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Havid couldn't find a word to refute his words but wondered how. Like reading his mind, Mora continued. "This building blueprint was available on the mission board in Terra. So anyone who took the mission will know about your little secret tunnel. My mission was to transfer all the company assets to CommandIntel. But I did not complete the mission, waiting for your decision…. Thinking you will save me with you…. Alas…."

Havid was horrified, his body didn't feel the pain from the gunshots anymore because his mind was in disarray. His most treasured secret route became a little secret in the eyes of others. What an irony? He laughed bitterly in his mind.

"I thought my loyalty would be enough but I guess I'm too naive.." Mora sighed. His heart was torn into shreds when he realized his boss, whom he could give his life for, only saw him as a pun. 

"That is really touching…. But I guess you have enough of your heart full conversation, don't you think?" Emma asked sarcastically, looking at the lifeless Havid. His eyes had lost every form of surviving. He stared blankly at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Emma waited patiently for Havid to recover from the absence he was in. After a few seconds, Havid looked at Emma without any hunch of fear. 

"Since the beginning, you haven't thought of letting me go. Likewise, for Vulture. But do you know the PAR is in the city? You won't escape unscathed with your puny revenge act…" Havid said without any emotion on his face.

"I never decide what to do with you. Hmmm… Maybe if you paid me enough money. I may consider releasing you. Alas, your money is insufficient for the release of your life…"


"I thought I'm greedy, but compared to you. I'm far behind." Havid gave a beautiful smile. "It is quite satisfying to know we have things in common… So you are ready to deal with the PAR"

"More or less."Emma shrugged.

"It is good to be young. You can behave anyhow you like. Sigh. I would love to see how you deal with the PAR. But I guess that would have to wait for my next life." Havid chuckled. "Vultures will be shaking in the coming days. Not like how we old bones rock it… I'm barbering a lot, right"

Emma nodded.

"I guess I still don't want to die." Havid found it difficult to stay awake and he knew the time ticking. "Can I ask you one last question?" He looked straight into Emma's eyes.

"Sure. Anything for a dying man."

"Why. Why did you wait for everything to happen before you show yourself? If we knew a person of such capabilities is behind CommandIntel. We won't dare do what we did?" Havid asked regretfully.

Hearing this, Emma paused for a few seconds before he started laughing hysterically. It took him a couple of minutes before he stopped himself. Meanwhile, Mora and Havid were flabbergasted by his sudden laughter.

"What you mean to say is…. You would have made a solid plan to take me down, right?" Emma snickered. "Old man, your cunningness knew no bounds. All your rhetorical questions were your failure in taking me down. You don't regret any of your actions… I will be stupid to fall into your lifelike act…. Wow, you know how to act. If you'd choose acting as your profession, you would have won an Oscar." His gaze was devoid of any emotion.

Mora's jaw dropped. He looked at Emma and went back to Havid. Holy Moly. So, he's still on how he lost and didn't see anything bad in his actions. That includes me, sacrificing me like a lamb. The empathy he had toward his boss disappeared immediately.

He wanted to squeeze the remaining life in this selfish old man's life away. He clenched his fist and looked at the dying old with fury. If a look could kill, Havid would probably be killed by Mora's gaze.

Emma noticed the changes in Mora's behavior but that didn't bother him. This was a lesson for him to learn that humans are more despicable than what he could imagine.

Havid life force drained at a rapid pace. It had been one of the things that had been bothering him. He wanted to know why he lost. He was good at schemes and a master planner. But he didn't see this coming. Sigh. Even in the face of death, his enemy never let down his guard.

"Instead of you thinking about how you lost. You should be thinking about why I kept talking to you." Emma twisted his lip. 

When Havid heard this, his brain quickly picked it up. That's true, why did he bother hearing all my nonsense. He squinted his brow and looked at the young man in wariness. Did he want to do more harm than what he already did? He shivered with that thought. Please let me die, I can't withstand any more pain. Now, he really wants to die.

Seeing this Emma chuckled and smiled mischievously. "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything to you. But the last person in your cohort"

[[Master, all preparation have been completed]]

Hearing this, a wide smile appeared on Emma's face. Seeing this, Havid did not want to have any part in this devil's planning. He can only pity the old bones of Vulture.

Emma turns to Mora. "Will you mind?" He gave him his 9mm pistol. 

Mora didn't react immediately, he looked at the gun and Emma for quite a few seconds. Then, he looked at Havid. He was conflicted but he realized how he was thrown away like junk. He took a deep breath and collected the weapon.


Havid did not expect Mora would have the confidence to take the gun. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He didn't know what to say. Though he may have summoned his courage to take the gun. I know Mora, he won't kill me. Havid thought confidently.

He averted his gaze from Mora and looked at Emma with confidence. You are naive if you think the boy I have fed and trained for years will kill me. Though I may hurt his feelings…



A hole appeared on Havid's forehead, blood gushing out like a broken tap. His face was still filled with haughty, believing he won't be killed by his loyal dog. But the reality was different from what he imagined. Humans are unpredictable beings. Their thoughts were too complex to guarantee you what their next decision would be. And betrayal is one of the deadliest emotions in man. It could bring the unfathomable decision out of man. Behold, Havid the master planner fails to realize this.

Mora kneeled on the floor with tears dripping. His hands were trembling. He held both hands tightly, trying to stop his hand from shaking, but it was for nuts. 

Emma did not utter a word, picked his gun, and looked at Mora for a few seconds before matching one of the offices.

"Two gone, one left to go" He whispered.


Inside an enormous mansion, a middle-aged man was moving back and forth with sweat hanging on his forehead. Not far from him were five young men staring at the breaking news.

"Recently, we discovered that the Halovid building was deserted. Later it was discovered by a young woman who discovered traces of blood at the door and posted it online. Now, one of our correspondence is inside the building. Like you have guessed, everyone inside the building was massacred, not leaving a single soul. According to some experts, this killing was done by the same set of people that killed Happy House. This left a question, what the hell is going on in Vulture." The news anchor asked with an exasperated voice.

"I'm not surprised he went after that old man." Wilson averted his gaze from the news. He was not too concerned about the killing of those. But he was anticipating the arrival of the killer. Did he dare to come here? He thought with a wicked smile.

Hearing the confidence in Wilson's voice. Vulture stopped his pacing and looked at him like a fool. "Don't you get it? He is coming after us next." His voice raised an octave. He had enough of this stupid young man. If not because he's a PAR. He would have beaten him and thrown him out of his house.

"What's there to be scared of? If he comes here, it will only make our job easier." Bojarn, one of the men following Wilson. He was the senior of the five after Wilson. He will complete his apprenticeship in a few months.

When Vulture heard the arrogance in Bojarn's voice, he shook his head. "Don't let your arrogance cloud your brain. This Vulture, not your Beta continent. Whatever you think you know or read. I advise you to put it away. Else it will be too late for you to regret." He warned.

Wilson and the others were astounded by how serious Vulture was taking the incident. "Don't exaggerate. It isn't scary as you put it. This type of incident has been handled in Bata numerous times that we lose count" Wilson snickered.

"Oh! Really" Vulture looked straight into Wilson's eyes. "Using the gene serum optimization, turning you into an Evolved doesn't make you invincible. Don't forget we also have men that use those serum"


Wilson laughed. "Don't compare that dirt with what we use…"



An alarm reverberated throughout the mansion. Everyone froze for a couple of seconds before they recovered and rushed to their position.

Vulture looked at Wilson."Let's see.. Maybe what you use cannot be compared with the dirt we use."

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