Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 18 - Tricky Against Tricky

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Emma looked at Mr. Coke for a few seconds while smiling evilly under his hood. Suddenly, Emma turned from Coke and walked toward the crowd. He stopped a few feet from the crowd. The crowd looked at Emma in anticipation. 'What did he want to do,' they thought.

"Everyone, I want you to bear witness between me and Mr. Coke." Emma paused. "Mr. Coke said he will give me everything that I win without coming after me when the game is over. Mr. Coke, is that so?"

The crowd looked at Mr. Coke, waiting for his response. "Yes, I say so. But he must not quit. He must play the throughout."

The crowd turned to face Emma. Emma nodded. "I agree. But if anything happened to me... It is done by Mr. Coke."

"No problem." Coke agrees. "We don't have all day, let begin the game."


Emma went back to the projected screen while the crowd was in ecstasy. Emma cannot quit while the Happy house must provide everything Emma win without using the underhand method. "This will be a good show." A young man said in enthusiasm.

The game began in earnest. Mr. Coke was pleased with his arrangement and praising himself for his shrewd thinking. 'He can't escape from my clutch now.' Meanwhile, Emma had another thought entirely. 'Wow, let the loot begin.'

[I don't understand why you went so far just to earn some money that you can earn without going through all this.]

"Lily, I did it for fun and to understand the state of things."

[So, how was it?]

"Though I saw the infographic. But seeing the people like this and how the wealthy families are still trying to gain the little money they had with an enticing scheme made me realized the situation is worse than I thought."

[Yeah. This is not living. This is surviving.]

The conversation between Lily and Emma was a split of seconds. Since they're talking through telepathy. Meanwhile, the next game had already begun. But the crowd and Mr. Coke were in for the shock of their life. After two minutes, the next game was already over. Emma wins.

Next game, win.

Next, win.




The crowd had their jaw dropped, shocked at the winning streak of Emma. They were amazed and couldn't believe what they were seeing. While Mr. Coke was sweating profusely. He had checked if Emma was cheating, but he found nothing of such. He regretted his decision. He wanted to cry, but there was no cry in his eyes.

Emma was now in the last game, and everyone was numb to his winning streak. They wouldn't be surprised if Emma wins the last game. They had been shocked, surprised, and stupefied that they didn't know what expression to show again.



Emma won the last game with ease. Mr. Coke's leg had turned into jelly. He trembled. The workers of the Happy house were happy for Mr. Coke's misfortune before. But now they were scared. 'What will the higher say when they return to the office.' They thought.

The crowd was in an uproar. They had never seen some win the entire game in a short time frame without losing a single time. They looked at Emma with wide eyes. They looked at Emma like a beast. The crowd had already filled the platform and the news of someone winning the entire game board had spread like wide fire.

Emma looked at Mr. Coke, grinning under his hood. He understands what Mr. Coke was trying to do when he set that bizarre clause that he couldn't quit during the game. But Mr. Coke thought it was his plan. However, he didn't know that Emma's plan was all along, and he easily fell into the trap.

"Where is my win?" Emma raised his voice.

Everyone around the platform turned their head to face Mr. Coke. They were expecting Mr. Coke's reaction. Mr. Coke wiped off the sweats on his forehead. He straightened his back and put on a forced smile. "Of course, we're going to give your reward. The Happy house does not go back on their word."

Hearing the crowd was uproar. They began to gossip and murmur.

"I knew it. They won't back out in front of everyone."

"Yea. They are really trustworthy."

"Yea. From today I would be playing in the Happy house."

"Likewise me"

Hearing their gossip, Mr. Coke would happy. But his heart was bleeding because of the heavy loss he incurred. He gestured the works to bring all the rewards in the gold section for Emma. From Origin bracelet to Latest Elementor phone A36, V.R headset, $100, 000 and more.

Some of the greedy people in the crowd were already planning on how to ambush Emma. But all their plans would be futile. Emma had his money sent to his new Origin Bracelet.

Emma turned to the crowd and gave a bow to them. "Thank you for your support."

The crowd was cheering on top of their voice. The ladies were giving were shaking their assets, trying to seduce him to be their man. But the hood covers Emma's face, making it difficult for people to see his face.

"Give me $1000 and I'll say something good about you to the crowd." Emma faces Mr. Coke.

Coke wanted to retort, but he kept quiet for a few seconds before he brought out the money and gave Emma. He would do anything not to lose his job or else he would back to the street, living a miserable life. So, if Emma could help him retain his job. How much was one ground?

Receiving the money, Emma walked to the crowd and gave a quick speech. He bootlicks the Happy and praised Mr. Coke with many false qualifications, raising his prestige. Emma concluded his statement. "If you don't see Mr. Coke. Don't play in Happy House."

With that, threw the $1000 into the sky, scattering everywhere. The platform descended into a state of upheaval. The smiling and laughing crowd turned into crazy individuals, beating themselves for money.

Emma looked at Mr. Coke and gave him a military salute, and disappeared among the crazy crowd. Mr. Coke looked at the disappearing Emma with a conflicting feeling. He knew with what Emma did for him, he would probably keep his job. All the plans to ambush Emma disappeared from his mind.

'What a scheming fellow..' He thought.

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