Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 173 - Are You Stupid Or What?

"Sir, I think we should use the unofficial route. The security of those route will be easier to bypass." Gordons announced looking at the face of his colleague with his brow raised expecting some rejection. But to his dismay, that didn't happen. 

"You're right. I'm already thinking of that." Tiger responded, creasing his brow while his well tone muscle squished gently against his uniform. Though the man was older than the rest. His well fitted body and tone muscle said something else.

Without further ado, Tiger brought out a device from his backpack and looked at it briefly before looking at the people in front of him. 

"Since, there is no objection. Let go. We're using the northeast route"

Unknown to them every of their action was under the watchful eyes of Vulture's eyes. 10 miles around vulture was under serious surveillance. Not even an ant could move without the watchful eyes of Vulture Eyes detecting it. The man behind all this was seated in the sanctuary, eating like there was no tomorrow.

Emma didn't care how other sees him. He had been working his butt off since the couple of days. Working on the VIP bracelet and also working on the Magnetic Elevation Tech. Working on Magnetic Elevation Tech wouldn't be stressful for him. However, combining it with Tri-Ionization Plasmatic Fusion energy reactor and merging it with rune inscription was easier said than done. 

He was currently taking a break from his research and one of the way to vent his anger was eating. The moment he unlock his mental space, eating large quantity of food was like drinking water. Moreover, eating was refreshing and rejuvenating from all the stress. 

[[Master, how should we deal with them]] Zeus avatar pointed to one of the video feed showing on the enormous screen.

Without looking up, Emma replied. "Deploy the C Kni— No, deploy the D Knight. They shouldn't be too strong for them. Can they?" He stuffed another food in his mouth and use one of eyes to look at Zeus.

[[Yes. We can't deploy another category of knights. This should do. They wouldn't die under a single attack. Can they?]]

Hearing this, Emma raised his brow and stop eating. Where the hell did he sees Zeus. He wondered, shaking his head slightly. "You have all the data. Why are you asking such stupid question?"

[[haha. Just checking if we are on the same page.]]

[[Sir, Miss. Renata is calling.]] 

"Allow" Emma wasn't surprised by Zeus mischievousness. What made him some times flabbergasted was how he was behaving more like him. Just then Renata sweet voice echoed from the other end.

"Hello Commander."

"How are you doing Miss Renata." Emma answered plainly. 

"I'm good. The rail transport route meeting was completed just a couple of minutes. While also we devise various way to increase the economy of the city and how to spread our Tech."

"Oh! That's good. Well done." Emma praised. 

"Thanks for the praise, sir. I have already forward all the plans for the construction of the routes. While also various proposer for the in flow of investors into our city."

"I have received it and review it. You should receive the file now. You begin the commencement of all the project. You don't need to worry about found."


Just then a notification beep on Renata's phone. She was quite surprised. She looked at the screen of her device and saw the file she just sent. She sighed in her heart. "I've received the file. I'll begin immediately. But sir—"


"I don't know why but I think you separating the city into three will divide the people and may cause unnecessary problem in the future." Renata said slowly. She couldn't wrap her head why the commander would chose to divide the city and gave himself unwanted trouble. She firmly with their grasp over the city. No one dare to question their authority now or even in the future. But with this… 

"Oh. You think dividing the city into 3 will have more harm than good, right?" Emma asked calmly.


Emma didn't bother to answer immediately. He made hand gesture and Zeus immediately hold the call. "Send her the file of the in-flow of money thrown into vulture by those three mayors of the three regions. And various activity planned by them." 

[[On it.]]

Instantly, Renata received another notification then she heard Emma's voice. "Check the new file immediately and tell me what you think." Hearing this, Renata furrowed but didn't utter any word. She quickly opened the document and skimmed through. 

Emma watched as Renata face changes from one expression to another. After about two minutes, Renata didn't know what to think anymore. She sighed and pick her phone. "Commander. I just too surprised to comment. But I guess i still have a lot to learn. However, that doesn't deter the fact this was just the beginning. When their positions are all stable, then may began to sharpen their fang toward us." Though the file was too shocking. She still believed that people are not reliable and besides, human being are insatiable. 

"I understand your worry. But what do you think about us. If they are developing what are we going to be doing." Emma asked, twisting his lips.

Renata was quiet for a moment before replying. "We'll be developing as well. But sir, when many external visitor joined the game. It's become complicated."

"How are the external visitors going to visit the mayors without passing through us…" Emma paused and wide grin appeared on his face. "No matter what they plan and how they plan them. We will always be ahead of them. We gave them the power while also we can take it away from them."

"Besides, a power cam only think of growing when he or she found relaxation and comfortability in his or her position. Isn't it?"


"What if there is no such things as peace and comfortability."

Renata widen her eyes and understand what Emma was insinuating. "Then they can't think of causing problem."

"Correct. We the Starlight Genesis pave the path for better lives with our technology. While also, create problem for those that doesn't want better lives. Just like a doctor, we know how to save and how to kill…" Emma relax his back on his chair. "Remember this."

"Thank you for the insight. I will surely remember it"

After the brief conversation with Renata. Emma return back to his food, eating like he wasn't the head of thousand of people. Just then, a video feed enlarged on the screen. Seeing this, Emma squinted his brow. 'I guess the fun is about to start.'

In the northeast of Vulture, there are many rocky stones both big and small. These stones can be seen for thousand of meters. Only a handy of portions had vegetation. The air was thick filled with dust particles whilst the temperature in this area was exceedingly high. In the midst of these stones were seven people in a military uniform but not like the usual military uniform. These held more power and prestige than normal military uniform.

"We're almost inside Vulture territory. Why didn't we see anyone? Is this suspicious?" Shile asked, looking at the face of his colleagues, wiping out the beads of sweat from his forehead. 

Some of them only gave him a casual glance and continue working. Everyone of them was best among the best. Though they may not be the cream of the top. But yet, their intelligence and thinking capability can't be compare with normal human being. The strange atmosphere of the bother was not oblivious to them but what can they do but to continue. Now hearing Shile stating the obvious. They only look at him like a fool.

After working for another hour, they came to an opening. And just a couple of hundred meters from them. They will encounter the first settlement under Vulture. Though they had almost entered vulture. There expression was not smiling. Right in front of them were five military jeep parked with men and women dressed in unfamiliar dark bluish suit. They took a glance at the new arrival and continue with their business. 

Under the scorch sun, these people behave normally drinking and laughing. Moving back and forth from the small tenth besides the jeeps. Seeing this, the seven people looked at each other not knowing what to do nor how to react. Tiger the leader of the team took a couple of step forward and cleared his throat. 

"Guys, we are PAR. We'll need your assistance to get into the city." Tiger announced slowly but the arrogance in his voice could be more obvious. 

A young lady in her early twenties stop abruptly in front of Tiger with a can of bear in her hand. she looked at Tiger from head to toe and shook her head. "Not impressive." She thought out loud, gulping the bear in her hand, preparing to leave.

However, she was stopped by Tiger. Tiger squinted his brow and controlled the boiling anger rising his heart and said calmly. "Are you looking down us. Don't you know who we are." He said coldly. 

The young lady shrugged and free herself from Tiger grip easily as it was nothing. Seeing this, Tiger was astounded but didn't allow it to show on his face. 

"I don't have the time to look down on you. Moreover, you have nothing to look down on. I was just curious about you and that's all." She said plainly. She wanted to depart again but was stopped by Tiger.

"What is the meaning of this?" The young lady asked with her tone raised by another bar. Her big eyes stared directly into tiger eyes, shocking Tiger once more.

"I have the right to teach you a lesson for looking down on a PAR. However, due our mission our let it go. But you will need to be our tour guide for our stay in Vulture." Tiger commanded. An unknown pressure gushed out of his body pressing against the young lady. However, what he expected never happened.

"Are you stupid or what?" She questioned.

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