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'Shit! The belly is so soft!' Emma exclaimed in his mind.

The black panther was sent flying, crashing on a huge tree. Slight blood came out of its mouth. But it meant nothing to this kind of animal. But it was furious, preparing his attack. But for Emma, according to his motto in battle. Don't let the enemy rest when you have the upper hand. Immediately, Emma, closed the distance in an instant, sending another punch. 

The black panther jumps nimbly, avoids Emma punch, and sends another, trying to snap Emma into two with sharp teeth. Seeing this, Emma snared. He moved two steps backward to avoid the attack while moving a step forward with a punch. The punch connected the panther's head and Bang!

Like a roller coaster.

The panther tumbled. His brain was misplaced. While another punched connect with its stomach. The panther couldn't fathom what the hell was going on. How could this insect be this strong? Noticing, it was fighting a losing battle. The panther wanted to run.

Seeing this, Emma snickered. "As if I would let you" Emma couldn't outrun the panther but have something else.

"Target its stomachs! Now!"


While the panther was not far from Emma. If anything happens, he would feel burnt by the attack. Then, he receives a warning.

'Danger. Danger. Danger. Advise leaving the attack radius.'


Emma took on his hill, deploying his fastest movement. However, it was too late. Boom! Boom! Boom! Emma was sent flying a couple of meters, crashing on the ground. After a few seconds, the cloud of smoke receded and those with the RPG looked at each other not knowing what to do. However, the panther body was tuned into smitten.

"Who the fuck use RPG!" Emma shouted standing from his crash site.

Immediately, everywhere was silent. All the Ghost hunters were looking at one after the others not knowing what to say. Emma dusted all the debris off his body walk closer to his team. 'These stupid fellows wanted to kill me. Hmm? Let survive first. I make your life hell.'

Three Ghost Hunter came out and stop in front of Emma. "Commander…"

"Forget it" He waves his hand,

>>Are you going to forget?

'Sure. I will forget it for now.'

>>What do you mean for now.

'I mean when we escape from this whatsoever this place may be. Then….'

>>I pity them.

'Why. Am I that bad? I going to correct them teach them the proper usage of RPG. That's all. My heart is clean'

>>When you ask them to prepare the RPG… What do you mean? Is it not for them to fire when needed.

'I told them to ready not fire.'


Emma ignored Lily and looked at the remnant of the blank panther. After a few seconds, he looked at his team sternly and said.

"When it is not a matter of life and death. No RPG. Rifle only. Is that Clear."


"Let move. We need to leave this place immediately."

With the new vigor, Emma leads the team a lot faster than before. However, the journey was not smooth as the Ghost hunter thought it would be because of their strong commander. However, their commander turned into a battle maniac. He fought every beast they encounter, not caring for his life. The Ghost hunter wanted to knock some sense into their stupid commander. This is unknown territory. Why would you treat it like a gym or some sort? They cried in their heart.

"That was a good fight?" Emma murmured, not caring about the gaze directed to him.

Since they couldn't rush out of the forest. Why would he lose the opportunity to train himself? Only god know what was waiting for them outside the forest. If the route leads them outside the forest though. 'Who would have thought that where this Kpriv came from is this complicated.'

'Another beast detected. 2 o'clock.'

"Set up defense formation. I will be right back" Emma disappeared before the Ghost Hunter could respond.

He's gone again.

"Miss. Jojo. Can't you advise the commander? This is not good for our survival. We are wasting a lot of time." Laka whispered.

"Really. I don't know. Will you handle those beasts when they appeared before us?" Jojo asked sarcastically.

Hearing JoJo's comment, Laka furrowed and kept quiet. Seeing this, Jojo snickered and looked at the other Ghost Hunter. "Do you think you can reason with such existence that can fight such beasts? Hmm? Hmm? Besides, I will remind you shouldn't forget your position. You're nothing to him. He works for the organizations. If he doesn't like you. He will send you packing and pick another person. So, keep that mouth shut and do your fucking duty."

At once, everywhere was quiet only the rustle of animals echoed in the surroundings. Everyone looking at Jojo averts their gaze, not daring to refute her. 'What a fierce woman!' Laka took a step back from JoJo's position subconsciously.


A sudden tremor woke the Ghost Hunter from their reverie. Instantly, everyone held their weapon and look at the location where the battle was going on. The class continues for a couple of minutes before everything stops. After a few seconds, Emma appeared with slight blood on his body. He looked at the Ghost hunter for a few seconds before leading the team forward.


[Levelled up: Punch Skills: Heavenly Stone Punch ->4/9]

>>Keep up the hard work. 

Seeing the notification, Emma nodded. 'This kind of training speed is quite good. The punch skill displayed its full capabilities when practicing with a live target. Now, I getting better with the punching skill.' Emma was lost in his thought when a sudden notification alerted him.

'Discovering an increase in atmospheric pressure.'

A just then, a sudden tremor spread throughout the forest, birds flies through the sky and various small ran from their dear life. Seeing this, Ghost Hunter looked at each other without saying anything and ran, following the direction of the animals. What could make those animals behave like? They thought while increasing their speed.


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