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Words had spread and some local news had broadcast the news of a young man, winning every game slot of the Happy House. Some people could not believe while some were thinking it was a rumor spread by the gambling house to attract more customers.

Many people had tried to look for Emma, but they found it difficult because they didn't know his face or knew his name. Meanwhile, the Happy house was also looking for Emma. They tried to search for Emma through the data they got when he used the Origin Bracelet he won. But everything was futile. The traces disappear like a ghost.

It was already 5 days since the event of winning the all games slot. Emma was living his life peacefully in the Sanctuary. He was never idle, though. He had fixed the bugs in his AIs and increases their performance. He went out and get all the necessary materials the sanctuary needed. Now the Sanctuary was looking appealing and homey. Except for the glass room that remained the same but repainted in white and spotlessly clean.

[What are you doing? I don't get it.]

"I thought you're seeing what am seeing. If so, with your advancement, you should be able to understand what I'm doing. Hmm?" Emma's eyes did not leave while his hand continued to type on the keyboard flawlessly.

[I got the general of what you're doing. But I still don't understand.]

"Zeus, get me the patch file p2p connection and encryption also load it to the directory of the p2p sharing and compile it."

Zeus: "On It" The monotone of Zeus echoed from the speakers.

"Do you remember the story I told you the previous day?" Emma asked, looking at the giant screen.

On the screen, there are many directories opening and closing at the same time also a terminal has opened the folder while series of codes were running with great speed.

[Yea, I remember. I don't forget things.]

"Ok, that what I've been working upon. I'm trying to convert the idea to software."

[Oh! That interesting. But that can't happen now. Do you want to be king?"

"No! the idea was that lesser people are not worthless they can be used to achieve greater heights."

[That's quite a good vision from you. I would like to see how it goes.]

[What stage is it now?]

Zeus: "Done"

"Ok, Zeus. How is the security of the software?"

Zeus: "Mars had already set up encryption with five layers of security and countermeasures. Also Hades and run penetrating testing on it. And it all good."

"Integrated it into the core of the software," Emma commanded with a smile.

[You haven't answered my question. What stage is your software]

"Almost done. I need to create the virtual currency with physical currency. But the major issue I have now is surveillance"


"For users and security. The current surveillance isn't enough for what I needed. There are too much blind spots. Zeus. Display the blind spot."

Zeus: "For Vulture City or Desert street zone."

The Desert street zone was meant for the underdogs. It had many sub streets inside. Noting in the desert was valuable. It was just like a desert. People living in the desert street were killed or raped every day. This had become an occurrence and the people were numb to it. Though Vulture was a lawless City and desert street is one of the most dangerous streets in vulture city.

"Oh sorry. Desert street."

Zeus: "There is 412 blind spots."

[You want to have eyes all over the city. Right?]

"Yes, according to human beings. They are not trusted. And they are insatiable. In the presence of wealth and power. People will go to any length to get their hands on it." Emma said.

[But not an only human being. Every sentinel life form was prone to strength. So it does not mean greediness was for man alone. Even machines get greedy sometimes.]

"What! Machines also get greedy!" Emma laughed.

[Yea, don't get me started. But having eyes everywhere won't make so much difference.]

"Yea, but it kinda makes it secure against the fraudster. Also, it increases the efficiency of the software and human interaction." Emma relaxed in the chair.

[Yea, but you still have a long way to go.]

"You don't have to tell me that. I know."

[So are you going to forget about the blind spot?"

"Of course not. I planning to install a camera on every spot. Also to have a specific location. Like Safehouse."

[You thought about this plan a lot. Why don't you use drones?]

"I never think of that." Emma placed a finger on his lip. "Zeus. How many drones are we going to need?"

Zeus: "According to Hera's calculation: 20 drones. 15 for continuous monitoring while 5 for standby."

"What is the weakness of these drones that affect us."

Zeus: "Cupid reported: There are tracking devices that were installed on these drones. And there is a backdoor in the software for the manufacturers to monitor or override users' commands. The altitude of the drones is closer to land. Their speeds and maneuvering are not smooth enough. There glitches –"

"Enough!" Emma snapped "Can we use it. Yes or No."

Zeus. "Hera calculated. Removing the tracking device and updated the security firewall. There are 20% of saving usability"

"20%!" Emma shouted.

[What do you expect. 80%] Lily snorted.

Emma ignored Lily. "What grade are the drones."

Zeus: "Cupid: The best in the market."

Emma inhaled. 'The best in the market was 20% good with modification. I need to create my own drones in the future.'

"Zeus: Find someone that will remove the tracking device and install ours. Also find peoples that will install a camera in all the blind spot. Chose 8 safe houses and install additional security."

Zeus:" On it."

[That's what am talking about. Be decisive.]

Emma rolled his eyes at Lily's comment but choose to ignore her. "I want the security ready. We can do everything at the same time."

Zeus: "Mars is already on it."

"When will everything be ready?"

Zeus: "In 6 hours."

"Good. I need to round up the software before 6 hours."

[Wow. I can't wait to see what my student develop.]

"Shut up! I'm not your student. I'm your master." Emma shouted. He wouldn't accept it. How could he be under an Ai? Impossible.


In Desert street, many people received a notification from an unknown source. Asking them to buy a camera and install it in a specific location. While some group received a notification to modify the drones and download specific software on them. Seeing the notification, some were skeptical about it.

But when they saw the pay for the job. It compelled them to take the chance.. And just like that, the people of the desert street put the street under the surveillance of Emma without them knowing.

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