*Flap* Flap*

I heard the Flapping of wings.

"Red light!" I said as I shot red light into the air and quickly turned around.

I saw that, Nyxie, who was quite fast, had almost already reached me, but since I turned around, she stopped moving! Without moving started falling, but since she'd already almost reached me, I quickly ran forward and caught her.

Esmée was playing her role of a statue with a serious expression.

Gabrielle, on the other hand, tried to hold back her laughter as was also trying not to move while being one step behind Esmée.

Nyxie tried to act cute by licking my face, but—

"Nyxie is eliminated!" I mercilessly declared as I stop a 'petrificus totalus' on her. Which had no effect on her. "Now, you are a statue untill I fire green light three times."

A full body bind charm has no harmful effects on the victim. So there's no harm to the girls.

I set Nyxie where she had stopped flapping her wings.

After returning, I fired green sparks form my wand again.

"Green light."

This time I waited for a while, to let them catch up with Nyxie.

"Red light!"

This time, as I turned around, Gabrielle didn't have time to stop and she ended up moving.

"Gabrielle... is eliminated!" I shot her a body bind and now only her eyes were moving.

"Stay a real statue for the next three green lights." I laughed.

"Red light!"

"Green light!"

"Petrificus totallus!"

"Esmée... is eliminated."

"That's three green lights. Nyxie can now start moving again.

"Red light!"

"Green light!"

"Red light!"

"Green light!"

"Petrificus totallus!"




It. went on like that until, in the end, the one who won was

... Nyxie!

With Esmée following close behind!

"Alright! Did you guys have fun playing this one?"

"Yeeeaahhh!" (Gabrielle)

"... Again." (Esmée)

"Meeewwww!!!"( Nyxie)

By this time, everyone had forgotten the existence of Fleur.

Seeing Gabrielle so happy and excited, her expression was a bit complicated.

"Are you enjoying your mature life Fleur?" I asked, spraying salt on her wounds.

"...." Fleur glared at me but she averted her face from me when I glaced back.

But, I wasn't done yet.

"Tell me Gabrielle, did you have fun?!"


"Good! Big brother Chris has a lot games. We'll them one at a time."


I looked at Fleur who should by be regretting disdaining my offer by now.

"Alright, who wants to again?!"

"Me!" (Gabrielle)

"Mewww!" ( Nyxie)

(Raised hand) *nod* *nod* (Esmée)

Now, for the finisher...

"Then, you'll first have to pay the fees. The fee is, one kiss on my cheek for each!" I said, pointing at my cheek.


What did I say?

'I'll make you regret those words.'

After Gabrielle happily pecked my cheek along with a reluctant Esmée and an enthusiastic Nyxie, and Fleur, who looked like she had eaten something sour, stood alone as she could only watch.

'What a pitiful girl.'

For the third game, I offered Fleur the olive leave. "Hey Fleur, would you like to be the curator?"

This time, Fleur hesitated, then glanced at Gabrielle. While biting her lip, she nodded her head.

'That's a good girl.' I thought inwardly as I smirked.

Then, Fleur Delacour, the Tri-wizard champion, played a children's game with us!

And I'm telling you—there's a different sort of enjoyment, when you make a mature person play Children's game and the person has the option to decline but doesn't due to their circumstances.

After all, I showed her the price money already.

Anyway, Fleur seemed to be enjoying the game herself as well. She just tried not to show it, but it showed in her enthusiasm. She particularly seemed to enjoy hitting me with a spell for the time since I didn't dodge. It's just good that she didn't mix in a few stinging hexes in there, or she'd have been in for it again.

So, she's not that bad I guess, just a bit haughty. It's a bit fun to bring her down from the high her high horse that she's always on.

We played for about an half an hour before it was time for Appoline to leave. And Gabrielle wasn't old enough yet to leave through the Flu alone, so Esmée and Gabrielle reluctantly parted and Gabrielle made me promise to play more games with them again before climbing into Appoline's arms to leave.

Fleur also stepping into the fireplace as I waved her goodbye. Shaking her head in exasperation, she also left in a burst of green flames.


Meeting with veelas has given me a lot to think about...

In the context of magic theory, of course.

You can say it's a kind of inspiration, an idea—if possibly be implemented, can be very, very—I don't know... useful?

Anyway, I've been thinking why didn't anyone else tried it before, and again, there's the answer— They would've tried, but couldn't do it because they can't sense their magic.

I'll call it—Corpomency.

What's is it? ... a secret. But secrets don't stay secret for long, as some smartasses always somehow figure them out with the given hints.->

After the delacours left, and I sat back down on the living room sofa, my mom came and sat beside me as she caressed my head. Durant sat on a sofa opposite.

Camille then spoke, "Honey, I want to know how you've been living upto now. I want to know more about my son. Will you tell me?"


Uh... Is there no way to just dodge this one?

It is quite reasonable that she wants to know me better.

But, I can't say I'm a millionaire, can I? Not on the first day.

I already am 100% sure of their good intentions, and I'm sure I won't be betrayed, but... the more I reveal, the more suspicious I look. How can an Eleven year become so rich? Just the word genius doesn't quite cover the explanation.

That's just the basic thing about me. If I revealed more, they might begin suspecting whether I'm a child or an adult. And that absolutely shouldn't happen. In a magical world, it doesn't sound totally impossible that I'm a completely different person occupying their son's body.

I told the 'genius' and 'monsterous talent' things to Ted and Andromeda because it won't matter much if Ted and Andromeda find out that I'm an adult in a child's body. Because the one they have attachment—is me, not the body's original owner. And even they wouldn't link it to reincarnation with 'Future Knowledge.'

So, I decided to tell them what I could say truthfully. Because, I've come to hate lying to close people after having to lie to Dora a lot. Alas, truthfulness was never an option for the sensible reincarnators. So, I'd still lie if it's very necessary.

I looked into empty space as I recounted everything that could be recounted, "I lived in an orphanage in Little Whinging. It's a town located in the County of Surrey. My childhood in the orphanage wasn't that good, since I had a few bouts of accidental magic, and the muggles there didn't take it too well."

I saw Camille's eyes tearing up and Durant clenched his fist.

"But... when I was around 6-7 years old, I met a met a man called Ted Tonks who was also a wizard; When he realized that I was a wizard, and he and his family helped me out a lot in making my life better. From then on, I ate well and exercised daily and studied well. I am somewhat of a genius at studies. The tonks family knew about occlumency. And I learned occlumency as well."

I didn't say I learned it from them, I just said two different sentences. But, I don't see any difference from lying straight up. Well, atleast I don't feel guilty about it.

So, it went something like that. We talked for long time that day, as they also told me about their and Esmée's lives so far, about Durant's duels, about how he decided to quit after they had Esmée, etc.

And thus, my first day at France ended.


A.N.: Powerstones.

Family arc would be over in a few chapters. I'll use Time-skip no jutsu. Hogwarts summer holiday is 2 months. So, timeskipping is inevitable. But not before having a lot of fun here!

Don't go to pátreon now, the month's almost over. Well, if you still wanna support me I can't stop you.

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