HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 98: The ultimate wingman

Well, what can I say? Both are young masters, but the difference in quality is evident. I'm quite a premium high-end young master while he's just one of many low quality ones.

From what I can see, the guy never spoke a word of his own. All his words and opinions are formed due to his father. Thus I didn't do much on his mudblood comment. If your parents tell you something is disgusting from your early age, you'll naturally develop a revulsion towards that thing as you grow up, even if you don't know why you're hating it.

That's why I never even talked to him before today. Whenever he'd come within my range, I'd just silence him or just use Confundus and tell him to go away. I simply couldn't be bothered to get the same treatment he give to all muggleborns. That'll have him going to the hospital wing, even if the words were his father's, as long as they were directed at me right to my face, someone has to suffer.

And that would have made my life a Chinese novel. Where the MC is literally asking for the young masters to come and insult him, does nothing and listens obediently to whatever the young master has to say, when the young master has pissed all over him, only then would he beat the young master, thus starting the chain reaction, which goes like this, Young master -> Sect's senior brother -> Elder brother (s) -> Uncle -> Family Elder -> Father(Patriarch) -> Grandfather from the secluded cultivation -> Ancestor from the outer world.

So, ended the problem at the root, and didn't even talk to the young master, let alone let him insult me. Genius, right?

I began walking by all the compartments. Now, Who should I meet first?

Let's just go with the ones whose compartment comes first. I activated my dragon's sense of hearing as I walked. I started to hear all sorts of noises in detail. I suddenly took a step away from a compartment that I was just walking by,

"Alright... I didn't need to hear that." This is a train full of teenage students. Obviously you'd hear stuff you didn't wish to hear.

There were a few disadvantages to dragon's hearing. You hear everything, no filters, no censoring.

Soon, I began hearing Susan's voice among the many other noises, then I also heard Hannah's voice, then Harry's and Hermione's as well.

"Well, let's go to this one." I walked up to the compartment and opened the door.

"It's his real autograph! Sweet Morgana! He has never signed one for anyone before!" Susan was saying before I opened the door.

"Hi, guys. Miss me?" I asked. Damn! This line is growing on me.

Inside were Harry, Neville, Hermione, Susan, and Hannah. I already heard what they talking about. Susan was showing off Durant's autograph while acting like a fangirl.

I had already met Harry and Susan, so the ones who were left were Neville, Hermione and Hannah. And all three of them were the kind who are socially maladroit. I had suddenly become quite famous and now they wouldn't know how to talk to me.

"Hey, where did you suddenly run off to, mate?I couldn't even follow you.?"

"Well, I made the mistake of putting my magical dragon into a bag. It was trying to break free at that moment." I said, knowing that I'll be taken as a joke.

I sat next to Harry who had already made space for and talked to all them for a bit, to ease their awkwardness. Soon Hermione was back to her usual self, "I can't believe you're the son of Durant Martin! I've read about him in 'Modern Magical History' and 'Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century,' and 'Dueling Legend of the Wizarding World.' "

"Yeah," Harry agreed to her first sentence while ignoring the rest. "How did it all happen?"

This was a question which most of the my friends are going to ask, so I had prepared an answer for it already. "Well, last year, I somehow got a hint that my parents might be in France. But, there are so many wizarding families in France that I couldn't just send a letter to them all, asking if they were my family. The only way was to go France myself and get the Gringotts inheritance test. But as you know, I have no way of going to France alone. So, I had to ask an acquaintance to accompany me there, it was a lot of arduous work, but I met them in the end." I finished, this is the version that Durant is giving to Dumbledore right now.

Then they Bagan asking me about my life in France. So after telling them a bit about that, I came to the main subject.

"Guys, I wasn't joking earlier. I really have a Transfigured Dragon, which is quite real in everything but it's body and temperament."

No one believed me, but I still had to warn at least those close to me about Nyxie, so that we can face the rest of the school's reaction together.

So I told them the standard story about Nyxie. Well, if they don't believe me now, they'll believe in when actually see her.


I sighed as I walked back to the compartment in which Nyxie was staying.

After meeting with Har, Nev, Sus, Her and Han, I had gone meet my Ravenclaw friends as well. Since I'd be sitting with them on the welcoming feast, they had to know about Nyxie as well. And man was that a chore. First I had to remove their hesitation and awkwardness over how to treat me, then I had to tell them a out Nyxie which, some straight out didn't believe. Anyway it was all over now, and I'm back to my Nyxie.

Opening the door, I saw an unreal scene in front of me. Nyxie was laying in Daphne's lap while she scratched Nyxie's scales, and Tracy had a few books opened in front of her as she tried to study.

"Well, well, well. It seems that even the ice block melted to Nyxie's cuteness, huh?"

Upon my arrival, Daphne stopped scratching Nyxie's scales as she quickly took her hands back.

"...." She didn't say anything, but her cheeks had a bit of a pink tint on them like she embarrassed on being caught.

This is sus. "Hmm, now I think I might have been wrong earlier. You might have been asking for Nyxie for yourself instead of your sister." I said with narrowed eyes as Nyxie flew back to her right place on my shoulder and rubbed her face in my neck.


'...Yeah, I missed you too, my Nyxie.' I communicated through bond.

Looks like Nyxie still isn't used to separating from me for long.

"So, you made new friends today?" I asked Nyxie.

*nod* *nod*

"Good girl." I patted her head. "You'll meet more friends in a few minutes."

We had almost reached Hogsmeade, so it was time to disembark the train. I had already transfigured my normal clothes into my uniform before coming here and the girls were their uniforms as well.

I then turned to Daphne and Tracy, who were both observing our interaction, "Thanks for looking after her. I hope she wasn't trouble."

Tracy shook her head. "When can we see her again?" Daphne looked away, but I noticed that she didn't protest on being included in Tracy's question.

"...." Just what magic did she do on these two girls? Looks like Nyxie's a player. A beast in dragon skin. Taking over the hearts of everyone she meets.

Anyway, I walked out of the compartment after promising that they can come meet Nyxie again soon. I never thought that she could be this popular if she wanted to. She was never too friendly with Dora, so I thought she was like that to everyone.

I converted the bag into a stylish blue backpack with a black dragon emblazoned on it. Slinging it over my shoulders, I turned to Nyxie. "Nyxie, just climb into it. You can keep your head out."

Nyxie had no objections to that. Now I was wearing a futuristic backpack with Nyxie's cute head poking out it, looking around. Now, we were ready for Nyxie's debut.

Biding farewell to the girls, I walked out of the compartment and the students started to notice me as walked past them. But I didn't pay them any attention and walked straight to the carriages.

There, I saw the threstrals for the first time. Why can I see them? Maybe because I had died myself? Because I don't remember seeing anyone else's death and I haven't killed anyone yet.


...I haven't killed anyone yet?! What the hell? ...Most Protagonists, reincarnaters, and transmigrators would have had their first kills by now. Damn, even Harry killed Quirell last year. Wtf have I been doing after transmigrating if I haven't even killed anyone yet?!

But wait a minute, even though I haven't killed anyone, but while doing business, I had encountered some people who were better dead. Just reading their memories had given me mental trauma, so I did wipe all of their memories. Does that count as killing? Because I actually don't give a damn.

While, I was examining the threstrals, my Ravenclaw friends approached me hurriedly,

"Oh Merlin... He wasn't lying!"

"See? I told you! Now hand me all my 5 knuts, each of you!"

"Hey, I also betted on him telling the truth!"

Oh man, what have I taught them? Betting at this age? My influence is clearly not good for children. Anyway, I'm glad that Michael Cormac lost his money. This guy was the one who was most vocal about me lying earlier on the train.

Anthony and Terry are good guys, while Michael isn't bad, but he has this hunger for attention and a small jealous streak. I had noticed is last year as well.

And this Michael Corner is the same one who dated Ginny Weasley for a year, the girl who happened to have a crush on Harry, and then he dated Cho Chang, whom Harry was dating before.

So....Am I the only one who see a pattern here? The guy dated those girls because they happened to be romantically involved with the guy who took most of the attention. In this timeline, he's getting even less attention due to me being in the same house as him. Hence, if ever break-up with a girl, you can expect seeing this guy trying to woo her.

So... am I the only one who hates this guy, even though he's quite innocent right now? Anyways, I'll keep an eye on him for now.

The girls, Sue li, Padma, and Lisa Turpin came up to see the cute Nyxie up close.

"Awwww, she's so cute!"

"Sooooooo cute."

"Ooooh, what's her name?"

Nyxie looked at them curiously as she blinked her big amber eyes and the girls swooned. They all crowded around my backpack as fussed over Nyxie.

Well, I bet Uncle Barney would love to have one cute dragon as well. The Ultimate wingman, with actual wings! It'll be LEGEN—wait for it—DARY! One can only thank the heavens that I'm not a playboy, or the girls of Hogwarts wouldn't be safe with the combination of me and Nyxie.

We climbed onto the carriages and I looked around for anyone else among my friends who could see thestrals. Sadly no one could. Even Harry couldn't. He hadn't actually seen Quirell's death. He was unconscious at the time. Only Neville can, because he's seen his grandfather's death. And, there's another person who can see them, but she's going through the boats right now.

By now, I had already made all my friends comfortable with me again, telling them to be treat me the same way they used to. We all went into the great Hall while laughing and chatting and I ignored the various gazes thrown at me from the mobs. Only after entering the great Hall did I suddenly remember that my sudden increase in popularity would make someone else jealous as well.

Wavy blond hair, blue eyes, and smiling at everyone from the teachers table while waving.


I only remember his existence after actually seeing him. Apparently, the guy is so little importance in the my mind that I complete forgot about his existence. Well, I have one target for trying out my pranks this year. Lockhart might be in for the worst year of his life.




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