Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 129 - Escape! Not My Plan.

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A bullet lodged into the door by Wilson's side. The bullet was only a couple of inches from him. Seeing this, droplets of sweat fell from his forehead. He furrowed.

"You don't get it, do you." A playful voice came from the depth of the night.


Wilson and his team looked in the direction of the voice, baffled. What confidence!? However, Wilson was not someone that took things lying down without retaliating. "You must be naïve to think you can go against PAR and go unscathed." His arrogant voice filled the quiet evening. 

"Really!" A short pleasing laugh echoed, surprising Wilson and his men. Wilson wanted to retort but heard the voice again. "You need not worry if we can deal with PAR or not. First, worry about your puny life." The voice said playfully. 

Wilson was furious. When was the last time he was underrated to this level? He only had this feeling when he was still a PAR apprentice. But he swears never to be in that position again. However, some unknown entity dared to look down on him.


Wilson came out from his hiding position and began to shoot furiously in the direction of the voice. A red light flashed amid the night, creating a piercing sound. Seeing this, the other members of the PAR joined their superior and fired in the direction of the voice. A tingling sound rain in the quiet evening, empty shells fell like rain. Glass crashes, walls filled with holes, debris raised in the quiet night. But these were no concerns of the PAR. These continued for a couple of minutes before Wilson and his men stopped their crazy gunshot. 

For a couple of minutes, everywhere was quiet while the tingling and creaking sound came from afar with an indistinct voice. They couldn't understand this voice and chose to ignore it, believing it was from the resident of the area. It would be strange if no voices were complaining against their madness. But did he care, no? Wilson took a deep breath, squinting his brow. He didn't expect the bullet to kill his enemy. But it serves as a note of warning to them. I don't care if the world burns as long as I achieve my goal.

"That was quite a show. No." the playful voice laughed hysterically. "I don't expect the famous PAR could be this gullible. Ha. What a bunch of morons. Sighed." 

Hearing the hateful voice, Wilson's eyes turned bloodshot, he gripped his rifle tightly. He wanted nothing but to strangle this coward that hid in the darkness. "Shut the fuck—" 




A piercing cry echoed in the still night. Chan, one of the Wilson men, stumbled a couple of steps backward with blood gushing from his tight. He gnashed his teeth, finding a cover to hide from the sniper quickly. If not for the inhuman strength, he would be lying on the ground in his pool of blood. However, anyone seeing him will realize apart from the initial pain on his face, nothing else. 

When Wilson witnesses one of his men taking down like a fly. His fury skyrocketed above the roof. Though he was furious, he wasn't stupid. "Find cover!"


Before the men could find cover, another sound echoed and what followed was another anguished cry. Wilson didn't dare to delay. He hid behind the jeep, gnashing his teeth. Now, he understands what the enemy means that they didn't understand their situations. Shit! He hated himself for falling into the enemy trap. But he couldn't understand how the enemy understood their route and planned everything without involving the citizens. 

"Don't hide like rats. This game just began…." The voice said pretending to be sad. "You're no fun…" he sighed. 

Wilson and his men wanted to spurt out blood. But they have nothing to say. The apprentice looked at one person, and that was their superior. Wilson saw the look from his junior but did not say a word. He was burning his brain out to find a solution. Alas… he couldn't come with a viable solution.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While Wilson and his men were thinking of various ways to escape from their predicament. That was when a rain of bullets fell on them. What! At once, the men opened the door of the jeep to shield themselves from the continuous rain of bullets coming from all sides. In a matter of seconds, the beautiful jeeps had many holes all over their bodies. The glass was turned into a smitten, side mirror thrown with bullets. Almost every part of the cars was ridiculed with bullets.


Ben cried in pain, gnashing his teeth, blood coming from his foot. He retracted his foot looking in the direction of the bullet with his head coming out of the hiding spot. Hmm! Ben ducks quickly, slightly avoiding the whistling of a bullet scraping his hair. Without knowing, his back was covered in cold sweats. That was closed. 

"Don't look!" Wilson shouted. He saw Ben narrowing missing death. What a fool, his foot had just been, can't he learn to stay put.


The door covering him was dented with bullets, sending a tremor throughout the car. Wilson shivered when he realized their enemy was no joke. They are going to kill them if they're not careful. His hand began to sweat profusely. What to do…. What to do. 

Suddenly, the bullet stopped coming. Hmm! Wilson and his men raised their brow. What happened? Are they trying to scare them, not kill them? The thought appeared in their mind. But quickly, they abandon the thought, if any of them was slightly careless. He would have been welcomed by king Yama. Wilson did not care why they stopped shooting but only saw this as a chance to escape. He forgot his pride, his only thought was to stay alive. 

"Get in the car. We are leaving!" Wilson shouted. 


The others were flabbergasted. However, they recovered quickly from the initial shock. They jumped into their jeep, trying to escape. But where? In front of them were hundreds of spikes. They can't fly above the spikes, can they? However, they received their answers. Wilson drove one of the jeeps, making a sharp turn, going back.

Seeing this, they understand what their superior was trying to do. They are currently at disadvantage, but if they manage to return to Vulture mansion and fight. They had a high probability of surviving before their reinforcements arrived. Without further ado, the other two jeeps zoom after Wilson.

Up above in the sky, a UAV was flying among clouds while the three alternating cameras were monitoring the three jeep speed, coordination, and predicting their appropriate route. Everything that was happening inside the jeep was not hidden from these powerful sensors. 

Wilson and his men only traveled at an extreme speed. While also, Wilson was cursing furiously. He, a PAR, had to tuck his tail behind his leg. What a shame. If he didn't revenge for this humiliation. He won't be able to raise his head high in the future. 'Don't think you've won. This is just the beginning. Just you wait, I'll make you beg for death.'

[[Master what should I do.]]

"What do you mean…. Take the jeeps down but don't kill them. I want to see their expressions." An evil grin appeared on Emma's face. "You think you can mess with me because some fucking PAR. Delusional."

[[On it.]]

[[Target locked. Attack commencing….]]

The UAV fired three gunshots at once. The furious Wilson was thinking about how to enact their revenge, thinking they'd escaped from the enemy. Unknown to them, three bullets were whistling to them. Else, they won't have time to relax.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bullets hit the front car tires. At once, the three jeeps raised high in the air, tumbling three times. Everything happens in an instant. Wilson widened his eyes, losing his hand on the wheel. His heart froze, his head moving back and forth. He watched as the broken glass flew everywhere while some lodge into his skin. Ha. He groaned, regaining his senses, panting rapidly. His head dangling left and right, he couldn't move his feet. Only one of his arms was free. He looked out of the jeep and he couldn't make head and tail of his surroundings. It took him a few seconds before he realized he was hanging upside down.

After a few moments of struggling. Wilson was able to free himself from the car. He came out of the jeep with barely any injuries. He only had a fleshy wound, caused by the broken glass. Seeing the other jeep, he dashed toward them and began to assist them out of the jeep.

When all of them were free from the accident, they looked at each other and saw hints of fear on each other's faces. Those with gunshot injury were slightly pale, but nothing else. A single bullet was nothing to them. 

Hmm! Hmm! 


Wilson and his team raised their heads, flabbergasted. They widened their eyes. how could someone sneak on them without them knowing? At once, they raised their guard, taking a fighting stance.

"I will be frank with you. You disappoint me. I thought you would be brave…" Emma tilted his head to the side. "You know, like running toward the bullets, trying to find the shooters. Like in the movie. But you did not do so. But run..." He sighed, shaking his head. 

"You are the one behind the attack and the previous one, right?" Wilson asked coldly. 

"Use your head. What do you think"

"Good. Good. I don't know what you plan or think. But forget about you escaping from here." Wilson and the others move closer to Emma.

"I don't plan on escaping in the first place. I want to witness how strong a rank 1 PAR is" 

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