The humming sound became louder every second while the distance was getting closer. Gasp! Emma saw the footage of the animal devoured whole in a matter of seconds, leaving its bones. The surveillance butterflies could barely capture the complete footage with the speed of those monsters. "Run Faster!" Emma yelled.

Hearing the yelled, coming from their maniac commander. Every put their best in running with everything they've got. While they were running, they saw beasts of various sizes dashing past them. They looked at the human while the human looked at them. However, instead of attacking, they made some indistinct sound and run for their dare life.


What the hell is coming?

Shit! Shit! Shit!

One of the Ghost Hunter looked back and saw a sea of black, humming loudly, echoing throughout the forest. His heart almost leap out of his chest, his eyes widened while it drenched his back in cold sweats. "Idiot! Run!" Someone among the Ghost Hunter screamed.


At once, he recovered from his shock and pick up the race. Now, it was not a matter of strength but a matter of who can run faster. The forest was in a state of unrest for good 30 minutes. Emma and his team were on their last leg. Nevertheless, the predator never seems to let it prey go. Every animal the unknown beast encounter was devoured, leaving bones. The distance between Emma and his group toward the devouring beast was less than 10 meters.

No one dares to look back, fearing the devil may catch them. At their back, they felt the lingering door of the abyss. When they stop running, that would be their doom. Unless their body failed to respond, they vow not to stop running. Suddenly, the surroundings changed, the thick tall trees disappeared while tall bamboos came to their sight. 

Left with no choice, Emma ran into the bamboo while he kept tabs on all his men. Entering the bamboo forest, it became easier for them to run from the increase in space between the bamboo. It exhausted everyone from continuous jumping. They smiled and breathe, their rate of survival just increases. 

However, they barely run 5 meters when the momentary smile on their faces began to disappear. Their boot was getting deeper into the soil with traces of water. After, a few minutes, Emma and his group were cursing in their mind.

Every step they took sent their foot ten inches deeper into the soil while lush grasses cover everywhere. The sudden advantage they had over their predator became void. While the unknown beast was less than 5 meters from the last Hunter.

Why is our luck so bad!

>>Don't you notice something?

Emma was busy running for his life, failing to notice the strangeness of the surrounding. Hearing Lily, he raised his brow and looked at the surroundings, and asked. 'What?'

>>Those animals did not follow you into the marshland.


'Scan the surrounding for any animals.' Emma commanded his helmet.


'No animals detected in 1000 meters radius of your positions'


'This bad.'

>>Did you understand what that means….

'Yeah! Yeah! I understand.'

"Defence formation!" Emma yelled, gripping his rifle, ready to fire. "Prepare to battle."

"Don't stop running!"

Since they can't go back from the hellhole. Their only option was to keep on running. Suddenly, their attacker stops, humming loudly. Seeing this, everyone relaxed while wondering why the hell did they stop. While still wondering, their attacker continues their chase.


"Why are they still chasing us! This should be another beast's territory, right?" Emma murmured. 'What kind of forest is this? Why can't they for once follow the rule of the forest.'

Now, the Ghost Hunters were virtually walking inside water. But that was the least of their worry. The eerie quiet bamboo forest with the mega speaker of humming beast at their back could not make their life any more dreadful. They kept running while the humming beast was not chasing them with full force.

Ah! Ah!


A sudden cry came from one of the Ghost Hunter. At once, they stop running. Everyone looked at the man crying in pain, wondering what the hell. Suddenly, another cry came from another person. Witnessing this, everyone began to panic.

"Someone should tell me what the hell is going!" Emma commanded. He scan those attacks but found a small hole in their suit and wondered what the hell. Besides, the humming beast was on their back. He couldn't detect what those humming was though. 

"Sir, from the grasses! From the grasses!" A young man shouted.

'Detected. A mutated animal. Advise leaving this area.'

"Leave your head. Do you think I wanna be here?" He cursed. 

Ah! Ah! Ah!

A middle-aged man wriggled with his hand at the back, crying in pain. His eyes turn red while he could barely stand on his foot. Everyone began to look at the beautiful grasses growing inside the water with wariness. 


Emma saw the humming beast was already on them. But he was not what to make of this. If they decide to engage in battle. They are yet to identify the beast leaving inside the marshland and these may open them for a greater threat. However, with this, he needs to make a decision.

"Smoke grenade!"


They threw smoke grenades in the air. At once, everywhere was filled with smoke. While they filled the surrounding with smoke, the humming beast stopped in their track. Suddenly, something began to shoot out of the lush grasses. 

'Detecting multiple mutated animals. Advise leaving now.'

'Mutated animal identify. Deadly Mutated Mosquito.'

Seeing this, Emma shouted. "Move!"

He didn't dillydally. He turned and make an escape out of the marshland. Ah! Ah! Ah! Many Ghost Hunter cried but they never stop moving. The mutated mosquito increased every second. 'That why I don't want us to attack.' Emma sighed. 

Ah! Ah!

"Light them up!" He commanded. 'Since it had turned to this. Then…'

Instantly, a blue flame filled the surrounding. Shiiiii! Shiiii! The fire incinerates many mutated mosquitoes, putting the mosquitoes at bay. However, there was a deadly beast on standby, watching everything like spectators. 

"Prepared to get wet."

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