The young lady shrugged and free herself from Tiger grip easily as it was nothing. Seeing this, Tiger was astounded but didn't allow it to show on his face. 

"I don't have the time to look down on you. Moreover, you have nothing to look down on. I was just curious about you and that's all." She said plainly. She wanted to depart again but was stopped by Tiger.

"What is the meaning of this?" The young lady asked with her tone raised by another bar. Her big eyes stared directly into tiger eyes, shocking Tiger once more.

"I have the right to teach you a lesson for looking down on a PAR. However, due our mission our let it go. But you will need to be our tour guide for our stay in Vulture." Tiger commanded. An unknow pressure gushed out of his body pressing against the young lady. However, what he expected never happened.

"Are you stupid or what?" She questioned.

Hearing this, Tiger was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Meanwhile, those at his back had jaw dropped, wide eyes, gasping for air. Is this really happening. They looked at each other and shook their head lightly. They couldn't understand where the young lady found her confidence. Even they, they didn't dare talk like that to Tiger like that. Moreover, only a handy of people in Beta could talk like that to Tiger. 

If not for the urgency of the mission. Tiger wouldn't be sent to such a backward place. Tiger was a 2-star soldier. He was extremely strong and being a star soldier was easier said than done. It required a lot of training, perseverance and talents. Only a handy of 2-star PAR are in Beta continent and every one of them had a lofty position. 

Just then, another astonishing scene happened. The men in darkish blue suit looked at the scene and gathered together betting. Talking in a loud voice, "How long do you think it would last." A husky voice asked. 

"Can't say. But at most 2 minutes." Another voice replied with uncertainty. However, the uncertainity in his eyes was not due to fear but due to his prediction of what was about to happened. 

Every man and woman didn't took the PAR seriously. Since they had been idle for long. It was quite fun to have visitors. Suddenly a voice announced. "Let bet how long. 20 coins, he won't last 2 minute."

Immediately the surrounding turn into upheaval. The men began to place bet. There laughter and loud voice filled the scorch environment. They pick each other in two and looked at the young woman and Tiger in amusement. Seeing this, Tiger and the others didn't know to how to react. Most especially Tiger. When had been treated like a jester in others people's eyes. His blood boils, veins protruding from his forehead. If he didn't teach these ignorant brats a lesson. He won't be Tiger anymore.



What happened! 

However, only to see Tiger to take a couple of steps back. While the young lady left his grasp. The darkish blue men understand what just happened and weren't surprised at all. Meanwhile, the PAR had jaw slackened. They rolled their eyes and couldn't believe what they just witnessed. 

Holy Moly. 

A casual slap in the hand sends Tiger a couple of steps backward. Some shook their head while some rubbed their eyes. However, the astonishing look on Tiger said it all. Of all people on the scene, Tiger was the most shock of them all. That casual slap contained a lot of power. Though he didn't prepare for the unexpected attack. But he couldn't deny the power in the attack. 

'Things are not simple as it looks.' Tiger thought. He squinted his brow and reanalysis the situation. Because of being a PAR and not just an ordinary PAR. He had over looked many things. Whilst being in a backward city had to fact that he didn't expect any powerful man. And if any man were to appeared. He expected them to be in the city, protecting their boss. But now, his thought changed. 

While he was thinking of this, the other PAR was also thinking of the same thing. Their arrogance had clouded their reason but the light change put them back on track. They looked at each and raised their guards. They were only seven while their opponent are in fifties. And surely this fifty something men won't be ordinary men. 

"Are you done playing." A thin voice came from the ordinary looking tent. 


The PAR looked at the tent and wondered who was in the tent. However, the looked on the relax darkish blue men said something otherwise. Also, the young woman had a pensive gaze. Just then a woman came out of the tent and beside her was another young man. However, this young man was slightly older than the woman. The man looked at the PAR with an amusement gaze while the disdain in his pupil couldn't be hidden. However, the woman who seem to be leader of the squad had no certain expression on her face except from the slight smile on her thin lips. The woman couldn't be considered top beauty. Yet, she was still a beauty in her own right.

Watching the approach of the two. The darkish blue men stood attention. All their nonchalant and playful glee was no where to be found. They totally ignore the PAR and only looked at two with respect and somewhat fear. The young woman who was a couple of step not far from Tiger bit the edge of her lip and looked straight at the woman. The woman was lightly older than her. However, with the look of things. Their standing was far apart. 

"Jones, didn't I tell you to curtain your curiosity." The woman asked, stopping a couple of feet from both Tiger and Jones. 

"C-Captain… I didn't do anything. I only came to look at them." Jones answered, stuttering a little while averting her gaze.

The captain understand how Jones felt. They hadn't being deploy for any mission since they joined the Genesis Military unit. Also, they were aware of the ranks amid the military. And their ranks were high at all. However, there training wasn't any lesser than the high ranking officials. They didn't expect to be deploy so soon. Yet, it happened a couple of days ago, pushing everyone into ecstasy.

Ignoring Jones, the captain looked at Tiger and others while the slight smile on her face broaden a little. 

"Welcome to Vulture. How may we be of help." She asked. Meanwhile those who were familiar with her shivered seeing the slight smile spreading over her face. 

Tiger had already recover from the slight shock. He straightened his back and looked at the new arrival. "I won't bother repeating myself. You already know who we are. Let us pass and I won't course you any problem whilst forgetting all those nonsense committed by your squad member."

The captain shook her slightly while those soldiers looked at Tiger like a fool. Are they here for decoration or what? They snickered in their heart. 

"I'm sorry. But that won't be possible. Please go back to whence you come from." She gestured her hands, shooing them away.

The other six and stood beside Tiger and looked at the captain with a scrutinizing gaze. The surrounding descended into perfect silent while the whistling of the breeze and the squeaking coming from a far was the only sound echoing the surrounding. 

"I think me being talking to you is overestimating you. I'm not asking for permission. It a command." Tiger couldn't contain his anger any longer. His face turned red, muscle bulging. His muscle almost tears his uniform. This was not only happening to Tiger. The others had already changed. Their bulging muscle, protruding veins and red eyes was the obvious changes. Their physique change and they became slightly taller. A sudden pressure descended out of nowhere, pressuring the people in front of them. However, the people in front of them were not normal human. Perhaps, they couldn't  be consider human in the first place.

The looked at the seven transformation like clowns. There eyes didn't have traces of fear or trepidataion. Some even twisted their lips while trying to hide the smile on their face. If their captain wasn't present. It wouldn't taken another turn entirely.  Everyone knew the calm captain had eccentric behavior. No one could predict how she would reaction if they laugh or show any obvious reactions. 

"You don't get it do you?" The captain voice raised another octave, sending shivers to the spine of everyone present. Even the PAR under their transformation shuddered. However, the side effect from the transformation clouded their reasoning. 


Something move at an extremely, covering the short distance in mere seconds. Appearing the captain. Tiger send a fist attac toward the captain face. However, to his dismay. Th captain did not react but the young man casually send a punch!


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