"I will go first."  A middle age man came out of the Vulture knights. His name was Green. There was nothing spectacular about Green.

"I will face you." Shile announced confidently. 


Seeing how thing turn out, Tiger hate himself for it. he wanted to finish everything and complete the mission. 'If the border soldiers are like this, then how would the real threat be?' He wondered and sighed slightly. Things didn't go according to plan at all. It was like they were in another dimension not in the Vulture they knew. Shaking his head from the unnecessary thought, he focused his gaze on the commencing battle.

Green and Shile stood a couple of feet from each other whilst they check themselves. Shile in his transformation looked menacing and intimidating. However, Green was just like a common middle age you find on the street. Perhaps, if not for the outstanding suit. His existence would totally be ignored. Shile scrutinized Green and couldn't see any thing note taking in green. 

Though he wasn't underestimating his opponent, but the fact remains. Gene serum optimization was not easily found. It was strictly controlled by the powerful people of Alpha. Only the wastes are common in the underworld. And those wastes are nothing to a real gene serum optimization. 

Besides, the original gene serum optimization had level. That why there was level in PAR and these levels are related to the level of their gene serum optimization. Whilst the power of easy level was astonishingly greater than the latter. They can't be compared. Also, the side effect of this serum diminished according to their level. Tiger could easily subdue 10 rank 1 PAR without breaking a sweat. The cool down effect and thought disrupting effect of the serum was greatly reduced. 

"Let finish this quickly. The Sun is too hot, don't you think?" Green asked slowly, looking straight into Shile eyes.

Watching how relaxed Green behave somehow shocked the PAR. However, they soon regained their bearing and looked at the battle with more zeal. This battle could allow to grasp what power was hidden in Vulture. Grasping the power may help escape from whatever was waiting for them. Also, with this intel, the HQ would realize how wrong they are in underestimating Vulture. And send more powerful men. But all this depends if they can escape with their life intact.

"You are right, let finish this quickly." Shile nodded, smiling. The smiling was so creepy under the transformation that may someone to puke. 

"Good, bring it on. You're a kid. So I give you room to attack me first." Green announced casually. 


Shile dashed toward Green with a green speed. The was too fast for a normal to follow. However, are those people watching the fight a normal human being? Among the Vulture knights, some were secretly betting, while trying to avoid their captain. However, can those petty tricks be oblivious to their captain. Definitely No.


Green without leaving his position casually and parry Shile punch. Seeing this, Shile eyes widen for a split of seconds. How the hell. But quickly he recovered from the initial send out a follow attack. A hammer punch. However, to his dismay. He felt danger coming from his abdomen. He rolled his eyes, taking a couple step back and crossing his had to guard his abdomen. Yet, it was too late. 


Green single punch sends Shile a couple of step backward. The power in that punch was greater than what could imagine, every intestine and organs in Shile body receive a huge vibration forcing the bloods in his body to flowing for a couple of seconds. Discovering this, Shile shook his head and looked at Green with shock writing all over his face. 

Green physique had changed. His muscle bulge greatly whilst it seems the dark blueish suit would tear at any moment. However, Green transformation differs from the PAR. His muscle on shoot out while the air around Green was heavy and intimidating. But his eyes were normal whilst protruding vein was not visible. 

"Now, it my turn to attack." Green voice didn't change. 


Green disappeared from his position, appearing in front of Shile like a ghost. Watching the jaw slacking speed. Shile under the transformation had his thought clear for a brief moment, rolling his eyes. Holy Moly. Whilst the PAR watching the battle in sideline couldn't believe what they just witnessed. That speed was twice faster than Tiger. They looked at each other and looked at Tiger. However, they all kept quiet and concentrate on the ongoing battle.

Two extreme fast punch appeared before Shile in blink. Shile did not dare dilly dally. He raised his defense to the extreme. He tried to dodge the punch but he underestimate the battle tactic and power of Green. Like Green had anticipated Shile. Before Shile could finish dodging the two punches, the third punch was already on his face.


Shile was sent flying, blood flowing out his mouth. He crashed to the ground a couple of meters, puking out more blood. However, Green didn't stop his attack. He appeared in front of Green with his extreme speed with a follow up punch. Shile was only recovering from the heavy punch in his face when something blurred in his eyes. 

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Green didn't stop raining punches upon punches on Shile. Shile was beaten into pulp. His transformation had disappeared while his face had turned into a well beaten meat. Every nook and cranny of Shile face receives numerous punches. With the current technology. It would take him a couple of months for him to recovered to his peak. That was under the impression of if he can recover.

"Stop! Do you want to kill him!?" The captain asked with her voice echoing throughout the quiet rocky environment. 

Immediately, Green stop his punch and returned to his usual self. And not a single bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. Meanwhile, the PAR had their pulse racing. Their throat dried all of a sudden, sweating from inside out. They looked at their unrecognized colleague not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Next" The captain announced. 

A young man step forward. He was in his late twenties with a short hair. He looked at the six, expecting his opponent. His name was Aiden. However, after a couple of seconds. No once came from the PAR. Seeing this, the Vulture Knights wanted to laugh but controlled themselves. Could they be blamed. No.

Just then, a female PAR walked out with determination written all over her face. She stood a couple of feet from Aiden. Her name was Tristen. Without uttering a word, she took a fighting stance. Seeing this, the captain nodded lightly. Meanwhile, Aiden didn't have any expression on his face. If not for the 100 GC. He won't bother fighting these meaningless fights. If the PAR could heard his thought. They would have knock some senses into his brain. They were fighting with their life on the line while he taking it as meaningless fight. But if other Vulture knights heard his thought, they would understand his reasoning.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Tristen couldn't understand what just happened. She only found herself in the air and before she knew it. The shower of punch was falling on her. Every punch felt like she was hit by a bullet train. Because of the transformation, their pain receptor was somehow dormant. However, the continuous barricade of fist attack. Tristen cried in agony. 

Aiden didn't care if she a lady or not. He punches anything punch able as long it was Tristan body. It was fine. In less than 50 seconds, Tristen state was more severe than Shile. Aiden punch had broken Tristen ribs. There was barely any intact ribs in her chest. She continued to puke out blood from all her major orifices. Tristen waist upward had been disfigured beyond normal. However, Aiden didn't stop his attack. He raised his foot up, ready to finish Tristen once and for all. Then he heard the captain voice. Aiden sighed and retract his leg. Whilst his transformation disappeared like it never appeared. He returned to his unit like he wasn't the one attacking Tristen. 

The Vulture knights looked at Aiden and shook their head slightly. Mad man. They thought. Meanwhile, the PAR were intimidated to the core. They two of their comrades in pool of blood. They wanted to avenge them. However, they knew that was mission impossible. All their arrogance had somehow turned into fear.

"Leader, what do you think we should do." Gordons whispered.

Without turning back, Tiger responded. "We fight."


Hearing Tiger response, the four PAR widened their eyes. Are you for real! Can't you see this is no fight but pummeling. Can't they just return to the HQ and bring the big guys. Gordons wanted to shout. But he controlled himself. However, Tiger thought otherwise. How would the enemy allow them to return when they had already knew their secret. 

It either they die trying or fight and escape. But retreating was not an option any longer.


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