"You don't get it do you?" The captain voice raised another octave, sending shivers to the spine of everyone present. Even the PAR under their transformation shuddered. However, the side effect from the transformation clouded their reasoning. 


Something move at an extremely, covering the short distance in mere seconds. Appearing the captain. Tiger send a fist attack toward the captain face. However, to his dismay. Th captain did not react but the young man casually send a punch!


Tiger found himself flying in the sky. He crashed a couple of meters away from the group, holding his chest. Seeing this, the place descended into abrupt silence. The other PAR looked at the face of the each other but saw each other jaw drop to the ground. Not in their widest dream can they believe what they are seeing. A 2-star PAR was casually sent flying with a wave of a hand. 

The other side looked at the crashed Tiger with disdain. However, there expression return to normal when they saw the cold expressionless face of their captain. The captain in tight fitted dark blueish looked at Tiger straight in the eyes. Just then, she raised her brow and tilted her head to the side slightly. No one knew what was happening. Only the young man behind the captain squinted his brow. Having slight idea of what was going on.

Meanwhile the PAR were not having easy. They looked at their idea not know what to think. Should they assist their leader or what? Just then, Tiger groaned and stood with some difficulty dusting away the dust on his uniform. He looked at the young with seriousness. He avert his gaze looked at the other six with a complex gaze. Numerous thought were flying in his head. However, none of them have a decent ending. But he couldn't fathom was how the hell was he sent flying. None of the people in front of him look like they had been injected with the Gene serum optimization. They all look like normal human being. He was having headache thinking what the hell was happening. None of the intel they received mention such abnormality. 

However, as the leader of the team and a 2-star soldier of PAR. He had honour to preserve. If he didn't fight back now. He can as well never return to PAR headquarter in Beta. He strolled forward, releasing his full strength. That punch didn't hurt him at all. He was only sent flying because he underestimated his enemy. Now it different. 

"So you got some strength. However, if you think such strength would deter PAR from arresting you. And teaching some lesson. Then you can wake up from that illusion." Tiger said confidently, arriving in front of his team.

However, the captain seems not to hear Tiger words. Her lips twisted and a sudden smile appeared on her face. Not good. Not good. Those that knew that smile took a couple of steps backward, including the young man stand beside him. There captain was not like this at the beginning. However, everything changes when she started undergoing commander training. No one knew what the commander train was all about. But the sudden changes occur on all leaders of each team shocking the Knights in the military. Various speculation spread on Terra World but no one knew what causes these changes. Now, the leader of each was difficult to read or predict. They all have different insanity in them.

"Who want to earn some points." The captain uttered out of the blue.


All the knight furrowed not understand what their captain have in mind. And they have learnt on many occasions not to jump into decision. They all waited for the captain to continue. Like they predicted, the captain continued.

"Defeat one man and earn 100 GC…." The captain paused and looked at the face of her men. She knew what was happening in the mind of her men. People may look down on 100 GC. But in Vulture, 100 GC worth thousands of origin coin. And when you have 100 GC in your account. You can venture on spending spread 

"However, when you receive a punch from your opponent or get hit.  I will deduct 10 GC from your money." The captain added.

Hearing this, the soldiers looked at each other, pondering for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Tiger and his team looked at the people in front of them with a stupefied gaze. When did the mighty PAR turned into this? They wanted to rushed teach this mother fucker some lesson but they were wary of another attack. Besides, they don't have any intel on how powerful their enemy was. 

"I will fight" A voice broke the silence. Everyone turned their eyes to the source of the voice. And behold it was Jones. The youngest of the team. She looked so petty, like a girl next door. However, those who knew her that it was just a façade. When she entered into her battle mode. Then she turned into lioness. 

The captain looked at the Jones for a couple of seconds before nodding her head lightly. Then another six people came out of the group. Seeing this, the PAR looked at each other with various conflicting thought appearing in their eyes. However, this kind of emotion appear briefly and disappeared immediately. They wanted beat the hell out of this ignorance fools and show then how fearful the PAR could be. 

"Mr. Tiger. You see we are going to fight you fairly." The captain announced with her lips curled upward a bit. 

Meanwhile, Tiger and the other were flabbergasted by this. How the hell. They rolled their eyes and looked at the captain with a questioning gaze. They wondered how the enemy knew their leader name. Seeing the puzzlement in their face. The captain chuckle lightly. She understood what they felt. If it was the previous Vulture. This people would be king. But now, they are nothing but a common man.

"You don't need to be surprise. We have our way of finding your identity." The captain shrugged. She looked at the seven on her side and looked at the PAR. She slightly concern about Tiger. It was slight not total concern.

"Who is going to go first." The captained asked. Her voice raise another octave.

"I will go first."  A middle age man came out of the Vulture knights. His name was Green. There was nothing spectacular about Green.

"I will face you." Shile announced confidently. 


A streak of light dance across the night sky, creating a somewhat beautiful scene. Darkness couldn't overcome this streak of light. Anywhere this light pass through, the darkness disappeared like it never existed. Watching this scene from a far, a young boy gaze at the beautiful phenomenon with an uncommon glow in his eyes. He didn't blink looking at extreme fast-moving light that moves at various form.

Suddenly, the dancing beautiful light changes route abruptly, heading toward the young boy. Hmm! Lost in the beauty of the light, the young boy failed to realized the sudden changes. However, when he realized the changes. it was too late. The light was already a couple of inches from his face. 

Holy Moly.

He cried inwardly.

All his hair stood up straight, heart picking up speed. He opened his mouth to scream but his voice couldn't be heard. His heart was in his throat, ready to jump out. The beautiful streak of light was no beauty after all. Then, everything went blank.

"Felix! Felix!" A voice call with urgency. 


A young handsome man lay on the bed, wriggling slightly. Suddenly his eyelid trembled slight and he opened his eyes, sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the surrounding. Seeing this, he realized where he was and murmured. 

"This goddamn dream!" He threw the blanket, preparing to stand when he heard his name.


'What happened.' He furrowed. 

Without further ado, Felix jumped out of the bed. He quickly scrambled to put on his clothe. Bam! The door was slammed opened and a well built middle-aged man entered the room in a large stride.

"Don't you hear how your mother has been calling you." The middle-aged man screamed. 

This scream push Felix a couple of steps backward while his long hair was in disarray, flaunting over his face. Quickly, Felix supported his body from moving further backward by grabbing the wardrobe tightly.

"Dad! It was that dream." Felix manage to uttered. While he was already losing his grip on the wardrobe. 

Hearing this, Felix Dad squinted his brow and cover the short distance between him and his son in a jiffy. He assisted Felix and Felix regained his footing. Felix took a couple of seconds to catch his breath, looking at his father in puzzled. 


The building shook to the core. Many object crashed on the floor. Seeing this, the wariness in Felix Dad eyes increases. He looked at his son for a mere second before uttering.

"Our family is under attack. You need to escape right now. I don't know how they find us so quickly. But you must escape."


The uneasiness in Felix heart increases. "Dad! What happening." He asked in apprehension. Though he tried to hide his nervousness. It was still obvious in his voice. 


A sudden cry echoed throughout the building. Hearing the cry, Felix jumped and shouted. 


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