"Do you know what to do?"

"Yes." Renata nodded. "I will handle the media and control of people in Vulture. Our technology must not leave Vulture during these. While also, the netizen out there must know what we represent."

"Good." A smiled appeared on Emma's face. He knew of all those people in front of him. Renata was the most intelligent of the group. He turned his head and look at Jojo. "Captain Jojo."

"Sir." Jojo stood at once and salute.

"We don't soil our land with blood. What do we do?"

"We provide a mass grave for the enemy."

The next couple of days in Vulture was not serene like usual. Renata shown her leadership and took control of Vulture like the back of her hand. The fearful new of war was disseminated in usual way. 

'The blood suckers wanted to suck out our happiness, our struggle and want to enslave us all. But we vulture refuse to oblige to their demand. This is our land. We're not going to give it to any damn person or people. If they want war, we give them war. The illusion they had thinking they could control our fate like some headless chicken is over. Migrate to Vulture. Stay in Vulture. Live in Vulture. Born in Vulture and Died in Vulture.

For every successful contribution in this war. Every citizen gets 100GC

They thought this a war to end us. But they underestimated us. This a platform for us to show our skills and let the World know…Who we are….

We are…. 

Vulture….' The enthusiasm from the news anchor echoed throughout Vulture with the same message. 

The blood of every citizen boils when they heard the announcement. Previously, Vulture had been nightmare to everyone. But now, things are different. It's now turning into paradise and those forsaken assholes wanted to take control of these paradise. Hell No. 

People flood their devise with various way to contribute to the imminent war. The lockdown of Vulture means nothing to the people. No one cares. All their thought was how to contribute to the Vulture. Since even a kid knew when Vulture falls. Their peaceful life and schooling was over. Then… 

Five days later, the Vice CEO of CommandIntel in a press statement release another shocking new. Contribution Privileges Ranks (CPR). These aggregates every citizens contribution points and rank them accordingly. While it also give the higher rankers Privileges. They could use these privileges for anything in Vulture. Also, the Contribution Privileges Ranks (CPR) removes citizens with lower ranks from achieving certain actions. These actions constitute 80% of daily people activities. These scheme force people to contribute to the war. Else… 

Those who wanted to shy away from couldn't anymore. Because everyone in Vulture had a digital footprint with CommandIntel. More so, VIP makes everything scary. When you failed to make a contribution in cetain threshold. The VIP bracelet will subtract a certain point from your data. And after the war, any citizen with negative point will be exile from Vulture. 

The war hadn't started, thousands of ideas had flooded CommandIntel. While many volunteers volunteer to participate in the war in one way or the other. When CommandIntel release the first thousand CPR citizens on their official website. These took the citizen in a roller coaster drive. Now, an intense competition sprout from the netizen and the citizens. No one knew who begin the thread of competition, to be the king of CPR. However, no one cares. It's now turn into a race. 

If those people preparing to attack Vulture witness what was happening in Vulture. They won't know what to do. This is war for cry out loud. When did it become a race? Aren't you scare of dying? Who cares? That what Vulture Citizens would have said. They have seen enough death in their life time that they were immune to it. Who cares if one or two people die among them? As long their children and wife have a better future. Other things are story.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Jimena shouted, waving her hand to a group of scientist to speed up their research. She looked at the device in her hand and frown slightly. "Shit! This woman is good. But you think you can outdo us. It won't be easy." Her eyes glowed with competitiveness. 

"Sister, how is the research?" Arce asked walking inside the lab with beaker in his hand.

"Don't worry. I'll find solution to the problem." Jimena answered confidently. 

"Yeah. Since I solve the problem on tissue regeneration. Everything would be quite simple. As long we have 60% success. We can use the simulation to solve the rest." 

"I could have solve it. but the cell propagation and dizzy effect from healing effect gave me concern. Besides, I'm trying to increase the rate of healing speed." She sighed. "But we haven't find any luck in solving that mysteries. But with Kpriv tissues. I know sooner than later we would find the solut—" 

"Ma! I think I got it." Nana screamed. 


Everyone in the lab looked at the middle-aged woman with shock. However, they quickly recover from their shock, rushing toward her table. Not to be outdone, Arce and Jimena step forward with a bright glow in their eyes. 

"Show me" Jimena asked. Her heart pumping, wanting to jump out of her chest. She won't know what to do when she lost to Renata or Mora in the CPA. Though their CPA are confidential, not obvious to the public. However, those in the circle could see each other CPA. Every one was throwing what they have on the table. Nobody wanted to lose. Goddess had warned them not to lose to anyone. She asked why. And the reply she got stupefied for a couple of minute.

Nana pointed to a specific sequence on her large monitor. "When I combine the three sequence together then I ask Goddess to increase the temperature. After running one million variation of high temperature. I failed to find the answered. So, I took the other way. I lower the temperature. After 145 000 variation sequence. I got this." She shows her the final output.

Arce and Jimena study the final output for few seconds without uttering a word. "This it." Arce whispered. He looked at Nana with a radiant smile on his face. "Well done. Who would have thought that combination and lowering the temperature will produce such mutation… Science is really…"

Meanwhile, Jimena was lost in the result and was already working on the next phase of the research immediately. Seeing this, the scientist behind them shook their head. They knew how their leader was. This wasn't a surprised to them. However, this was Nana workspace. Arce couldn't allow it.

"Jimena, go to your workstation. Nana would forward the file to you." Arce announced. 


Jimena didn't hear a thing. She was lost in the research to care about those behind her. 

{Miss Jimena. You're obstructing the continuous flow of the research. Please go to your workstation immediately.}

Hearing Goddess cold sweet voice. Everyone knew it finally happened. And immediately, the monitor shutdown, turning blank. Seeing this, Jimena wakes up from her trance and look at the people behind her. Seeing their gaze, she knew she did it again.

"Sorry," She whispered. She lowers her head, walking with a large stride toward her workstation. 

{Miss Nana, well done. Keep it up. The Commander will surly reward you for your discovery.} 

"We'll be facing the a lot of threat and enemy. Human are unpredictable. And they can do extreme things in extreme times. However, no matter what they did or what they plan. It would be for nut in front you and your squad." Jojo cold voice spread across the large expanse of field. 

Thousands of knights stood in a neat order while all their gaze focused on Jojo. These are not infantry. They are squad leader and captains of a team. These goes from A rank Knights to E ranks Knights. The A ranks were at the forefront while E ranks at the back. Looking at Jojo, everyone knew her as the supreme leader. Many tales about her exploit had been release in the military but no one knew how true it was. However, the recent battle with vice supreme leader took the breath of the knight away. The battle clip cemented the position of Jojo in the heart of the Knights. She was like Goddess of War. She stood straight like a pole in her black suit with a blue star on her left chest. While her sword hanged at her waist. 

That is the sword. 

Some fantasied with the weapon of the Goddess of War. However, they knew it was only a fantasy in their dream but couldn't come to reality. No normal knight could approach the supreme Goddess. Only the Legendary squad. And to join the legendary squad. It like trying to ascend the heaven on foot. 

"From your battalion to your team and from your team to your squad. Follow the stringent instruction and training. If you lose 10% percent of your team or squad. Consider it failure. And we don't train Failure in Starlight Genesis. Whatever you needed has been provided. Vulture depends on us. Starlight Genesis depend on us…." Jojo took a deep breath and continued. 

"The Commander depend on us."

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