Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 185 - What A Nice Piece Of Tech.

That is the sword. 

Some fantasied with the weapon of the Goddess of War. However, they knew it was only a fantasy in their dream but couldn't come to reality. No normal knight could approach the supreme Goddess. Only the Legendary squad. And to join the legendary squad. It like trying to ascend the heaven on foot. 

"From your battalion to your team and from your team to your squad. Follow the stringent instruction and training. If you lose 10% percent of your team or squad. Consider it failure. And we don't train Failure in Starlight Genesis. Whatever you needed has been provided. Vulture depends on us. Starlight Genesis depend on us…." Jojo took a deep breath and continued. 

"The Commander depend on us."

Thango continent was in uproar when they received the new of lockdown and imminent war coming from PAR. It only took a couple of days for the news about Vulture to be circulated amid the powerful men of Thango. However, none of them could be this. Who in the right senses dare to wage war against one of the most powerful organization on earth. Under this conflict thought. The interest of the people were invoke. Everyone wanted to know the people that dare to challenge PAR. And besides, the challengers are from Thango.

This has never happened in the history of earth. A nameless city of no practical importance had the courage to challenge a hegemony of the World. What a thing!? The war couldn't be concealed from the public eyes. The war had gone viral everyone was talking about the upcoming war. Most especially, Vulture. Vulture had turn to a black hole. A mystery. A mystery difficult to understand and comprehend. Since no one knew what was happening in Vulture. Rumours and speculation were flying on the internet. However, how to true that rumours was, no one knew.

In a special place, three people sat facing each other while watching the breaking news. An elderly man with two young people. A male and female. The three sipped there wine with an amusement smile on their face. The young lady amid the three changed her seating posture. She crossed one leg over the others and relax her back on the chair, arranging the strand of hair on her face and uttered with a distinct disinterest at the news.

"Why the hype. The so called Vulture won't last an hour before it's wipe away from the surface of the earth. They should be announcing about the incoming competition. Not these." She waved her hand.


The young man opposite her gave a short laugh, placing his wine on the table and looked at the lady with his curly upward a bit. "Sister, you don't need to worry about the competition. These good for us and to show who rule the world. When the competition started. I'm sure it will receive more audience like never before. Don't you agree Grandpa?" He turned to the elderly man.

"I know with your sharp mind. It won't be difficult for you to understand the cruse of the situation. This war is just a façade for the competition. The competition will start a month from now. So, this just appetizer. Those people thinking, they have the chance to change the world rule should better give up on the wishful thinking…" The elderly man paused and looked at the face of his two grandchildren. "I hope you both will be the winner in this year competition. You know what it means for our family. Right?"

"We know Grandpa" The two chorused at once.

"Good. Your parents are trying their best for you. So, don't let their effort be in vain."

"You can rest assured. This year victory belongs to our family." The lady answered with fierce glow in her eyes.

In another part of Beta. Two people stood at the highest tower in Beta and looked down at the city below. Among this two, one had full long white hair. Some slight wrinkles appeared below her eye lashes. She looked at the city without blinking her eyes. The strong wind from the high altitude flaunted her white hair. Though, she had aged. Her magnificent beauty of the past still lingered on her face. 

The young lady beside the elderly woman had the same featured as the elderly woman. If not for the wrinkles and the maturity shown on the elderly woman. They could both be confused as twins. They adorn the same dress, posture and facial expression the same while their flaunting white hair added an otherworldly atmosphere around them.

"What do you think about this year competition. This our last chance." The elderly woman asked not blinking her eyes. whilst it was difficult to see the movement of her lips. It like she never speak in the first place.

"Grandma, you can relax. I won't soil the name of our family. I'll win all we've lost." The lady responded not showing any obvious changes while her mouth didn't move. Only the sudden glow that appeared in her eyes for a brief of seconds and disappeared immediately. However, the elderly woman caught the slight change in her granddaughter expression without looking at her. 

If anyone saw these two, they would freeze from shock. Most especially the elderly woman. Her illustrious history was know far and wide. More so, there family were known for their bizarre communication skills. Every one in the family were one of the dangerous people on earth at a particular period on earth. It just happened in a certain when the family just disappeared from the face of the world. Who would known the famous family were in Beta. Things are not calm as the world seems on the surface. 

"Do you know what I had to trade for this slot." A husky voice asked, looking at the young man before him without any expression from his face. The man was hairless with brutal air surrounding him. A couple of men in black took a couple of steps back when they heard the brutal man's voice.

However, the young man show not a trace of fear. He looked at the brutal man straight in the eyes with fierce ferocity. The young man was hairless and topless. While his body contained various degree of scars. "Father, you can relax and watch how your son dominate those weaklings and bring glory to our family. Any body that dare to block my path won't live to tell the tales. Besides, I sure to bring their teeth for souvenir after I win the competition." 


The brutal showed his teeth. Some were already missing. He rubbed his head and sent a punch toward his son. He son saw the punch but didn't dodge or defend against the punch. Bam! The young man didn't bulge from his position, showing a grin. Without further ado, he send another punch toward his father.


The brutal received the punch without dodging. The two looked at each other straight in the eyes for a couple of seconds without uttering a world. suddenly, the both start laughing hysterically. Seeing this, the guard around the two swallowed the lumps in their throat wiping the sweats off their forehead. 

The atmosphere of Thango got heavier every day. Various powerful military men arrived in Thango while there presence could gave a normal man heart attack. The heinous crimes in Thango ceased from happening. All the mafia boss and powerful organization or family ruling various city Thango had to travel to the location where theses soldier built their base and pay homage to the lion. 

Every routed leading to Vulture was blocked. No business was conducted with Vulture while also any body coming from the route leading to Vulture would be apprehended for questioning. Perhaps a slight torture. These actions shocked the citizen of Thango. However, none dare voice their opinion. Besides, Thango was a land full of blood. Who cares if you live or dies, as long it not their family or friends? The world could burn.

10 miles from Vulture a series of advance military artilleries were stationed. Armor car and tanks of various sized with various advance robot manning the surrounding fully armed. One thousand meters around the base had powerful sensors, scanning for any anomalies whilst four tall beacons were erected at center of the base. Four beacons were built with advance positioning system. 

When any threat was detected, these four beacons will calculate the position of the threat in nano seconds and send the position to the nearest destroyer and eliminated the threat not giving the threat any chance to retreat. In a lame man language, when you enter radius of these beacon. You can forget about escaping. These was an exclusive Technology of the PAR. The PAR had used these technologies to destroy both big and small threat without breaking a sweat. Whilst also, it gave them the confidence their defense wouldn't be breached without them knowing. Beacons are symbols of hope. However, these are symbols of fear. 

"Has everyone arrived." Lady Mata asked with her eagles eyes scanning the face of the people in front of her.

"Y-Yes." A young man responded not looking at the Iron lady.

"Good. We begin the campaign tomorrow…" She stood and pause slightly. "The battle will be shown life to people of Thango and the world. This will show the people never to dare go against PAR. No matter who you are. You are nothing in front of PAR." With that, Lady Mata left the central tent.

"What a nice piece of Tech."

[[Yeah, those four beacons are quite a smart innovation…]]

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