Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 152 - Frightening Learning Speed.

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Deep in an underground facility, an enormous screen displayed four major live footage. Suddenly, a row of words appeared on the screen. 

"You think you can relax when Master is working his butt off...?"

"In your dream."

Two days went by like a wisp of smoke. A young man was on his bed for the past two days, sleeping like a dead log of wood. Whilst some couldn't have a moment of rest. Millions of people felt something important was to happen. But could happen to cause such development. No one knows.

Vulture was no more the previous Vulture. Every gang, organizations were busy with the new changes in Vulture. When the people of Vulture realized the new change. They were ecstatic for the new change, hoping for a better life in Vulture. Whilst also, the redundancy in origin coin became apparent to everyone. Media houses were blaring the advantages of God's coin while every store, office, school, hotel, and the likes, received calls to implement the God's Coin on their payment gateway. Some were reluctant to follow this order. Their marginal profit would be reduced by half if they were to use God's Coin. However, when they received legal suit for taxes. They had to succumb when they saw the huge amount of tax they had to pay.

In two days, 90% of Vulture was using God's coin for their transaction. Though some were unhappy about this development, but to keep their head. They follow the iron-clad rules. And this secure the one power controlling Vulture which had never happened Thango. That power was the newly created company that was about to clock a month old. CommandIntel.

"Huh" A voice came from under the blanket. The voice rolled left and right stretching his hand sluggishly. He murmured an indistinct word and threw the blanket away, standing up from the bed, yawning with his mouth wide open. 

[[Master, you've wake up.]]

"huh," Emma staggered out of the bed. He nearly tripped when his foot touched the floor. "What the fuck!" he cursed and entered the bathroom.  

A couple of minutes later, Emma emerges from the inner chamber with a tray in hand, carrying tons of food. Whilst his mouth was not idle. He munched the tater tots unceasingly, like a famished dog. He sat on his usual seat and continue his mission eating with both hands. 

>>Do you want to kill yourself with food?

Emma ignored Lily and continue the battle with the food. From key lime pie to jerky to fajitas. Seeing that Emma didn't have the intention of slowing down. Lily grumbled. 

>>I know you're a glutton. But not this gluttonous. This food can satisfy 8 strong hefty men and you dare try to stuffy everything in your belly. Don't you fare your for life not die from indigestion? 

'I will worry about that when I have indigestion.' Emma retorted while shuffling another food inside his mouth. 

[[Master, I suggest you should take it easy with the foods.]] Zeus couldn't but advise when he saw the seriousness in his master's eyes against the food.

After half an hour, Emma's stomach had bulge like a pregnant woman. However, he seems not to care about this, the glow and the smile on his face say it all. He rubbed his stomach and said with an elated voice. "Zeus, have you seen your master did something that he was not sure of."

[[Negative. Every action of the master had an intellectual reason.]]

Hearing this, Emma nodded. "You are right. if I don't eat that food at that moment. I don't know what would happen to my body. But I felt my body would shut down entirely."

>>Tsk! Do you need a reason to lie to your AI? You are a glutton, accept the fast. Tsk. Shameless brat.

Emma only shook his head. He knew no one would believe him whatever he says. But only he was aware of the state of his body. And if he didn't replenish the lost energy in his body. Surely he believe, it would be another story entirely. However, Lily couldn't be blamed for not trusting Emma's word. This had never happened before, and this would be the first. 

"Zeus update."

[[Master, everything is going according to plan. God's App and God's Coin have dominated vulture. We have virtually taken control of Vulture. 92% of Vulture are now using both apps. And this statistics in increasing every second.]]

Hearing this, Emma's eyes widened. He opened his mouth but nothing came out of it. He sighed and asked slowly. "How?"

[[I need to motivate every department and give them a deadline to accomplish their task.]]

Hearing the word motivation. Emma rolled his eyes. He was already getting the hang of Zeus's character. "Your motivation means a little threat, right?"

[[Oh master. Don't turn me into an evil AI. With every motivation, there is a penalty for failure. Obviously, there is a penalty. And if your think that's a threat. I concurred. But according to research. Human tends to bring out their best under pressure. and this result proves it.]]

"Huh!" That was the only sound that came from Emma. He creased his brow and rubbed his temple. "Why!"

[[Master, you work harder than anyone I have ever seen. So how could those under you do everything with ease? They must follow your footstep which I initiated after you were sleeping.]]

"What if you harm someone in this process."

[[Master, I break no protocol. You give me the capability to learn and adapt to every situation. Whilst planning ahead. I mount pressure on them based on their capability. Also, I assisted them throughout this period. I never left them. One of the laws of robotic was I must never harm any human. Which I didn't. Besides, I didn't pressure every member of the department. I only pressurized the head of each department to give their all… Did I do something wrong?]]

>>Your AI is on the right path. Don't question him too much. He's young and learning at an extremely fast pace. So don't make his neural curve depart from the right thread. It may develop another branch of hesitation when performing a task in your absence.

'I know. I'm just surprised at the rate at which he processes things. If I were to upgrade it now. Won't it turn into another thing?' Emma asked with concern. 

>>You forget already.

'What?' Emma creased his brow.

>>When you are developing Zeus in the beginning. You separate him into different smaller AI. And each smaller AI handles a specific job while Zeus interacts with them to complete your order. Do you get what I'm saying?

Emma nodded. 'Zeus was the intermediary between every other smaller AI. I can connect with other AI if the condition warrants it. besides, the anticlockwise security and flip flog gate prevent him from influencing the others. Sighed.'

>>You're right. so no matter how Zeus developed. It was not only him developing. Every other smaller AI is developing as well. Zeus's influence is minute. It can never break out of the loop. So relax.

'I'm not worried about him breaking out of the loop. But his learning rate frightened me.' Emma makes a small laugh. When did all this start? Why is he worried about his AI. He shook his head from the unnecessary thought.

>>What you are feeling is normal. And this assured me you know the path you're threading. If you didn't question your little AI. Then he would be daring to do other things. However, this also shows your concern for him whilst also for the welfare of the people under you. 

Emma raised his brow slightly; he didn't expect his spontaneously questioning will have such a deep meaning. He exhaled and looked at the big screen and laughed. "You didn't make the wrong decision. Zeus. I'm just surprised"

[[Why. You don't need to be surprised. Everything I did. I virtually learn everything from you.]]

>>Hahaha back at you. I love your little assistant.

Emma twisted his lip, not sure of what to say. "Fine. Fine. Just don't go overboard next time."

[[Of course, master.]]

"Now, what's the next action on my list."

[[Visit the treasury.]]

"Right. it is time to discover what those materials are made of. And how it can speed up our plan." Emma stood and straighten his back. "Get me my car."

[[Ready at your disposal]]

At the far end of District 13, a black car journeys through the quiet street. Tall trees and lush grasses beside the road. The chiming of insects and singing of birds with the continuous rustle of leaves echoed in the serene environment. This was to be expected. Since the outrageous changes in Vulture. Every citizen of Vulture knew District 13 was no go area. Only some old folks live at the entrance. Since they had lived in District 13 their entire life, they couldn't leave just anyhow. When talked with the security personnel about this. They were allowed to keep leaving as long they don't trespass.

After a couple of minutes, the black car left the quiet scenery and entered an open space. An enormous 10 story building stood proudly at the center while smaller buildings surround it. Men and women and were patrolling dressed in ash cloth with rifles in their hands.

Seeing the black car, the patrolling men and women didn't for once stop. They ignore the car whilst the black car speed toward the center building. In front of the 10-story building. Three people stood straight like a pole while their gaze was devoid of any emotion. Their eyes were only looking in one direction.. And deep in their eyes was a radiant glow that can't be hidden. 

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