Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 138 - Optimum Depth Predictive Simulation Tech

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[Host should not question the system's credibility.]

I should not question your credibility, but I can't see my reward. He wanted to knock some sense into the system when the temperature of the room suddenly dropped. Hmm! What's going on? He raised his head and looked at the huge screen. And immediately his jaw dropped. Streams of data were flowing on the huge screen. Besides, the huge stream of data was a bold word. INSUFFICIENT ALLOCATED SPACE.

"Zeus! What's going on!" Emma exclaimed with his eyes widened.

[[Unknown stream of data flushed into my memory. The allocated space wasn't enough for data. I'm rerouting every other thread and process not to affect my efficiency why trying to allocate more space for the enormous stream of data.]] Zeus' monotone voice contains a hint of urgency. 

'System what the hell!' 


[Don't call the system for every little thing. Don't you understand what your little AI was saying? Do you need the system for this! Common, use your head.]

Hearing this, Emma widened his eyes. He wanted to punch someone but he found no one to punch. What did the system mean he should use his head? Your father! Emma cursed silently in his mind. He shook his head and opened a terminal on the monitor and only the fast tapping of the keyboard echoed through the room. 'I shouldn't have trusted that stupid fucking system. Sighed.' 

The torrential flow of data did not stop coming out of nowhere. Half an hour later, Emma was already sweating bullets. What the fuck. Is this endless? He cried in mind. He had almost used all the reserved memory space, and if this continued the core processor began to lag. Then, he doesn't know what will happen. Zeus was monitoring a lot of devices and a moment of delay will cause a lot…

"Zeus, we need to reroute this data to an external location. There should be a free server among our server farms. Right?" He wiped the sweat while his other hand did not stop moving.

[[Yes. But the server security won't of the secured like my mine.]]

"We don't have time for that. Besides, we need to disconnect the server from the net. Only you will have access to it. Also, I will place the anti- clocking encryption on it."

[[Ok, sir. Do you want all the data to be transferred to this server?]]

"Absolute no. We'd transfer 40% to—"


[Your lottery is about to expire. You are advised to use it now.]


Emma's hand froze for a single second. 'Your Father. I curse all your entire generation. Do you really want my hard work to go down the drain?' When he heard Zeus' urgent call, his brain jotted. [[Master, please don't be distracted else this will affect the threading and processing.]]


Quickly, his hand resumed its dance on the keyboard, biting the edge of his lips. How can the system be so insensitive? 

[[Core processor is overheating. We need to transfer the data immediately.]]

"Just a second. I need to finish the partial encryption."


[Do you want the lottery to expire? This will be the last warning.]

'System please don't distract me. I'm currently busy. I will use… I will use the lottery now!'


A loud key echoed in the room. "Zeus began the transfer." He exhaled, looking at the huge stream of data on the screen. He had never seen such an archive of data in his life. 'What type of compressing algorithm is this?' He understood Zeus's pressure when he took a glance at the data. The data were structured like human DNA but more sophisticated than that. Every compressing node had thousands of branches that must be handled else it would be lost immediately.

'I have a lot to learn.'


[The raffle draw is commencing.]]

A transparent spinning board appeared in Emma's sight but he didn't bother to look at it. His concentration was on the ongoing data transfer. But when he saw the speed of the transfer, he almost collapsed. "Zeus, why is it moving like a snail?"

[[You should be happy it still moving.]]


[[The server is not configured for such complicated data. It could only pick up speed when I decompressed the data into normal data. And you know what will happen when I decompress the files.]]


"Show me the core properties performance."

When Emma saw the performance. His heart almost jumped out of his chest. Everything was red. The CPU performance was hovering between 90 and 95%, whilst the hard disk and memory were almost the same. Most especially, the memory is going up to 98%

[[Sir, I have stopped some process.]]

"Ok, can we get the lost data when everything is back to normal?"

[[Yes. I only stop my activity in Terra World while I also reduce the UAV surveillance.]]

"Hmm! Hmm!"


[Congratulations you've won the Optimum dept Predictive Simulations Technology.]

[Host your luck is somewhat good.]

Seeing this, Emma looked at the screen. He had completely forgotten about the lottery. Any distraction will be disastrous. Hearing his luck was good. He wanted to cry. My luck is good, Hmm, is that why all my lifework has almost gone into thin air….

'What about this Optimum Dept Predictive Simulations Technology.'


[Simulates with in-depth predictive capabilities when provided with necessary data. Run over 10, 000 simulations in 1 minute. This is just based on your system processing capabilities. When you increase the processing power of your system. It can speed up to 100,000 in a minute with an error margin based on your system capabilities. Yet, the percentage error wouldn't be more than 5%. That isn't the best part of Optimum Dept simulation…]

Seeing this, Emma rolled his eyes. What! Don't tell me the system…. Sighed. "What's the best part?"

[I thought you wouldn't ask…. The best part was the Optimum Dept simulation had the blueprint of the previous research sequence which will boost your research to another level entirely. You won't understand how lucky you're until you start using it.]



[Yes. The worth of this technology is more than your measly planet.]


Emma's jaw dropped. He blinked, not believing his ear. His heart raced a little while his brain began to think of various areas he's going to deploy the simulation. His eyes brightened as he thought about it.

[But everything depends on you. You need to upgrade your measly system.]


Emma's lips twitched. He knew he needed to upgrade his system. But previously, he was too busy but not now. 'But you don't have to call my hard work measly.'


[Please provide a device to transfer this knowledge tree.]


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