HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 97: My father's going to 'hear' about this

"... Alright, let me try. Do you have... a white board marker on you?"


"No, nothing. It's a joke. You wouldn't understand." Don't know why I even bothered making that one. No one would ever know about my circumstances, so I can't have a laugh on this kind of inside joke with anyone.

Thinking this I suddenly remembered Dora. She's the one who knows the most about me, but I haven't can't even share this withih her.

'And now I'm missing her again.' I sighed.

I took out a diary and letter from my pocket.

We had been talking regularly for the two month. She already knew that I possibly had a family in France since I had shared it with her when Dumbledore had told me. So when she found out that I actually found my family, she was very happy me.

This letter came a few days after our separation.

[The enchantment blocking others from reading it are removed this time XD]

Dear Chris,

Um... about my goodbye letter which I left in your room before leaving, please don't take it seriously. I was actually zonked on firewhiskey at that time, so I don't remember what I wrote.

( 'Oh really? She hadn't drunk a drop of it.... I would've tasted it on her lips otherwise....' I had obscenely laughed at that one. She was completely sober and she did everything {even kissing a twelve y/o} in sound mind, without any external influences.)

Anyways. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on finding your family!!!

I'm so happy for you~ It always used to break my heart whenever I used to think about how you must have lived alone up untill now. As I've written in the letter I left with you, I had 'ordered' you to stay with my parents if you don't find your family in France.

No wait! I-I don't remember much of what I wrote in that letter! ....Just a few things.

Anyway, just remember, what the case, you still have a family in Britain.

I really hope that your family membets are good people and you get along with them. If they aren't just tell me! I'll have Moody handle them. Even if his combat skills have gone low after his retirement, he's still one heluva scary old bloke.

On my side, my hellish train has started. Right now, we're adventuring in the wilderness of Amazon. Did you know there's a magical community hidden in the middle of it?! They have a unique way of doing magic. I'm gonna visit all kinds of places and then bring you with me the next time. I always end up thinking—'If Chris were here, he'd do this, he'd do that, he'd make jokes on this one....' In short, I'm... missing you, a lot. ...Are you missing me? Maybe not, you've got a family now afterall.

Anyways, write to me a lot. And I hope you be happy with your family; You deserve it ; )




That's just the first and last letter exchanged between us. That girl, I don't know what she was thinking, but she didn't open the bag I had given her until the time she sent this letter. In that bag, I had put a put a secure way of communication between us. Me, who has come from the era of online texting can't make do letters.

So, I bought a nice pair of diaries and linked them with Protean Charm. Nothing complicated. It's a spell that makes the objects linked. If one is changes, the other would change automatically as well. The I added some privacy charms along with a Notification charm. She had opened the bag only the next day and we were talking regularly after that.

With the invention of things like these the owl market gonna sink soon. But I'm not doing business in the wizarding world anyway. Just investing in the business of big companies of muggle world and letting them earn money for me is going to make me into the richest man in the world.

Even now, my hunters are buying all the shares they can of all the companies that I've ordered them to.

The thing is, when you get the taste of magic, the taste of true power, the feeling when you activate the Super Trigger, money and political power become secondary goals in life.

While I was looking at the letter and the diary in nostalgia, Tracy was trying to make friends with Nyxie. While Daphne was studying me with narrowed eyes.

"How did you cheat? The security and countermeasures were updated only last year?" She asked.

I shook my head as I looked up my the letter. "You won't ever find out. I'm just telling you this to inform you that you can't come first no matter how you try. So, just work hard on learning whatever you want and don't mind losing to me."


"Hey! But that's not fair!" Tracy couldn't help but say, and both Daphne and I rolled our eyes.

"The only thing that makes life unfair is the delusion that it should be fair." I said solemnly. Life has indeed always been unfair. Especially to the victims of young masters.


Tracy looked like she was still trying to understand what I said while Daphne looked at me in new light.

"Anyways, don't talk about fairness. Granger beat both of you despite being muggleborn and without any prior magical education. And she didn't even cheat."

At that Tracy shrugged helplessly and Daphne nodded.

"Granger put in the hard work required to do that and she's also a bookworm. You, fulfill neither of those requirements."

'....What?' I was surprised.

This is my first time talking to Slytherins. So I've been carefully judging their every action and reaction to the words I'm throwing out.

The words I said just now would have made a typical Slytherin go—'How dare you compare us to a muggleborn?!'

And from what I can see, these two aren't too salty about being defeated by a muggleborn. And they even acknowledged her.

'Is there still hope for Slytherin?'

Na. These two are probably the exceptions. And I don't think the rest of the Slytherins would appreciate it.

But, she still basically said that even though Hermione might have the qualifications to be the first, I clearly don't.

Well, it's good to see what kind of impression people of Slytherin have of me. Most of my 'bookworm' and 'hard work' time is spent in the room of requirements. I even work out disillusioned. The only thing they see is that I can somehow perform all the spells in one try and play some awesome Quidditch, but again, I'm not seen practicing for even that.

'It'll be good if I show off some of my hardwork.' It wouldn't make sense if just kept being first in everything despite always seen goofing around. It seems that the Slytherins don't know much about my academic prowess.

"Do you know, that the same Granger actually pays me to teach her practical magic?" She does do my homework for in exchange for teaching her advanced magic. Though neither of them seemed to believe me. But well, who cares?

"Just ask around in the other houses. You'll get the proof." I only said that, still knowing that they won't believe me. Instead of wasting time, I might as well study the books I've brought with me from France.

This young master's house had a massive library. These days, I was mostly focused on enjoying and developing Corpomency, so I haven't explored it much... just brought about thousands of books in my Newt-case.

I took out an ancient looking book from my Newt-case. This one's Family book on Dark magic. It was from my mother's family, the Laurants. Well, behind that harmless and innocent demeanor, my mother did sometimes gave me those darklady vibes.

Dark magic never did fascinate me that much, since I can do pretty op stuff with just light magic, and...the Potters didn't have it in their library. And I won't practise much of it until I'm sure there's no mumbo-jumbo like, "It's going to corrupt your soul!"...you know, things like that.

But still it's atleast confirmed that doing it in very sparingly won't do me any harm. And it pays off to always know dark magic, since you'd be able to counter it much better, and... dark magic is damn useful.

Like, see the magics in this particularly priceless book I'm reading for example. It has a few spells which you can cast with any visual effects! And it doesn't have an immediate effect! Though the drawback is that you'd have to make direct contact with your wand and the target. In short, it's range is zero.

Didn't understand how it's usefull?

Simple Explanation:

-> You wanna a curse someone bad, but don't want everyone knowing that it was you. Generally, whenever you cast a spell, unless the surrounding people and the target are blind, they'd know that you're the culprit, since your wand tends to glow. So, instead if you just approach the target, activate the trigger, just accidentally bump into him, and cast these dark spells, and walk away... know one will know you did it. The spell would take effect after sometime, so you won't be the primary suspect....Useful shit, isn't it?

While I was reading, Tracy was happily playing with Nyxie while Daphne was trying and failing to read a book, since her eyes were straying towards Nyxie from time to time.

After thinking things through, I stood up. "Take care of Nyxie for a while. I'm going to meet my friends."

Nyxie can't just disillusion now that people have seen her. I don't want to show people any of Nyxie's abilities. That's why I brought her in the bag instead of bringing her in disillusionment. In case people wonder how I brought her unseen when they see her at Hogwarts.

Leaving her here would be good for now. I don't need to worry about the girls trying anything funny since their characters are not bad. And even if they tried something, I only need to worry about their safety, not Nyxie's.

With that, I stepped out the compartment— and came face to face with Malfoy.

'The hell is with that timing?'

I closed the door behind me and locked it to 'occupied' so that the little shit doesn't see who's inside. The curtains were completely drawn.

"Oh, so you're here. I've been looking for you, Martin." said Malfoy superciliously, his two everpresent goons still present on either side of him. Do they even accompany him to the toilet? I can just make out the picture of him sitting in one cubicle, doing his business while the two fat lackeys sitting in the cubicles on either side of him.


There's suddenly a booming sound that reverberates throughout the toilet.

And then he says, 'Idiot! Don't fart so loudly next time! Otherwise, my father's going to hear about this!'


My mind came up with that too suddenly and I could barely hold back my laughter, though my lips still twitched upwards before I used my occlumency. Oh man, what am I doing in this world? My place is in the comedic world...

Seeing me smile, Malfoy took it as if I was happy to see him. Puffing out his chest, he said, "You must already know who I am. I'm here to congratulate on your results last year and express my gratitude for beating that mudblood to the first place. Though, you must have been really annoyed when Dumbledore so unfairly gave the house cup to the Griffindors. Since you come from such distinguished pure blood family, I've come to extend my friendship friendship to you." He said, offering his hand.

I looked down at his hand, then looked at him.

Damn, this felt a scene from WWE.... Do I shake hands, or do I give him my finisher?

I slowly extended my hand towards his...

As my hand reached his, it didn't stop and continued further. It went into his robe pocket. I took out a piece of parchment from his pocket. After opening it, you could read the same words that the boy had spoken clearly written on the parchment.

"Tell me Draco, Who wrote it? Your father?" I asked casually while going through the parchment. "Oh, you forgot to say this line mentioning the French Ancestry of your family. And... oh, our families are also distantly related. Well, good to know." He quickly snatched the parchment before I could read any more of it.

"Draco," I patted his shoulder, "Come back again, when you have something to say that's not come from your father."

With that, I walked past him to meet my friends.



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