Huanxi Boy: Drunk Song Qian Came To The Door, I Was Numb

Chapter 301 Mr. Jiang's Girlish Style, Xia Linxi's Late-Night Love Talk! (Please Subscribe

China. Grill Restaurant.

Just as Cao Ze walked into the box, Jiang Jun flew over.

After a passionate kiss, the two came to the dining table.

"Did you change your clothes when you got home?"

Seeing Jun Jiang's outfit, Cao Ze asked curiously.

Because all the time.

Most of the time, Mr. Jiang is dressed in business attire.

But today is different.

She originally had the same single ponytail hairstyle.

It was replaced by air cushion hot shoulder-length slightly curly short hair.

The natural fluffy hairstyle is extremely smooth, adding a feeling of youthful vitality.

With the light makeup on her delicate face, she looks quite girly.

A floral dress on her body.

Fresh but not vulgar, dreamy and romantic.

Directly fill up the atmosphere value of the early summer season without any sense of distance.

The bright facial features and tall figure are matched with this long skirt.

Although it is simple, it hits the aesthetic point.

The maiden feeling of first love exploded all of a sudden.

"No, I didn't go to work today."

"The company is on the right track, so I skipped work today to prepare for my birthday."

"I got up very early in the morning, and then I took my best friend to do my hair together"

Today, Mr. Jiang is no longer dull, and speaks very lively.

She is the vice president of the Cao Group.

In terms of career, I feel that I have reached my ideal value.

So she plans, after this twenty-sixth birthday.

It's time to start thinking about family.

New expectations and a new mood.

Created a completely new Jiang Jun now.

"Yes, I like you very much now!"

After listening to Mr. Jiang's story, Cao Ze said with a slight smile.

Although the former Jiang Jun was beautiful, he was too monotonous.

But now she is lively and cheerful, Cao Ze likes her very much.

"From then on, I will be like this!"

Thinking of his plans for the future, Jiang Jun said with a smile.

Just as Cao Ze was about to speak, the waiter came in pushing the food.

Although the name of this restaurant is Xiaguo Girl, it is a western restaurant.

Not long.

Cao Ze and Jiang Jun picked up their knives and forks and prepared to eat.

"This pre-dinner bread is not bad, it tastes good, try it."

Jun Jiang took a sip.

Forked a small piece and fed it into Cao Ze's mouth.

"Well, it's really good!"

Feeling Mr. Jiang's thoughtfulness, Cao Ze said with a smile.

"It's also my first time visiting this restaurant, so I ordered some signature dishes."

"Appetizers include sea bass with lemon juice, grilled octopus, eight-treasure seafood pod..."

Jiang Jun was introducing and holding dishes for Cao Ze at the same time.

The wild sea bass is extremely delicious and is an authentic Italian method.

The octopus is grilled at 360 degrees, tender and delicious, with all five flavors.

But these are only secondary.

The main thing is Mr. Jiang's meticulousness.

This made Cao Ze feel as if he saw the most real Mr. Jiang.

After all, he had gotten along with Jun Jiang before.

But at that time, Mr. Jiang still focused on his career, and didn't spend his mind on it.

Now her concept has changed.

Jiang Jun's beauty and thoughtfulness are infinitely magnified.

The two finished their dinner talking and laughing, and dessert was served after the meal.

“Cao Ze, try this basil citrus honey tart, it’s delicious.

After Jiang Jun finished speaking with a smile, he fed Cao Ze with a spoon.

"It seems a bit too sweet, but I like it!"

After tasting, Cao Ze's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

This dessert sugar tart is hard and crunchy on the outside, with the fragrance of fruit inside.

Some sea salt caramel juice is poured on the ice cream, which tastes very sweet and natural.

But it can't compare to Jiang Jun at the moment, that sweet look when he smiles.

The heroine of "Half Honey, Half Hurt" has finally sublimated into the appearance of honey.

In such a beautiful and delicious situation.

After paying the bill, the two drove directly to the Maple Garden drive-in cinema.

This is an outdoor drive-in theater.

While watching a big movie, you can perform a small movie in the car without others seeing it.

Cao Ze's Cullinan has a lot of space in the car, giving them room to display their talents.

the next day.

Cao Group.

The belated Cao Ze and Jiang Jun.

After smiling slightly, they each went to their own offices.

"Boss, you come to work at this hour, are you here for the company lunch?"

When Cao Ze came to the president's office, Ye Na laughed and joked.

"Li Mi, please pay attention to your own identity!"

"What kind of status are you, you still use the same office as me!"

Cao Ze's unsmiling words greeted Li Naji's charming eyes.

I have worked in the position of secretary to the president for so long.

Of course Li Na could tell, Cao Ze was in a good mood at this moment.

"Okay, Boss, I am the little secretary you have to work as a secretary!"

"As for the office, how about I go to your private lounge to work?"

Li Na smiled slightly, and pointed in the direction of Cao Ze's resting room.

"Hmm, be serious!"

"We are a regular company here, what do you think?"

Cao Ze was startled by Li Na's bold words, and said speechlessly.

"Okay boss, then I'll go there during my lunch break!"

Seeing Cao Ze glaring at herself, Ye Na quickly changed the topic.

"Boss, please listen carefully. Your schedule today has a meeting at 1:00 pm..."

Li Na didn't even take the document, and just said it casually.

After all, the employees of the entire Cao Group know it.

The president Cao Ze is almost a hands-off shopkeeper.

Group affairs are generally decided by the three vice presidents.

If Andy, Xue Zhili and Jiang Jun can't make the decision, Cao Ze will have a meeting or something.

"By the way, boss, don't forget about the class reunion in the evening!"

"It doesn't matter if you forget, I will notify you when the time comes."

Li Na, who is extremely serious and responsible for her work, said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I know."

After Cao Ze nodded, he lay down on the rocking chair.

He took out his mobile phone and turned on Weixin, and the classmate group had already started chatting.

Xia Linxi: @Everyone, please attend the class reunion on time at 6:00 p.m.!

As soon as Xia Linxi, who is the class monitor, class flower, and school belle, spoke, some students quickly responded.

Lin Miaomiao: Monitor, don't worry, I, a foodie, will definitely be there as soon as possible.

Deng Xiaoqi: I followed closely and wanted to sit at the children's table.

Zhou Linlin: We are a high school reunion, where are the children from?

Huang Zhitao: Yes, let Cao Ze bring her daughter over and open a table alone, we will share a table with Xiao Xixi, hehe...

Wang Yidi: Tao Zi's idea is good, I think it will work!

Qiao Yingzi: Then we have to invite Sister Xiao Meng over, or Xiao Xixi will have no milk to drink, haha!

Xia Linxi: When I saw Xiao Xixi last time, wasn't she drinking milk powder?

Qiao Yingzi: They are all drinking. Recently, sister Xiaomeng's output is too high.........

Lin Miaomiao: @乔英子, Yingzi, our small group said that I love to hear this.

Seeing the information in the classmate group, Cao Ze was speechless.

These students who are about to go to college seem to have let themselves go.

Why are they so concerned about their own women and children?

Evening, half past five.

Songjiang Hotel, restaurant box.

Xia Linxi, who was in charge of this class reunion, came here early.

Yang Tao knew that they were Cao Ze's classmates, so she had already greeted the manager.

Let the waiter in charge here, don't neglect this group of people.

As the students arrived one after another.

At this time, you can see which classmates are close.

Just like Qiao Yingzi, Huang Zhitao, Wang Yidi, Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao and Zhou Linlin who came here.

When he saw Xia Linxi, he came to sit beside her very naturally.

"Yingzi, didn't you bring the cutie here?"

Zhou Linlin asked curiously.

When they were chatting in the small group, Yin Yingzi said she would think of a way.

"There are too many of us, Miss Meng is worried that the environment is too noisy."

Qiao Yingzi said very apologetically.

"That's true, we didn't even think of this."

"It seems that Cao Ze said that we are immature, and he is right!"

Hearing Qiao Yingzi's words, Xia Linxi said in agreement.

Many times she found that Cao Ze's foresight and wit far surpassed her own.

Xia Linxi couldn't even conceive the idea of ​​chasing Cao Ze.

Just like this college entrance examination.

Cao Ze easily scored a perfect score of 750 points.

In the eyes of teachers and classmates at the school.

Both unexpected and seemingly reasonable.

Because Cao Ze gets full marks in every model test.

Such a heaven-defying existence has made countless people admire it.

Not to mention Cao Ze's other achievements.

The president of a 100-billion-level group, a 19-year-old young father, the layout of the chip crisis, two consecutive hot searches, etc.

Take out anything casually, it is the existence of slapping your peers.

"Hey, why hasn't Cao Ze come yet?"

"Ying (adad), he won't, won't he come?"

Fang Yifan at the next table waited for a long time for Cao Ze not to be seen.

So he turned his head and asked Qiao Yinzi.

Hear him.

The students present also looked at Qiao Yingzi.

Because she and Cao Ze are neighbors upstairs and downstairs, and they are also good friends since childhood.

The relationship is naturally much better than their classmates.

Cao Ze's current social status, and the wealth he owns.

Even if they didn't come to this class reunion, the people present didn't dare to say anything.

He earns hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, so come to a class reunion to have fun with you?

Many students present have such an idea in their hearts.

Because if it were them, they would definitely be able to do such a thing.

"Cao Ze promised to come, and he will definitely come."

"Fang Yifan, you are always so impatient, no wonder Aunt Wenjie always beats you!"

After confirming that Cao Ze would come, he hit Fang Yifan.

"Hahaha, Fang Yifan, have you been beaten again?"

The words of the best bad friend Ji Yangyang made all the students present laugh out loud.

Because during the make-up classes during the summer vacation, Yang Yang and Fang Yifan had a fight to invite their parents.

In front of the whole school, Tong Wenjie chased Fang Yifan with her shoes and beat him up!

Thinking of the scene a year ago, the students present all had a lot of emotion.

After all, after this class reunion, everyone will go their separate ways and go to college.

"Don't laugh, my cousin hasn't been beaten for three days!"

Seeing Fang Yifan's face flushed.

Lin Lei'er, who wanted to save her cousin, straightened her glasses and said hastily.

Can hear his words.

Those present laughed even louder.

"Lei'er, you don't know how to talk, so just keep talking!"

Fang Yifan put his arms around his cousin's shoulders, looking speechless.

Although my cousin is smart enough, he was admitted to Qinghua University.

However, after all, he is just a nerd.

In terms of emotional intelligence.

Not even as good as him, an art examinee with a score of more than 400.

Along with the delicacies, they are served one by one.

The people present looked at the door of the box from time to time.

Although no one said it clearly, they were all waiting for Cao Ze's arrival.

The boys are full of envy towards Cao Ze.

After all, what he has achieved is enough for them to look up to for a lifetime.

And the girls are more admiring for Cao Ze in their hearts.

Handsome and rich in money, he seems to have become a big star that everyone cares about.

Just when everyone looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

Cao Ze, dressed casually, walked in with a smile on his face.


"Isn't it six o'clock?"

"Why are you all here?"

Cao Ze, who came two minutes earlier, spoke in surprise.

"Isn't it just to admire the demeanor of your hundreds of billions of president!"

"So we came here before dawn and waited."

Qiao Yingzi's laughing words made Cao Ze roll his eyes.

"Yingzi, Aunt Song Qian asked me to discipline you when she was on a business trip."

"You dare to tease me, are you looking for a fight?"

When he came to Qiao Yingzi, Cao Ze asked with a smile.

"you dare!"

Hearing Cao Ze's words, Yingzi gritted his lips and said.

"Hit one, hit one...."

The students at the scene immediately started booing.


See students' reactions.

Especially Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi, Huang Zhitao, Wang Yidi, Zhou Linlin and Xia Linxi who were beside her were also booing.

"Are you still a good classmate, a good friend?"

Qiao Yingzi pouted suddenly aggrieved, and sat down on the seat.

"Yingzi, I'm just kidding with you."

"Squad leader, move to the side, I'll sit next to you and Yingzi!"

After all, she is Song Qian's daughter, so Cao Ze still needs to comfort her to some extent.

So sat down beside her.

After Cao Ze sat down, the class reunion officially began.

"Everyone, I propose, let's raise a glass!"

"After all, after this meeting, the next time we meet, I don't know when it will be!"

The class reunion was initiated by Xia Linxi, and as the class monitor, she was in charge of hosting it.

She stood up and said loudly to the students present.


Perhaps Xia Linxi's charisma has always been very good.

Perhaps it was her words that infected everyone.

So the students present all stood up and raised the cups in their hands together.

Of course.

Considering that they are all prospective college students, so they drink drinks and juices.

"Students, what the monitor said is a bit too pessimistic!"

Cao Ze, who also stood up, smiled and said.

While everyone was in a daze, he continued to speak.

"As the squad leader said, after our class reunion.

"Everyone is going to go their separate ways and go to college all over the country.

"But we are all from the imperial capital, and our roots are also in the imperial capital."

"No matter when you come back in the future, we can still get together!"

Everyone present agreed with Cao Ze's words.

Immediately, countless people shouted "Yes!"

"Cao Xueshen, after I graduate from university, can I work in your Cao Group?"

An unattractive female classmate asked a little shyly.

Her words cheered up everyone present.

After all, there is a relationship with classmates, and a company that loses Cao Luo will definitely not encounter unspoken rules in the workplace.


"My Cao Group, all students are welcome to join!"

Cao Ze raised his cup and said.


Upon hearing this.

The people present immediately drank the drinks in their cups.

A reunion of classmates was held in a lively atmosphere.

More than forty people not only had dinner together.

Under the arrangement of Cao Ze.

I also came to the super luxurious bag of Songjiang Hotel KTV.

Cao Ze used "Don't Say Goodbye" as the first song, which directly detonated the audience.

"Cao Ze, can you go out with me?"

"I have something to say to you alone!"

Xia Linxi who came to Cao Ze's side, because the scene was too noisy.

Said loudly in his ear.

But just when she was about to speak!

Qiao Yingzi saw Xia Linxi coming to Cao Ze.

I guessed that she should have something to tell Cao Ze.


Qiao Yingzi is very understanding.

On the control panel, the pause button was pressed. .

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