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The man wriggled on the floor. He looked at the transparent with his red eyes. "P-P-l-e-a-s-e " Every vein in his body began to break one after the other. After a couple of seconds, the sound of bones cracking filled the room. But the scientist didn't have pity or whatnot. But otherwise. Their jaw dropped with wide eyes.

"-M-a. He… talks."

Inside the sanctuary, Emma pen was dancing on the board non stop. He was half naked, every contour of his muscle and six pack was dimly lit in the room. His hair disheveled, big bags were under his eyes. However, he seems not to care. The glint in his was sharp and bright.

[[Master, please take a rest. You have been working for hours. It wouldn't be good for your health]] Zeus tried to persuade Emma but he was to focus on his research to listen to him.

Suddenly, his pen stopped on the board. He frowned and stared at a particular drawing twisting his lips.

Hahahaha. Emma began to laugh hysterically, dropping the pen and placing his hand on the drawing and dragging it to a big drawing then twisting in anti clockwise rotation. Click. Then, their major components were completed, turning blueish green. 

Seeing this, he stopped laughing. His gaze fixed on the complete component. Though he looked calm on the surface, his heart was pounding. 'This is it.' He pressed a couple of buttons and checked the components for the last time.

"Zeus, import the lang library and let run the test once again… hahaha"

[[On it.]]

[[Importing Universal lang library]]

[[Running test….]]

Emma looked at the simulation with bright eyes. Every second looked like eternity. He rubbed his temple… 'Synchronizing… hurry… '

'Loading modules'

'Fail to detect sensors'

'Checking other components'



The continuous taping of Emma's foot reverberated through the room. He could barely contain his enthusiasm. Just like when it feels like forever. He heard. 

[[Simulation completed….]]

"Then…"Emma shouted.


"You need to be taught a lesson…. Hahaha" Emma left the room with a satisfying smile. 'Now, the universal encyclopedia resources will be easy… I can create both at the same time…' 

He spends so much time on the research because he is trying to accomplish both tech at the same time. If he only focused on one, he would have long completed the research. But he completed the tech whilst also modifying some parts based on his calculation and current resources he had.. 

What Emma completed in three day would take months and years if he was a normal human being. But with his understanding of fundamental physics and other related subjects. Whilst his high INT and WIS contributed most to his accomplishment. Normal human beings with the highest INT and WIS only have . Compared to Emma, don't mention. However, Emma was oblivious to all this.

After a couple of minutes, Emma returned with juice in his hand. He sat in his usual seat and looked at the big screen. His hair was damp, droplet of water dripped to the floor while the air was filled with the coulonge he used.

"Zeus, now show me."

The huge screen displays over 20 people inside a room like an auditorium. Each person had a monitor in front of him. Emma looked at the people working seriously on the computer and smiled lightly.

"Who among them develop their own AI without using the commercial Library."

Immediately 5 people's pictures come on the screen. Seeing this, Emma studied their details and realized they're not from Thango whilst one person among them had false data.

"What happened to the last one?" Emma raised a brow sipping his juice.

[[His data can't be found on any database. This was just a camouflage he created years back. And I'm⁷⁷ unable to trace it deeper because of security issue.]]

"Don't worry. I will upgrade you very soon… So, this man is a mystery. Did he have anything shady?"

[[No. He works as a teacher in the middle school. He has no friends. His only friend was his computer, AI. He did a lot of cracking of files in the dark net and that's all…]]

"Hmm." He squinted his gaze. "I guess he's the one with the highest hacking penetration when God's App was launched."

[[Yes. He tried a couple of times again. But the last warning made him cease from testing how deep the water is.]]

"If he knew he was being pardoned, that is why he continued. But when he realized you were serious. He withdrew. Smart." Emma gave a short laugh.

"How many of them are part of Terra World?"



[[Yes. Only five of them are part of Terra World. People who work on the darknet are sceptical of their privacy. But it baffles me…. Can anyone truly keep their privacy at this age]]

"Yes. If they are wealthy enough to create a sophisticated system like you. Then their privacy can be assured. Though it may not be 100%, it would be reliable… Why do you think my existence was like a mystery in Vulture?"

[[I understand. Just like how I can't find anything against that man. It just how they can't find anything against you.]]

[[Sir, Mis Jimena is calling.]]

"Hello Sir." Jimena's voice came from the other end. She tried to hide his excitement but Emma still noticed in her voice.

"Hello Jimena, what caused the happy occasion." Emma was aware of her happiness but he doesn't understand to some extent. Genetics was not his field, so he left the expert to their work.

"Am I that obvious?"She wanted to surprise her boss but it seems she had already let the cat out of the bag.

"No. I don't know what happened. But you should realize, you don't call me out of the blue and expect me to think it's a normal call, right."

"Ha. Right." Jimena's voice regained her bobble. 


"I would like to inform you that we've made significant progress in our research. Soon, we will have the results you need."

"Well done. Do you need anything to speed your research.."

"No… we've got everything."

"Ok. I'm expecting your results"

"Surely." Jimena ends the call with more enthusiasm.

[[Sir, they are submitting]]

"Good. It is time"

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