Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 128 - You Don't Get It, Do You?

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An alarm reverberated throughout the mansion. Everyone froze for a couple of seconds before they recovered and rushed to their position.

Vulture looked at Wilson."Let's see. Maybe what you use cannot be compared with the dirt we use."

Hearing Vulture's sarcastic comment, Wilson frowned, staring at the old man. However, Vulture ignored his gaze, picked the comms, and began to order his men. He had more pressing matters than to deal with the obnoxious PAR. 

'I hope we can avert this threat. Else…' he sighed silently. He personally knew the likelihood of him and his gang surviving the threat was minuscule. Happy House and Havid were not an easy target but he only took the enemy a couple of minutes to take down. How easy was that? Only the hidden boss could say.

Inside the mansion, various guards were moving in groups, fully armed. They were ordered to fire any anomalies if discovered. The beautiful scenery lost its luster under the thick atmosphere. The wind failed to blow its gentle breeze, crickets, and butterflies stayed in their habitat. The setting sun on the horizon was no joy to look at. When looking at it, it reminded them of the hidden threat that may take their life at any fucking moment.

Only the sound of heavy footsteps reverberated and the heavy breathing filled the surrounding. Everyone had a wary expression on their faces. Only a couple of people did not look so concerned. And they are those from the PAR.

30 minutes later.

The people in the mansion had been under enormous pressure since they heard the security alarm. But it had been half an hour and they hadn't seen their enemy.

"Are you sure these people are what you think they are? All I see are cowards who can't confront their opponents in a headstrong battle but use a sneak attack or whatever attack they use to take down the two organizations." Wilson announced with disdain.

Vulture was too lost in his thoughts to care about Wilson's disdainful comment. Why are they not here? What's going on!? Things are getting more complicated than I imagine? 

Vulture did not for once think the enemy was scared of their defense or whatnot. But he knew a dangerous scheme was going without them knowing. He shook his head and sighed. 'What will happen will happen.' He thought aloud. 

Hearing this, everyone in the room looked at Vulture with a questioning gaze. Seeing their gaze, Vulture ignored It and beckoned to one of his most trusted guards. 

"Send some men to check the outside vicinity of the mansion. If you discover anything, don't hesitate to notify me immediately." Vulture command with full seriousness.

Immediately, the guards dash out of the room. "Why are you wasting your time on some scare rats. If he's going to attack. He will surely attack the mansion but not outside. However, with the look of things, I don't believe they are going to attack anymore. Maybe that was a false alarm…" Wilson said casually. From the beginning, he didn't take the threat seriously. Now the attackers didn't dare to attack the mansion in the past half an hour. If they are not scared then what?

Just like that, time continues to tick. Before the people realized what was going on, another hour had wisped by without anything happening. People began to wonder, was it really a false alarm. Wilson and the others were at the end of their patience. They looked at Vulture for answers but they received none.

"Would you keep on being silent like this doesn't bother you? I and my men need to leave this wretched city tonight, and it is almost time already. I can't continue to wait like a fool" Wilson demanded with his voice over the roof. 

A time bomb was ticking in his backyard and everything was not going according to their plan. And this stupid PAR failed to see the bigger picture. The enemy is taunting their patience. And now what the enemy want, this stupid boy without prior experience was only thinking about leaving the city. 

Vulture clenched his fist, his heart moving up and down. He narrowed his gaze, staring straight into Wilson's eyes. Everywhere was silent, the people did not dare breathe aloud, only their eyes moved in their sockets. What's going to happen!? If these stupid people are not from PAR. He would have given them the beating of their life. 

He took a deep breath to calm his raging heart. He can't be thinking about the enemy and dealing with these morons. "Escort our visitor out, they need to get moving. After this is over, I will send my gracious review to the HQ." His voice was devoid of any emotion.

When Wilson and the others heard this, they smirked. They stood arrogantly and left the room, not uttering a word. 

When the PAR left, one of Vulture's aides approached him. "Sir is it a wise decision to send those men away when we need all hands on deck," Ao asked.

"Do you think if we have them here, throwing their weight back and forth? It is going to help resolve the threat. They are too green to understand how the world works on a deeper level…." Vulture shook his head. "I hope they did not die before they learn." He looked at Ao. "Let forget about them, what do you think about our enemy"

Ao was silent for a couple of seconds before he answered slowly. "Extremely... Cunning." With that, the room descended into stillness.

Vulture city was in uproar with the sudden massacre of two powerful organizations within a day. No one knew who was behind all this. Rumors were flying back and forth among the netizens. How true it is, no one knows. But one thing was certain. These people or organizations are extremely powerful. Various gangs in Vulture call their men back, hiding in a safe house until the cloudy storm was over. 

Right amid Vulture city. 12 Avenue, the center of the city, three black jeeps make a sudden stop. The overcrowded 12 Avenue was devoid of a single person or thing. Everything froze, only the whistling of the wind echoed in the still atmosphere. The sky shifted to deeper oranges. Clouds lit from below picking up the colors of the sky, shadows that lengthen and build trees structures, and the landscape becoming silhouetted. Dust in the air, growing visible as the light quality changes to a richer hue, reflecting the surface's glass pane, mirroring the sky. 

After a couple of seconds, a creaking sound echoed in the still atmosphere. The slight creak echoed throughout 12 Avenue. The sound echoed again but this time around it was louder. Five men came out of their jeeps, they narrowed their gaze and looked at their surroundings. The stillness in the atmosphere made their throat dry. Their eyes move from one corner of their socket to the others.

"Weapons out!" Wilson whispered.

At once, they stretched their hands inside the jeep and brought a loaded rifle. In a matter of seconds, the five were heavily armed. 

"Watch out for everything and anything. We are in the enemy trap." Wilson's eyes darted from one angle to the other. His instinct was telling him danger. But he couldn't find where the danger was coming from. Instead of retreating, his ego was deflated. Who in this puny dare to threaten a PAR. He scoffed, they're tired of living if they thought we are part of their rogue gangs.

Suddenly, indistinct sounds came from their north, shaking the tense atmosphere. At once, Wilson and his men turned their rifles to the north, holding their breath. However, they found nothing.

"Spread out"

Instantly, the five men spread out in all four directions in light footsteps. After a couple of seconds, a low voice came from one of the men. "Sir, I found something."


Wilson with a large stride walked toward the man. In front of the man were a lot of spikes. Seeing this, Wilson realized the reason why the jeep stopped. The enemy wants them here and they are already here. What the fuck. If you want to attack us then show us what you've got. What's with the hide and seek. He was enraged by this nonsense.

"Clear the spikes. Those cowards don't dare to attack us. I believe they're regretting their actions already. Bunch of clowns."



The piercing sound of a bullet echoed everywhere while the bullets hit the first jeep in the front. Seeing this, Wilson and his men did not dilly dally. They took cover behind the jeep looking in the direction of the bullet.

'So taunting can work on you' Wilson twisted his lips in disdain. "If you're strong as you portray yourself, come out of the shadow and let this end once and for all." He shouted.



A bullet lodged into the door by Wilson's side. The bullet was only a couple of inches from him. Seeing this, he furrowed.

"You don't get it, do you?" A playful voice came from the depth of the night.

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