Now, Vulture is not isolated from the other part of the world. They are like black hole in the deep space. No one understand what the hell happening. But the sudden abrupt cut in communication shocked everyone. People flood the internet asking what the hell happening… then it came to then…

Various restriction is now in place. Though those restriction were not affected them. But those outside Vulture found it difficult to access some site, location and perform certain action on net. This action added to the shock in their heart. Everything was just like a dream. What the fuck is happening?

This incident shocked the world. Every city in the world realized accessing Vulture was not like before. You can only access through a public channel. Like human nature. Various agents were dispatched. Hackers and AI flood net space. 

However, it came as shocker. Everything was for nut. They found out Vulture had turns into a giant fortress, impenetrable. Meanwhile, it's was just then a sudden news began to circulate the net and on the media. 

Vulture is on lock down.

This sudden announcement shocked everyone. However, the later announcement calms the pulse of the people. Activity would continue as usual but some online activities are under lock down. Besides, every one need to register for VIP (Vulture Identity Program) on their device. 

This development stupefied the people. Some famous people try to question this. However, everything was swept under the carpet all of a sudden Everything in Vulture require your VIP number to function. Since almost everyone in vulture had Gods' app and use God's Coin for their transaction. Forcing the people to register for their VIP number almost immediately when they couldn't perform any transaction without VIP. 

It was only a couple of days after VIP announcement and registration when the disbursement of VIP bracelet was dispatch. Overriding the redundant origin bracelet. However, VIP bracelet was more advance and sophisticated than Origin bracelet. They couldn't be compared at all. The VIP bracelet synchronized everything will your devise online and offline. You don't need to worry about payment. It is done automatically. Schedule, appointment, health check-up and therapy are in include in VIP bracelet. It works in conjunction with others VIP bracelets

The VIP bracelet turn Vulture into another world in a couple of days. Everyone forget about the recent Vulture lock down or what was happening in the city. However, what shock the citizen most was the camouflaging tech on the bracelet. User can set the visibility of the bracelet. People need no need to make payment manually, when user enter any store or more. Other VIP will connect with each other.

People only need to say the word 'Purchase' or 'Bought'. Then the VIP bracelet would perform it magic instantly. However, as human. Curiosity took some people heart. 

"What do you think if we buy without saying buy or bought" A crook young man said to fat man beside him.

"Yeah. I've been thinking about. How could those stupid Genesis company leave such an obvious loophole. Anyway it all works better for us." The fat replied looking at the small store across the street with an evil smile. The fat on his body giggled while he rubbed his bald head. 

"What do you think?"

"Action of course. Those black men are not in the street right now. Let try our luck, and if everything went south. We will pretend to buy it." he licked his lips lightly.

Without any further ado, the two approached the store with a evil smile on their face. Entering the store, an Asian woman stood behind the counter not looking up busy with whatever she was doing. Seeing this, the two unknown men didn't look bother. They continue to take all the necessary they needed into the trolley. 

After a couple of minutes, the two unknown men looked at each other without say the word for the VIP AI bracelet to complete the transaction. But to their dismay, they left the room without any alarm raised. Noticing the two unknown men, looked at each other and a knowing smile spread all over their faces. They straightened their back and walked confidently across the street. Suddenly, they halted. 

They took out their mobile devise had their jaw dropped. In the open street, they found it difficult to breath, sweats began to dripped from their forehead. Their lungs constricted; they didn't notice when the groceries in their hand fell on the floor. They two looked at each other and saw the fear in each other eyes. The crook man swallowed the lump in his throat with some difficulty. He opens his mouth but the word failed to come out. Suddenly he began to walk with a large step toward a certain direction. Seeing this, the fat man chased after sweating profusely. 


Hearing the sudden bang on her door. The Asian woman raised her head and looked at two men sweating profusely before her counter. "What the fuck. You morons! You wanna spoil my goddamn door!?" The woman stood up and screamed. 

"S-sorry. S-s-sorry." The crook man stuttered wiping the sweats off his head.

"Shut the fuck up! What the hell are you before my counter. Didn't you find what you want to buy or what!?" The sharp gaze of the woman move from one man to another.


"Fuck off! I don't care. If you don't see what you needed. Then I don't have. So get lost." She snapped.

"Ma, we found what we needed we just—"

"Scram! Since you found what you needed. Shoo!" she waved her hand, sending them away.

"But madam. We need to pay." The fat man manages to say.

"Are you retard or what." She raised her head and looking at the fat man like a fool. "I've already received the payment the moment you step out of that door. Do you think I don't know about your stupid action?" Her lips raised slightly, folding her arm on her chest and gave disdainful laugh. "You're denser than I imagine. Do you think those people that created the VIP bracelet are fools or what?" She moved her head closer to the two thieves. 

"Saying those words are mere camouflage to know how faithful you are and to know those fox in sheep clothes. And seeing you, their plan worked. You need to pay 70% interest for your action. 30 for me and 40 for Genesis. Win-win for us." She grinned. 

Hearing this, the two thieves looked at each other not knowing what to say. Now 70% percent interest had been added to their account which would be deducted from their account every day. 70% of what they intended to stole. Shit they scolded their stupidity. 

This type of incident were happening in every part of Vulture. After a couple of days, every now realized the VIP bracelet had more than what was disclosed. Stealing and thievery reduced my 90%. The huge interest place on those trying to bypass the VIP bracelet made everyone reconsider their priorities. 

It over two since Vulture undergoes the sudden changes and under lock down. The citizen of vulture had already forgotten about it and continue on their daily activities. Meanwhile a couple of kilometers from Vulture, a group of people looked at the city in their sight with an apprehensive gaze.

"What are we going to do?" Shile asked, looking at the people around him.

The people didn't bother to answered him. Everyone was lost in their thought. The mission was harder than they imagine. Who can guess an unknown city in the middle of nowhere of Thango would be this secured? They tried to sneak in without any success. People leaving and coming had to undergoes a series of verification before entering and leaving the city. 

"What do you all think" A middle aged man turned looking at the seven people behind him. His uniform was different from the others while the badge on her chest had different colour. 

Hearing the question, the people looked at each other but no one come up with a reasonable solution. If these scenes were seen by the people of Beta continent. They would be stupefied. Everyone among them were notable people in Beta. Strong and deadly, sending shivers to the heart of those rats in Beta. However, those powerful rangers were having headache bypassing the security of a backwater city. 

"Sir, I think we should use the unofficial route. The security of those route will be easier to bypass." Gordons announced looking at the face of his colleague with his brow raised expecting some rejection. But to his dismay, that didn't happen. 

"You're right. I'm already thinking of that." Tiger responded, creasing his brow while his well tone muscle squished gently against his uniform. Though the man was older than the rest. His well fitted body and tone muscle said something else.

Without further ado, Tiger brought out a device from his backpack and looked at it briefly before looking at the people in front of him. 

"Since, there is no objection.. Let go. We're using the northeast route"

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