Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 171 - Vulture On Lockdown.


Please if you find any repeated words. My laptop had a virus, mixing all the old chapters with new chapters fragments while copy and pasting were difficult for me. Please bear with me for any errors until I fix my system.


Emma looked at his stat and squint his brow. He was quite surprised by his improvement. He didn't expect him to develop so fast in just a couple of months. Now, with the speed of his improvement, he would soon unlock the next evolution. 


[Congratulation. Mission completed]

[Monthly completion]

[Objective: Rule your city with your tech. God's App accomplished's the mission.]

[Well done. Though you use various underhand methods. Yet, you made it.]

[Reward: Magnetic Elevation Tech] (Magnetic Elevation Tech uses Magnetic ionization to project device in the atmosphere. This Magnetic Elevation Tech can be advance when combine with Tri-Ionization Plastmatic Fusion energy reactor. Magnetic elevation tech work on any device projection while with Tri-ionization plastmatic fusion propel the speed of the transporter two to three time the speed of sound.]

Emma jaw dropped when he saw the notification, he had already forgotten about the monthly mission. However, the reward of the monthly mission surpassed his imagination. He had to read the monthly twice before he could calm his raging from jumping out of his heart. 

'I thought I'm moving fast in changing earth tech.' He thought and shook his head. 'But the system is not helping, at all.' He sighed lightly and sharp glint appeared in his eyes for a couple of seconds before it disappeared like it never appeared


[New Mission.] 

[Mission objective: Conquere and Dominate Thango continent with your tech in three months. Spread your tech to every corner of Thango and make sure people are reliant on your device. Mission can be completed when more than 70% of Thango population uses your tech.]

[Penalty. Hidden.]

>>Please try to accomplish this mission as soon as possible. The longer you fail to accomplish this mission the lower the reward. Moreover, the penalty is severe than what you can imagine. 

Emma didn't' care about the penalty. He had confidence in himself in completing the mission. He was already planning on how to integrate the Magnetic Elevation Tech with his ongoing plan. He sat, resting on one hand and squinted his brow. His current plan was to digitized Vulture. But with this, everything would work smoothly. 

[[Master, data transfer completed.]]


Hearing this, Emma raised his brow and a slight smiled appeared on his thin lips. He straightened his back adjusted his seat and looked at the huge screen and watch all the data received from the satellite. He twisted his lips and rubbed his temple. A satisfying grin appeared.

"Begins the lockdown." He commanded. 

[[Master should I restore the communication.]]

"Yes restore the communication. However, I don't want those sniffing on us to have any eyes while monitoring vulture."

[[Everything had been taken care off. With my processing power and speed combine with the solid encryption you provided. Our security is guarantee.]]

"Good! Good! Let it roll." His eyes shown brightly. 

[[On it.]]

At once, everyone in vulture received network signal on their device. Every dead device received signal. This shocked everyone and the city received life. The city busted into life. The netizen flowed to the internet

Two weeks had gone while Emma focus on his assignment. He only gone outside once. And it was to scavenge for food at the junks yards. After staying around the junkyard for close to three months. Emma had discovered the locations and time when there would be good food for eating. Most of the time, Emma choose to search for can food. If it was the old Emma, he may have ventured out of the lonely facility. But Emma now, he knew if he did not have something of value. He disposed like a waste. And he refused to live a life of a waste.

Inside the glass room. A continuous tapping could be heard. It was the keyboard echoing in the quiet room. Emma was sweating under the AC when he wasn't able to solve an algorithm question with the time almost up. Lily, his teacher was monitoring his progress.

[Time up!]


Emma bang the keyboard. He stared at the rows of code on the screen, dejectedly. 'Where did I got it wrong.' Without running the code. He knew somethings were missing in his algorithm. But he could lay his finger on it. He took a deep breath for Lily to evaluated him.

[2% security safe. While your typing speed is gawd... 0.005%. You're goddam slow.]

Emma exhaled. "How many errors?"

[Do you need to ask?]

"It evaluation. I need to know."

[Tsk…2% should give you an appropriate answer. Anyhow as your teacher. I'll tell you. You wrote 150,000 line of code with a loop hole of 1000. There are 20,000 redundancy line that wasn't needed.

Emma had been mentally prepared for the knock out. But the reality shook him to the core. He became restless. He didn't have the motivation to look at the monitor again.

[My estimation was just on the face value. If it was Ai, then your code will breach in matter of seconds. Don't even talk about me. Because I don't see a firewall.]

"You're not helping. Don't you know how it feels. To put all your effort into something and later be told it was rubbish. Goddammit!" Emma banged the keyboard, marching out of the glass room.


Shortly, Emma returned into the glass room with an apple in his hand, munching it slowly. He was much relaxed than before. He stared at the big screen looking at the set of code in daze. It was Thunder programming language, good for it security. Emma was creating a four layer security firewall but everything went down the drain.

[Are you in the right mind to continue the lesson?]

Emma nodded. "What are your taught on my code. Any advice?"

Shortly, Lily began to lecture Emma on how to set up a solid security firewall. As the lecture continued, Emma was shocked on how Lily modified the same code he wrote produce a better secured one. 'I'm still far behind.' After one hour, Lily finished his lectured. 

[A good security doesn't have a beginning or the end. It's infinity]

"Thank you"

[Enough of security lesson. How's the others coming up.]

"I have progress better in both than Thunder. Parallel is good for machine learning while I Tudor simulation is the best. I tried to create simulation with parallel but it was hell of a difficulty with so many drawbacks. While Thunder could not perform any deep learning like parallel. Truly the three are the best in their field."

[What do you think is the fundamental of all this Languages.]

"Mathematics of course."

[So your math and physic will take another notch.]

"Sure. I'm ready for it." Emma paused "Since you said I should not download the Ai suit on the net. I want to create my own."

[I know. Do you forget we're one. Whatever you see I see. Only your thought is obscure to me.]

[Do you know the requirement.]

"Yes, I have sturdy all the Ai architecture on the net. Besides, with the new technology you taught me. I believe I can create something OK according to your standard."

[Now let me ask? Do Ai you wanna build. Will it be your primary Ai or what?]

"I don't know. Just wanna build some that assist me in my task."

[Then, you better not create it yet.]

Emma was puzzled. "There many types of Ai suits like on the web. I can easily download one and start using. But you say no. Now, I want to create my own you said no again. Are you kidding?" He said annoyance.

[If you don't control your emotion. You won't know how you die.]

Emma took a deep breath, calming his raging heart.

[I have taught you something you can't ever know on your own. If I meant bad for you do you think I teach you. Why are you so stupid? Do you want everything to go your way every time? If I asked you not do for a year. You should know I had my reason. If you asking for the reason. You start sprouting nonsense from that your foul mouth not using his brain.]

Emma: "…"

[The million of people that will read your emotion and toy with it like their plaything. Muscle head.]

"—S-oo-ry." Emma inhale and exhaled. "I'm sorry. That won't happen again."

[If sorry could solve everything why would there be the law, the police and the judge.]

"I know I fumbled. It won't repeat again."

[Good! As your teacher. I won't dwell on it any longer.]

Emma rolled his eyes with a bitter smile on his face. "Thanks. Why did you ask me not create the Ai?"

[Fist, you can't create a giant Ai in a day or year. It takes time and development. Let me ask you. If you create this Ai. You want it help you in your mathematic, physics and many more in the future. Right?]

Emma nodded.

[That why you I asked not to create the Ai. You need to understand. Do an Ai grow.]



"They learn through their neural link compare old data with new data and store the appropriate data it in their dataset."

[Good. When your Ai had turn into giant Ai. Do you think it will be easy to manage or correct if there is an error? The answer is no. And besides, A single Ai cannot master every field proficiently. If it tries. There would be many loop holes in calculations and accuracy. While the issue of security will be there. Do you get what am teaching you?]

"Yes. What I wanted to create is childish won't help me on the long run. It may later turn into burden for me."

[So how do you solve this issue...]

Emma thought for a while but he couldn't find the proper answer. All the Ai he saw on the web had only one functions. So he couldn't think of a way. Emma shook his head. "I don't know yet. I will have to think about it deeply."

[Ah! Ah! You have your teacher as your guard. I will surely perform my duty…]

Emma: "…"

[Cyclemorphism and Flip Flop Spiral gates. What does it mean. You create a central Ai. The brain for your work. While you will create smaller AIs with specific functions. The smaller AIs will revolve round the Main AI or core AI. Then the Flip Flop Spiral Gates makes the connection between all AIs to be unique and efficient. With this technique.. You can develop your Ai seamlessly while upgrading them will not be a hassle. Do you understand?]

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