Huanxi Boy: Drunk Song Qian Came To The Door, I Was Numb

Chapter 302 Xia Linxi And Zhou Linlin Have A Private Meeting Cao Ze Makes A Bold Courtship! (Please

In the KTV department of Songjiang Hotel, in the ultra-luxury box.

The moment Qiao Yingzi pressed the pause button.

The scene immediately fell silent.

But Xia Linxi, who was in Cao Ze's ear, had already yelled loudly.

"Cao Ze, can you - come out with me?"

"I have something to say to you alone!"

Originally, because of the noisy environment, she was afraid that Cao Ze would not be able to hear her.

That's why Xia Linxi's voice was extraordinarily loud.

At this moment when the live sound is silent.

All the students present, one by one, heard it.

Xia Linxi, who reacted in an instant, blushed immediately.

"Squad leader, why did you tell Cao Ze alone?"

"Just talk about it here, let us listen to it too!"

Fang Yifan, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, booed at the top of his voice.

Xia Lin Xili ignored him, she quietly waited for Cao Ze's answer.

"Okay, let's go outside and talk!"

Cao Ze was also curious why Xia Linxi invited him alone.

So after he finished speaking, he walked out first.

"Confession, confession...."

In the booing of the students.

Xia Linxi chased after him in shame and anger.

I saw the back of her and Cao Ze leaving one after another.

Many female students at the scene showed envious expressions.

They also want to talk to Cao Ze alone for a while, just like Xia Linxi.

But I still have achievements in my appearance, compared to Xia Linxi, I am a scumbag.

They immediately lost the courage to go forward.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

After Zhou Linlin finished speaking quickly, he hurried out of the box.


"Our ultra-luxury bag, doesn't it have two bathrooms?"

After Lin Miaomiao muttered this sentence, she immediately reacted.

She and her best friend Deng Xiaoqi looked at each other.

They all saw the flames of gossip in each other's eyes.

"Let's go to the bathroom too!"

Lin Miaomiao pulled Deng Xiaoqi out of the box together.

Just waiting for the two of them to chase out.

The three people who left earlier have long since disappeared.

"Why am I so stupid, I didn't even think of this!"

"Wuuu... If I had known earlier, I would have confessed my love first!"

Deng Xiaoqi leaned on Lin Miaomiao's shoulder and said without tears.

She is Cao Ze's number one fan.

This is something Lin Miaomiao and many of her classmates know.

"Okay Xiaoqi, there will be opportunities in the future!"

Lin Miaomiao patted her best friend's shoulder and spoke persuasively.

Cao Ze and Xia Linxi, who got out of the box, came all the way to the rooftop.

The gentle breeze on Midsummer Night makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

"Squad leader, is it quiet enough here?"

Come to the rooftop, overlooking the bustling night magic city in the distance.

Cao Ze smiled and said.

"Well, it's really quiet!"

"There's a step over there, let's sit and chat there!"

Xia Linxi looked at the surrounding environment, and then spoke to Cao Ze.

"Okay, up to you!"

Cao Ze nodded and walked over with Xia Linxi.

At this time, Zhou Linlin, who had caught up, was not far from the two of them.

Relying on the cover of a building, they could still hear the conversation between Cao Ze and Xia Linxi.

"Cao Ze, I like you, do you know that?"

Xia Linxi spoke to Cao Ze affectionately as if she had rehearsed countless times.

Cao Ze couldn't help being taken aback by her unexpected words.

Zhou Linlin, who was hiding and eavesdropping, showed such an expression.

"This squad leader is indeed on the same level as me.

"The person I like is actually the same as me, but who makes Cao Ze so good?"

After Zhou Linlin slandered in his heart, he continued to listen.

"This, I really don't know!"

"After all, you know my situation."

"Except for monthly exams and mock exams, I hardly ever go to school.

Cao Ze, who came back to his senses, said with a wry smile.

Of course Xia Linxi knew what he said was the truth.

After all, I didn't tell anyone about my growing love for him.

Looking at Cao Ze's handsome face, Xia Linxi was in a daze for a moment.

Just when Cao Ze didn't know what to say, Xia Linxi spoke.

"Cao Ze, you are excellent, this is a fact recognized by everyone."

"But my liking for you is not limited to this."

Xia Linxi continued to speak with an expression of nostalgia.

"I was curious about you from the time of the school swearing-in meeting.

"You are surrounded by countless classmates and parents, surrounded by stars.

"At that time, I was thinking, why are you so popular!"

"It wasn't until a while later that I figured it out!"

"It turns out that you are the child of other people's family that parents often mention."

When Xia Linxi said this, there was an expression of admiration on her face.

Zhou Linlin's eyes lit up while eavesdropping!

"Isn't that a coincidence, isn't it?"

"I was also curious about Cao Ze at that time!"

Zhou Linlin thought in surprise.

Listening to Xia Linxi's words, Cao Ze didn't interrupt her.

Because he can see it.

In front of him is the top female student, Xia Linxi who is known as the perfect girlfriend.

There should be a lot of words hidden in my heart, and I want to say enough to myself.

"My liking for you may have been when we first met."

"At the corner of the campus, the moment I accidentally ran into your arms!"

"Your smile, like a warm sun, blows through my heart like a spring breeze."

"Do you remember that time?"

After Xia Linxi finished speaking, she looked at Cao Ze expectantly.

She hoped that the other party could also remember, after all, that was the first time they met and chatted.

"Of course I do!"

"After you bumped into me, you said sorry to me."

"Later we chatted for a few words, and the two sides added prestige to each other.

"By the way, I met Zhou Linlin later, am I right?"

Cao Ze, who has a super memory, remembers these things very easily.

Hearing his answer, Xia Linxi's heart warmed up, "So, he remembers too!".

"That's right, Zhou also added your prestige later!"

With a satisfied smile, Xia Linxi was in an exceptionally comfortable mood.

Unexpectedly, Cao Ze could still vividly remember the things he cared about.

Zhou Linlin, who was eavesdropping, was startled.

"Isn't that a coincidence, isn't it?"

"It was also at that time that I fell in love with Cao!

Surprised Zhou Linlin thought of it in shock.

I dare not say that her experience is very similar to Xia Linxi's.

It can only be said that it is exactly the same!

"I fell in love with you deeply, it was at the scene of the Mathematical Olympiad!"

"As the class monitor, I am naturally very concerned about the honor of our Chunfeng Middle School.

"When all the students in our senior year were helpless in the face of their opponents!"

"It's you, you who seldom appear on campus, and came here specially from the company."

"Using your super learning ability, you defeated your opponents very easily."

Recalling that game, Xia Linxi was also full of emotion.

Fortunately, Cao Ze was there that time, otherwise Chunfeng Middle School would have been ashamed.

"At that time you walked onto the stage gracefully, and I, like my classmates, was full of worry in my heart!"

"But, when I saw you facing your opponent calmly and calmly, the confidence you showed!"

"At that moment, I chose to trust you unconditionally!"

"I believe that you will be able to defeat all opponents!"

"The fact is exactly as I expected, you completely defeated the opponent's contestant, because our school has gained honor!"

When Xia Linxi said this, there was a little love for Cao Ze in her eyes.

Zhou Linlin who was eavesdropping behind them!

I'm so speechless right now!

She seriously doubts it!

Is Xia Linxi a roundworm in her stomach?

"Isn't that a coincidence, isn't it?"

"I also fell in love with Cao Ze deeply during the Olympiad competition!"

"When I saw Cao Ze's extremely confident eyes, I chose to trust him unconditionally!"

"Squad leader, what are you doing?"

"I've said everything I want to say, what should I use to confess my love to him?"

If it weren't for the inconvenient transformation at this moment, Zhou Linlin would have stepped forward and yelled a few times.

"Me too, me too..."


Zhou Linlin, who was full of grievances, dared not go forward.

After all, Xia Linxi said those words first, and she said them directly.

There is always a feeling that you don't care about confessing!

"Later, I heard that your company has a market value of tens of billions."

"Cao Ze, do you know?"

"At that time, I was both happy and lost!"

"Of course I'm happy for you, because you proved your worth!"

"The reason for my loss is because I feel that the gap between myself and you is getting farther and farther away!"

Xia Linxi just said this!

Zhou Linlin, who was eavesdropping, finally couldn't help it!

She is in a hurry!

"Xia Linxi, I warn you, stop talking!"

"Don't think I'm your best friend, so I don't dare to turn against you!"

"You've said all my words, how can I confess my love to Cao Ze in the future?"

Zhou Linlin rushed to Cao Ze and Xia Linxi, and asked loudly.

Suddenly saw her pop out.

Both Cao Ze and Xia Linxi were taken aback!

After hearing Zhou Linlin's words.

0...asking for flowers...

The two looked at each other with big question marks in their eyes!

"Cao Ze, I'm telling you!"

"My curiosity about you was also at the swearing-in meeting, when you were surrounded by stars like the moon!"

"My love for you is also when I met you at the corner!"

I like you deeply, and you are also at the scene of the Mathematical Olympiad!"

"When you came to the stage and hadn't started the competition, seeing your confident eyes, I also chose to believe in you unconditionally!"

"When I heard that your company's market value was tens of billions, I was equally happy for you and disappointed for myself!"

Incarnation of "Gatling", Zhou Linlin took a long time to finish what he had in mind.


She looked at Xia Linxi with a provocative face.

"Hmph, now, it's time for me to speak first!"

"Cao Ze, when you became the number one scholar in science, I was already asking which university you were going to apply for."

"When I found out that you were going to go to the blue and white exam, I applied for the exam without saying a word, just because I wanted to get along with you day and night.

"When I heard that you suddenly had a daughter, I was very sad at that time. I never thought that you, whom I love so much, would be cut off!"

"I felt uncomfortable for many days, but then I figured it out. You, who are so good, were pushed ahead of time.

Cutting Hu is also justifiable.

"Anyway, if you're not married, I still have a chance, so I'm here, and I'm here to confess my love to you!"

"Cao Ze, I like you, can you accept me as your girlfriend?"

Zhou Linlin's speaking speed has never been so fast!


Because she was afraid of being preempted by Xia Linxi again!

When you hear what she has to say!

Xia Linxi's eyes widened immediately, with a shocked expression on her face!


These are the words she was ready to say!


"Lin Xi, do you think I stole your words?"

"You should know by now what kind of mood I was in just now, right?"

Zhou Linlin raised his head and said with a very proud smile.

"Okay, I get it!"

"Cao Ze, Zhou Linlin is my girlfriend, you know about it!"

"You see, she knows me so well, she is afraid that I will be too shy to say anything!"

"So, Lin Lin told you what I wanted to say in advance.

Xia Linxi, who came back to her senses, said with a smile on her face.


"No, no!"

"Xia Linxi, okay, you actually want to trick me?"

Zhou Linlin was speechless!

According to Xia Linxi, he has become a sounding board?

So my sincere confession just now became Xia Linxi's?

"Hehe, we are good girlfriends, who said we are not the same?"

Xia Linxi's smile was full of evil humor.

Hearing her words, Zhou Linlin immediately rolled his eyes.

"Cao Ze, what do you think?"

Zhou Linlin decided not to talk to his best friend anymore, and asked Cao Ze directly.

She didn't believe that Cao Ze couldn't see what the two of them meant.

"I understand what you mean!"

"Anyway, we are all in the same university, so let's talk about it later!"

All of a sudden!

Confessioned by two schoolgirl-level goddesses one after another.

To be honest, Cao Ze has no hole preparation either.

Because he has never been in love, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

So I plan to leave everything to time.

"You, are you rejecting me?"

Xia Linxi and Zhou Linlin asked in unison.


"not at all!"

"It's just that I haven't thought about it, my love life!"

"I think love should be meeting, getting to know each other, falling in love and falling in love!"

"It goes without saying that we met, we are all classmates.

"But, I don't know you all well, and I haven't reached the point of knowing each other yet!"

"So if I want to take this step to fall in love now, I feel a little inappropriate!"

Cao Ze spoke very seriously, because this was what he had in mind.

"Ah? This!"

After listening to him.

Xia Linxi and Zhou Linlin looked at each other, and they both saw incredulity in each other's eyes.

Love Cao Ze's definition of love is like this.

"Well then, I agree, we'll talk about it after college!"

"Me too, Xia Linxi, you stole my words again!"

After Xia Linxi and Zhou Linlin finished speaking one after another, they looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing the two beautiful girls full of youthful spirit, Cao also showed a knowing smile.

After the three chatted for a while, they didn't go to KTV again.

After Cao Ze took Xia Linxi and Zhou Linlin for supper.

Only then did I return to the Scholarly Yayuan Knife. .

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