to fightHarrys dragon model at theGriffindors boys' dormitory. These are the things that happen in that case.

If Cedric had used this to Transfigure the rock into a dog, the dog would have turned tail and ran in full speed. Thus only distracting the dragon for a few seconds. And Cedric would have wasted a lot of magic power and— gotten the full attention of an angry dragon, thus reminding me of scenes form 'Tom and Jerry'.

So, the Crux of the matter is that, it's totally possible for Nyxie to be an animated being that's been transformated from an Inanimated object and then programmed for a lot of time by an extremely patient and skilled individual.

The problem would come from, 'where did you get it?' , 'How did you get the money?', and. 'Can I have one too?'. No one would want to steal her if I just say her ownership is given to me. i.e. the one who made it transferred the ownership to me. They'll only have to threaten me to hand over control since just trying stealing her is useless.

The main thing is, there aren't many restrictions on this one in the ministry, since most of the Transfigured animated things turn back to normal after some time. But, if the skill of the caster is strong enough, it can stay untill the caster dies.

The Transfigured fish that Lily Potter (a.k.a. the super mom) gave Slughorn stayed animated till her death.

So, this lie can now be used since I'm going to reveal my young master status. Since only young masters can spend such astronomically large money to get a pet dragon this sophisticatedly Transfigured.

Thus, I didn't correct Fleur when she assumed that the dragon was animated.

I let Fleur pet Nyxie as Esmée and Gabrielle came to us chasing after Nyxie.



Nyxie growled at Fleur and jumped back on my shoulder as she glared at Fleur. And I flinched as I heard what she said. When did she learn to curse?!


Aww man! Why again? This yandere dragon! Why does she suddenly become so aggressive to some girls? I'm not doing anything, ok? I'm completely innocent.

"Hey, don't mind her. She doesn't mean it." I said to Fleur.

Oh damn! I forgot other people can't understand her!

Thankfully, Fleur only took it as me saying Nyxie didn't mean to be aggressive towards her.

Sh*t! Who the f*ck is she learning bad words from?! Who the hell is that f*cking bast*rd?!

I just hope she never learns anything else from the b@stard whose words she's copied. The world shouldn't have to tolerate another catastrophe of that guy's caliber.

"So, what are we going to play?!" Gabrielle asked Fleur excitedly.

Fleur shook her head. "I didn't come here to play. I just came to see." To be more clear, she came here because she was getting bored there. Those three were talking about business and politics. I was never interested in politics. (Though people say I'll make a good politician). Business, I already have enough on my own plate as it is.

"Come on, Fleur. Let's play! We're not that old yet!" I said, asking her to join as well. I was definitely playing. My first impression on Esmée should be the best! She should've always been jealous of Gabrielle, who already has a big sister who dotes on her.

Fleur only gave me a disdainful smile at my offer. "You guys play. I don't play children's games anymore."


Should I have 'accidentally' punched her nose back when we were dueling?

You don't wanna play? Alright, I'll make you regret those words.

"Esmée, Gabrielle, what games do you guys usually play?" I asked.

They called out the names of several games that I hadn't heard about. Even their description was quite boring.

"Alright, we'll play new games today!"

"The first game we'll play would be— Red light, Green light!" Or Statues.

For some odd reason, I always thought that this game had the potential to become very famous one day. So famous that even adults might play it...

I know, right? I sometimes have the craziest of the thoughts. I mean how can adults give two sh*ts about a games as plain as this?

I explained the rules to them quickly and became the curator first.

Esmée, Gabrielle, and Nyxie stood a distance away from me.

I turned my back to them.

"Alright, Green light!" I said and fired a green spark from my wand.


A.N. : Gimme them powa-stones!!!

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