HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 89: Corpomency

It's been ten days since I've been living here. And I decided to reveal my identity as Chris Martin. Dumbledore could have thought I won't be able to go to France on my own and told me about my parents, but I'll deal with him.

I'll visit him with Durant to calm him down. In the first place, he didn't want me to meet up with Durant's because once Durant knows I'm his son, he won't let Dumbledore influence me much, I would start learning occlumency, and I might go to Beauxbatons, etc..

But if I'm going to Hogwarts and Durant's going to fight the death eaters anyway, so Dumbledore shouldn't be too disappointed. Besides, what can he do? He can't try to pull any tricks on Durant, can he?

So, the news has now blown up!

Everyone who was allowed to visited from the day onwards, was made aware of my existence. What's the point of hiding? Now I don't need to fear Dumbledore much with this kind of family.

So, the ones who got to know about my existence spread it around, either gossiping or actually selling the info to the to we. But my parents wouldn't have introduced me to them if we didn't want the news spreading.

And thus, the articles of French newspapers for these days were like this:

->'The Lost Heir Returns?'

Our sources have been informed us of a shocking piece of news. It is being claimed by multiple people, that they have seen the son of Dueling world champion, Durant Martin and his wife Heiress Presumptive of house Laurant--------

->'Chris Maxwell Martin, son of former Dueling world champion Durant Martin!'

It has been revealed that the name of the Hier is Chris, and he was living in magical Britain as an orphan after being found drowning in a river as a toddler. His existence was discovered when just last year, he went to study in the most prestigious witchcraft and wizardry school of Britain, Hogwarts and scored top marks in every first year subject. Chris was also selected as the Seeker of his house team. For more information about his life at Hogwarts, see page-----

->The Lost Heir found shopping in Place Cachée with his Parents

Yesterday, our sources managed to spot the Chris Martin, the lost son of Durant Martin and Camille Laurant, buying sweets in the Place Cachée, along with his little sister Esmée Martin with their parents standing on either side of them. We managed to capture this moment before their father, the head of DMLE Durant Martin himself came to stand in front of the camera, denying any interviews for the moment----


So, it has been going well I guess. Since my parents want me to inherit the house seats and stuff, my existence had to be revealed. So, when I asked how were to going to do it, like, do we do a conference or something?

And they were like, 'we just live our lives normally without hiding. They'll do all the work for us.'

And that's what happened. Those newspaper guys worked day and night to spread news of my existence to the whole France without us having to do anything.


Ha-ha. This young master is a young master again~

If that isn't good enough, then call me Bruce Wane... or maybe Oliver Queen. The rich second generation come back from the dead after going through hellish training.

Still no? Then let's just go with Tony Stark. Though I hope I don't die...

There's no need to hide anymore. I didn't reveal my wealth before and kept a low profile last year because I didn't have any polical power. And people, including Dumbledore, would think even if I'm a genius, I'm still an easy prey. So, I keep myself only at the level of a normal genuis at magic and an abnormal genius at Quidditch.

Yeah, that was me being low profile.

It is actually difficult, not bashing the face in of someone who calls me mudblood behind by back. It's hard to go around disillusioned from my Slytherin haters while I could actually take them on anytime I wanted.

But fighting them, to a certain delusional and deranged old man, would make it look like I was going dark.

That I had many things similar to Tom Riddle. The charm, the talent, the orphanage, the air of mystery, and the most important, the habbit of bullying. Even though I'd be bullying only selected scumbagd of Slytherin who were looking for ways to attack me.

In his opinion, they were, but 'young children who can be lead the path of light'. I mean seriously, that's canon. Not even from Dumbledore bashing fanfictions.

So, I had kept my presence fairly unknown and non-existent for the whole time before I met Dumbledore.

When I had the assurance that Dumbledore wouldn't be a threat to me anymore saying, 'Chris, my boy, you are a bad influence on Harry, so... you have to go, for the greater good.' Only then did I even play Quidditch. I've always liked playing sports. And I wanted to try Quidditch as well.

I played sports in the previous life too. Basketball and volleyball. With a height of 6'2, it was just a waste not to.

Here as well, with the so many cheats, it is a waste not to play. I only have waste a few hours for the match every few weeks. I even stopped practicing, cause Andrea got weak to my cute face when I asked her nicely.

I'm not playing Quidditch for only enjoyment. It's just that, when I finally reveal my power to the world, I shouldn't be declared a Darklord by the coward ministry. Because people fear the unknown. I should be known as a light side supporter.

If I'm suddenly popping out and saying- 'See, I'm this powerful. But fear not. I'm a gooood guy.' While was just a nobody before that, then people would, of course draw wrong conclusions.

Thus, people should at least know me as a legit genuis who has all of his mental facilities working. Not someone who was quite ordinary and weak before and only became powerful after using dark magics and rituals.

So, being the Heir to two light families in France, away form the corrupt Britain? Why not?

You see, if someone is shining just far too bright, then powerful people would either want that person under them, or 6 feet under the ground.

Thus I kept was going to a low profile from second year onwards to keep those families away.... Na. I still I wouldn't have given two shits to those families and ministry even if I was an orphan and alone. Only some like Dumbledore is worthy of caution. I have no business in magical Britain for those families to interfere. It's all in the muggle world.

At most, I'd get low marks on OWLs and NEWTs. But those things are needed for people who are going to work under someone. I'll have people working for me not the other way around.


Currently, I was in my room, working on my newest magical research. It had notes written in restricted Notebooks lying around me.

I have been trying out my idea which I got 10 days earlier when met a veela for the first time.

The magical allure of veela is quite different form the magic of wizards. Usually, the I can also feel the magic of wizards too, but that doesn't intensify the effects it has on me. If that was so, I would've been long riddled with holes due to the number of low powered stinging hexes Dora has fired on me.

But the magical allure was a kind of magic which was intensified more for those could feel it. Thankfully, my mind was protected by occlumency shields, thus preventing it from have an intensified effect on my mind too, effective converting me into Ron Weasley.

Despite my body's obscene reaction, my mind remained pure.

So, now then I wondered, if occlumency can help be build shields in my mind, that can prevent magic from entering my mind.

So.... is there something that could help me build shields in my body, blocking magic from entering my body?

Is it possible? For ordinary wizards? Maybe not. For the magical me? I'll at least give it my all trying it out.

And thus began my research on a branch of magic that I was going to pioneer on my own. And I named it: Corpomency.

The word 'Corpo' is derived from the Latin word 'Corpus' meaning a human body. Corpomency would be a branch of magic which would protect my body form external magical influence.

I can't say I've made much of progress in the ten days, but... I can tell. It is possible. I don't think I would have been able to make the mind shields either without actually knowing the method to do it.

I've been trying to make the shields with the same methods that I used to form occlumency shields.

I relaxed by body. Like I relaxed my mind before occlumency.

Alright, let's begin.

I activated the trigger as the pure magic started flowing into my body.

As all my muscles relaxed, I started to try forming the shields using the same method that I used for my occlumency shields. Only, this time using it for the body.

I used to my mind locked in with indestructible shields, so I followed along those unreal methods which the magical people have made for occlumency which I learned form all the sources. Then, I made appropriate changes in the method so that it applies on the body instead of mind.

The magic I used was, of course, pure magic. I could have given the magic a solid attribute, or the intent of protection, but that would make my shields focused strictly on defense.

The main advantage of pure magic is it's versatility.

As the magic followed my guidence, the outline of an armor, made up of pure magic started forming on my body, glowing in multiple colours.

But... as soon as I stopped supplying magic, the armor dispersed.

"Damn it!"

I sighed. I've tried many variations, but I can't seem to be able to make it stay. Another disadvantage is that, it's extremely visible. I can't use it infront of people whom I'm not gonna kill.

Just as I wrote down my observations from this yet another failure into my notes, I heard my mother calling me.

"Chris honey, get ready. Guests are coming today."

"Sigh... Who is it this time?" I asked.

"It's the minister of magic."


A.N.: I request POWERSTONES for regular updates. The chapter length is increased even further from the next chapter on the request of patrons!

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