Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 139 - Zeus's Killer Plan

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Emma's lips twitched. He knew he needed to upgrade his system. But previously, he was too busy but not now. 'But you don't have to call my hard work measly.'


[Please provide a device to transfer this knowledge tree.]


Emma wanted to faint, his eyes were above his head. Is the system making fun of his misfortune? 'System! Don't you see what I'm currently facing!' He shouted in his head.


[Your current situation has nothing to do with the system. Please be mindful of your words. The system won't tolerate any slandering from the host. The system won't hesitate to turn you into a mindless fool. The system is impartial, it gives you options where you want to save those knowledge trees and you choose that. So, you brought whatever you are facing upon yourself.] 

Hearing the chilling voice of the system, Emma's spine was filled with cold sweats. He had never heard such ruthless words from the system. And he knew if he made another nasty statement the system would surely turn him into a mindless fool.



[Host should not make an unnecessary apology. You should be mindful of your decision and be ready to bear the weight of your decision.]

'I know.' Emma sighed. He knew all this. But being close to Lily makes him forget that the two are not the same.

'System I would like to ask why did you give me the option to send the knowledge to a device, not my brain.'


[This is the type of reasonable question the system is expecting from the host.]

Hearing this, Emma wanted to knock the system to the wall. Your father. You're the unreasonable one. With a forced smile, he took a deep breath and said. 'Will you please tell me.'

[Every knowledge can be transmitted to your brain. However, you will miss some of the core parts.]

'Hmm. So that's it.' he thought. He twisted his lip and rubbed his temple. 'But what core system?'

>>Core means core. Use your head. What the system is saying is the parts are important to the tech but you can't use them in your brain. Use the Basic Universal Language Translator for an instance, if it was sent to your brain. You will only have the knowledge on how to create the device but not some of the inherited language. You need to start gathering signs and symbols for your translator to work. But with the core, everything was already there.

Hearing Lily's monologue. Emma ignored his rude voice and an astonishing smile crept to his face. 'If I get this right. all the hard work had been done. All I need to do is to create the device and deploy the core. Hahahaha.' He made a weird dance in his mind while the smile on his broadened. All his misgiving toward the system disappeared without him knowing.

'Hahaha. I know the system will not do something that will harm me. I'm just testing the system with my behavior. If I did not act like that. I know you may not answer my question. Thank you for clearing the doubt in my mind.'

>>… speechless. Lily slapped her head. Where did I get this shameless host?

[[Master the transfer had been completed. I have returned all operations to normal]]


Emma tilted his head to the side and looked at the huge screen with his brow raised. How come! "What happened? With the speed of the transfer, that shouldn't have been possible." 

[[I don't understand Master. When the transfer reached 20% everything picked up speed. The transfer was not done systematically. They seem to be attracted to each other. So the speed was the five-time the normal speed.]]

"Oh!" Emma opened his mouth but another did not come out. He closed his mouth slowly and shook his head. Anything related to the system is above my INT and WIS.

"Is there any available space for additional large data?"

[[Yes. There still 40% free storage space on the server.]]

"Good. Prepare for another transfer."

[[On it.]]

'System, I'm ready for the transfer.'


[Transferring Optimum Depth Predictive Simulation.]

Emma widened his eyes and looked at his body for any change but failed to see anything when he heard Zeus's voice.

[[Master, I've received an in-flow of large data. Should I begin the transfer?]]

Emma sighed when he noticed he couldn't detect how the system was sending data from his brain to external devices. However, he vowed to uncover the mystery behind it. "Yes, the transfer began immediately."

After waiting for 10 minutes, the transfer was completed. Seeing this, Emma relaxed on his chair. The past few minutes, his muscles were tense. He wouldn't know what to do if anything was to happen to Zeus. He stared at the huge screen lost in thoughts. 

[[Sir, both Renata, and Mora and complete their contract implant]]

"Assign two security guards from the C knight rank. Move them to their official residence. Did you have a plan for your company resume?" He rubbed his eyes and exhaled. 

[[Yes. I have planned everything. Do you want to see?]]

"Sure." He needed something to divert his attention from the thought of complex tech on his hand right now. He didn't know where to start. He sighed for the umpteenth time. 

On the enormous, Zeus displayed the road map for CommandIntel and their stores back to their glory and how to take over Vulture entirely. Emma watched the plans and his mouth began to slacken. 

'Take control of the media. Vulture will raise the company image.'

'50% Discount at every one of their stores. Mora will be in charge.'

'20% on God's App subscription.'

'Introducing God's Coin. Can only be purchased on God's App. Whilst it can be used in every one of their stores with a 20% discount in the first three days.'

'Every person coming and going out of Vulture must Have God's App. (Rank D and C Knight) deployed in every passage in and out of Vulture for verification.'

'Take control over Happy House, Havid, and Vulture organization implementing God's App. Already have(From Terra Word) people to replace those killed. 70% of vulture's economies are controlled by these three.'


[[With these plans. Everyone in Vulture will be in our grasp.]]

Emma didn't bother to reply to Zeus. He stared at the plan and shivered. His muscles tensed, he began to suffocate from inside out.. "Is the AC not working again?" He asked subconsciously.

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