Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 143 - Things Are Not Simple As It Seems.

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[[Sir, they are submitting]]

"Good. It is time"

Emma looked at the huge screen and saw every one of the men were submitting their project on their workbench. At once, the data being submitted by the men displayed on the huge screen. Seeing this, a slight smile crept on his face. 

"Zeus, how's it?"

[[Master, everything is going according to plan. However, some of the men tried to implant a phishing and Trojan worm on the project. I took care of it and warned them while also they will have to face the panel going against the law of the organization.]]

"I know some of them will not be able to keep their inquisitive mind at check. Deal with them as you seem fit. Now, run a final diagnosis on their file. We need to be sure not to leave a door open for our enemy."

[[On it.]]

[[Compiling all files into one.]]

[[Running diagnosis]]

[[Diagnosis completed. No threat detected.]]

"Good! Send the file to the main component."

[[Sending the auxiliary file component to the core components.]]

[[Checking for any anomalies…. No anomalies Detected.]]

[[Auxiliary file had successfully integrated into the core components.]]

[[Sir, do you want me to run a complete simulation]]

"Yes. yes. What are you waiting for!? I can't wait."

[[Creating a sandbox. Uploading the complete basic Universal Language translator to simulation sandbox.]]

[[Initiating Simulation…. Simulation in progress.]]

[[Every components are working perfectly. 20% completed.]]

[[ Simulation Encounter Error. No detect no incoming data to complete the final check.]]

[[Rerouting… finding external data to completed the final simulation.]]

[[Data source detected… Human language detected… Which language do you want to translate it to…?]]

With a wide smile on his face, Emma responded. "Translate it to Kpriv language"

[[Translating… Translating Completed… Do you want to listen to HOW ARE YOU in Kpriv language.]]

"Yes!" He rubbed his palm together looking at the enormous screen with his heart pounding. 

Then, a bizarre sound came from the speaker. Shocking Emma to the core. He didn't know when he heard his ears with both hands looking at the strange word appearing on the screen.

'&#$ %# $@ $!$# $#*&* %$'

'How are you?'

"What! Holy Moly!" Emma exclaimed with his jaw dropped to the ground. When the sound finally stopped coming from the speakers. Emma breathed a sigh of relief. "Zeus, do you want to get me killed!"

[[Master, I don't understand?]]

"Forget." He waved his hand, dismissing Zeus's question. He looked at the strange word with a radiant glow in his eyes. 'Now, let's see what the hell that book was hiding.'

"Zeus, do you know what to do next?"

[[Yes! To translate the book from the unknown source.]]

"Hahaha. You understand me."

[[I'm created to serve my master. So understanding you is the core of my existence.]]

'Lily, do you hear. You must learn from Zeus. Try to understand me. Call me Gran–'


Emma shouted in pain, shivering from head to toe. At once, he began to sweat bullets from inside out. He widened his eyes, looking at the surroundings. But he found nothing. His breathing became erratic. 'Am I hallucinating. No. No. I know what i feel'

"Zeus, do you see anything attacking me? " He stuttered while looking at his back every second.

[[Master, I saw nothing. Are you alright?]]

"Do I look alright!" He shouted, rubbing his arms and chest. That pain jotted him to the core of his existence. After a couple of seconds of nothing seeing out of the ordinary. His breathing began to resume its normal rhythm. 

'Lily, do you notice anything happening to me?'

Emma waited but got no response from Lily. He snorted and turned his attention back to the huge screen. 'Lily I don't know why you can't learn from Zeus. I know you are powerful. But try to understand me… you–'



Emma fell on the ground, rolling in pain, screaming. He convulsed, sweat covered his body immediately. Veins protruding from his forehead, eyes turning red, blood flushing to his face. His heart tightened, blood ceased to flow normally. He began to suffocate from inside out…

[[Master! Master! Master!]]

[[Invoking the emergency protocol in 10 seconds.]]

A chilling voice reverberated through Emma's mind. "Don't ever compare me with your measly AI, ever in your life. When you do that will be the end of your existence. Your puny life couldn't be compared to an existence like me. You dare even compare me with that garbage….." Every word made Emma shake to his core. He never felt this kind of fear in his previous life. The cold chilling made his brain sluggish, under the pain, the voice made him dizzy.

"If not for my twi– I will end your life at this time. Run your mouth once again, dare me." The voice disappeared from Emma's mind and a soft sighed echoed. Though it was barely audible, it contained a lot of emotions. 

The invading pain on Emma's body disappeared as if never been in his body. He took a deep breath and sighed in relief. It took him a couple of seconds before his body could function properly. When he finally stood. The big countdown on the screen had just reached zero.

Seeing this, Emma commanded with waiting a second. "Abort!"

[[To abort this operation. Please say the password.]]

Emma didn't dilly dally, he uttered a bunch of words for a couple of seconds. It was then Zeus aborted the emergency protocol.

[[Master, What happen to you?]]

Meanwhile, deep in space, far, far from the milky way galaxy. Leaving the Crystalline Universe, bypassing many Universes, at the end of the Unrated Universe. A group of beings stood uncaring in space looking at the direction of the Unrated Universes. They adorn a strange suit with strange lines, covering all over their body, except their head. At the center of the suit was a magnificent logo, glittering, exuding a powerful presence. 

"We detect the signal coming in this direction." A voice came from one of the beings. But it was difficult to distinguish if it was male or female.

"That can't be right. They can't survive in this cursed place. You nobody has ever returned from the cursed universe from millions of years ago. Nothing can survive there. Even the Chramaj has been cursed." Another voice answered with the same blankness.

"The signal has disappeared!"

"Good! Let's leave this forsaken place. It is creeping me out. I'll report the signal disappeared at the boundary of the curse zone."


A blinding blue light came out of nowhere and covered the beings and in an instance they all disappeared like never being in space at all.

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