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After a couple of minutes, the black car left the quiet scenery and entered open space. An enormous 10 story building stood proudly at the center while a smaller building surrounded it. Men and women were patrolling dressed in ash cloth with rifles in their hands.

Seeing the black car, the patrolling men and women didn't stop for once. They ignore the car whilst the black car speeds toward the center building. In front of the 10-story building. Three people stood straight like a pole while their gaze was devoid of any emotion. Their eyes were only looking in one direction. And deep in their eyes was a radiant glow that can't be hidden. 

A young man in his signature blue suit with his helmet shining came out of the black car. Seeing this, the three standing in front of the gigantic 10-story building puff their chest outward and did a military salute at once. Their faces are devoid of any emotion but a hint of respect glitters in their pupils.

"Welcome, commander" They chorused. 

The young man nodded. He walked with his back straight, the air exuding from him was extraordinary. It makes people want to revere him and worship at his feet. The three people were shocked when they witnessed the changes. They swallowed the lumps in their throat. Their eyes move left and right briefly.

"How've you been doing?" A calm voice came from the helmet.

"We're good. Thanks for asking." Jojo responded with a smile.

"Hmm, hmm" The young man entered the building while the three followed whilst walking a couple of feet from behind.

"Maya, do you still remember those lines?" He asked not to look back.

Maya smiled wryly when she heard this. "Sir, I can only remember staring at the lines. But what the lines looked like has obviously disappeared from my head. I'm still baffled by this though."

The other two looked at Maya with a hint of jealousy. She was the only one which had the opportunity to witness what the commander witnessed. Thinking, Maya had an edge over them. Oblivious to this, the young man walked quietly toward a particular direction as if he had been to this place before. While it was his first time being in the temporary military. However, the people were not shocked by this. Every soldier accosted on the way saluted in reverence. After a couple of minutes of walking, they arrived at an elevator, guarded by four soldiers. Without talking, one of the soldiers pressed a key and the elevator door opened.

After a couple of minutes of descending, the elevator finally stopped and the door opened automatically. The four stepped out of the elevator and what came to their sight was a spacious room filled with shelves. And the center was a big table and an Elementor desktop computer.

"Sit down," Emma commanded.

Without further ado, the three sat, looking at the young man. This was a secure location and everything in this was classified. Though they're the ones that bring the packages. However, none of them knew what was inside the box. And apart from the first time they deliver the package. No one was allowed to step inside the elevator, talk less of the room. 

"After the continuous evaluation by the system. You three have proven yourself for the time being to be trustworthy and have the capability to lead. You are now promoted to the leader of the Ghosthunter." Emma announced calmly, looking at the face of the three.


The three exhaled at once, they looked at each other then back to the young man. They were shocked while also not shocked as well. Since they were allowed to the secure room, they're not stupid, they've added one and two together. But to think they would be the leader of the Ghosthunter squad. And three of them at the same time.

"Commander, the three of us at the same time!?" Jojo questioned with her brow raised.

"Do you accept? Yes or No." Emma's voice dropped a bar.

Hearing this, Jojo realized her mistake at once. She stood and bowed. "Sorry for my impudence."

Seeing this, Maya and Laka rolled their eyes and stood at once. "Sorry for our impudence." They announced it at the same time. Emma waves his hand and dismisses their act of contrition. He understood their thoughts. The three of them being a leader of a squad of 80 soldiers would cause waves among the Ghosthunter. However, that is what he wanted. Competition.

"Don't make a scene of this. Sit. Besides, your position is not assured."


The three sat slowly, processing what Emma just said. Their position is not assured yet. They stared at Emma, waiting for him to continue. And Emma did not disappoint. 

"It is just a test among you three. You are only interim." He stood. "I'm not here to discuss that." He walked to the far end of the shelves. "Ha, before I forget. You three will have to choose your people." He turned his head and opened the small box lying on the shelf. It was the only box on the shelf.

Meanwhile, the other three were looking at each other. Without telling each other. They knew a competition had begun silently among themselves. In the past couple of days, they've been promoted as the Ghosthunter. Anywhere they visited in Vulture, they were treated with extreme respect. Their families were not exempted from this treatment also. Besides, every knight in Starlight Genesis recognizes each other from the notification they will receive from their devices. This makes everyone want to join the Ghosthunter while propelling the Ghosthunter prestige above the roof. Most especially, the A knight.

"Shu! You can leave now. I have high expectations from you three." The sudden voice of Emma jotted the three from their thoughts. Emma chuckled when he saw them like that. He knew the competition would be intense. And he couldn't wait to witness it. This was a program designed by Zeus after the evaluation of the three. And this shocked Emma when he realized the plan. When he later found out that all this insane plan was not coming to Zeus directly but from the sub-AI, named Cupid. He was flabbergasted for a couple of minutes.

Emma shook his head from the unnecessary thought. Noticing that the three had left. He removed the helmet and breathed out a large turbid air. Nothing could be compared to the free flow of air. He thought.

He carried the box and placed it gently on the table. His eyes were shiny looking at the content inside the box. Though he didn't know the uses of the crystal, the book he took from it was exceedingly useful. Then, this can't be any lesser than it. Without dilly dallying, Emma withdrew the Uglass from his pocket and wore it.

{Initialing… User Detected… Successful.}

The message blinked on the Uglass screen briefly before it faded away. Emma did not care about the security check, he picked one of the luminous crystals and immediately the Uglass performed its magic.

{Sagmal Crystal=> A crystal formed by the source. It is formed from the residual of high concentrated source intent. They are mostly formed in a highly natural environment. Mostly forest, river bed, deep in the ground, abandoned cave and mountains. Sagmal crystal is useful for its neutral energy absorbent. Which makes it an energy bank for every other energy(intent). Sagmal crystal when used properly can be self-sustaining for any material used. The conducting power of Sagmal crystal is greater than its dispersing rate. A low-level Sagmal crystal can function for 5 years without absorbing source intent. Whilst in place of source intent. It can sustain itself for 10 to 15 years before shattering into pieces. 

Uses: Sagmal Crystal are used by the rune and formation masters as a power source. It can be placed on a weapon to increase damage by runesmith. 

Weakness: it destroys any material used upon. The power output can only affect weaker life forms. Useless against stronger enemies. It can't evolve to the next rank. Barely usable for powerful artifacts.

Occurrence: common.

Rank: Low level}

Emma tried to control his already raging breath but found it difficult. How can such an amazing thing exist in this world? He shouted in his mind. He read the details again and again before he got the hang of himself. Just like a robot, Emma dropped the Sagmal Crystal and dashed to the shelves. His movement was extremely fast creating an after image. If anyone saw this, they would be astounded. Emma's movement had increased by a large margin. However, he was unaware of this.

He began to open the box one after the others while the smile on his face began to widen, showing his teeth. "Sagmal crystal, Sagmal crystal, Sagmal crystal." Emma continued to murmur seeing the huge amount of Sagmal crystal stored in the box. 

However, when he opened the next box, his hand froze and his jaw dropped. He couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds. After a couple of seconds, he recovered from the shock. But he could only utter a single word.

"Alphdo Orichalcum"

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