"Good. We begin the campaign tomorrow…" She stood and pause slightly. "The battle will be shown life to people of Thango and the world. This will show the people never to dare go against PAR. No matter who you are. You are nothing in front of PAR." With that, Lady Mata left the central tent.

"What a nice piece of Tech."

[[Yeah, those four beacons are quite a smart innovation…]]

Unknown to PAR. All their action was seen by Emma. They thought the battle would begin tomorrow. However, they failed to realized the battle had already began the moment they step foot in Thango. Most especially, a thousand mile around Vulture was the range of attack. If Emma decided to laughed an attack. 

Four powerful drones were hovering above PAP base, ready to drop the nuke on PAR at any moment. Since the completion of Tri-Ionization Plasmatic Fusion Energy Reactor. Emma had upgraded all the drone's engines to the fusion reactor. Shooting the speed of the drones by light speed. Covers the distance between the Vulture and PAR base would only took a couple of seconds for the drones. While Starry Shuttle was on another league entirely.   

Everyone was thinking Vulture would ceased to exist by tomorrow. However, they would soon received the shock of their lives. Underestimating Emma and Vulture was the biggest mistake for those powerful families and organizations. Since, Vulture was a backward city, no one care about the life that was going to wasted by tomorrow. Everyone was just expecting some exhilarating show. Readying their popcorn, to watch a satisfying display by the powerful PAR. Some were even betting how long Vulture would last before they finally collapse. 

Seeing all the negative comment about Vulture, broadened Emma's horizon about the current state of the world. No one give a shit. However, this doesn't make him feel bad or something. Perhaps, it stimulate to destroy the PAR with overwhelming strength. 'Since you lot wanted to see how I'm going to be defeated. Then I will give you the show of your life.'

[[Solace suit had been completed.]]

A golden suit appeared on the screen with a custom helmet beside it. The Solace suit and helmet hover in 3D. Displaying all the properties of the suit. The Solace was the latest invention from Emma. The suit was not just a suit but Solace. It inscribe with rune technology. Solace adjust itself to body temperature and shield the wearer from negative temperature. The suit was embedded with small energy crystal, powering the suit with advance functionality. Normal bullets and weapons are useless against suit defense. Under extreme attack, Solace will launched a powerful forceful to protect it host. The Force field could launch as long there was still energy crystal available. 

Solace was from advance fabric with the nano technology connecting the suit to the host brain neutrons. The user can control the suit with his brain. The adaptive capability of the suit makes it a fearful tech to an enemy. It could change to any color of the surrounding while also suit could restructured itself to create another design for the host.  The functionality of suit was limitless. While also it connected to Zeus framework.

Seeing the Solace suit, Emma nodded. Now with this suit. The Ghost Hunters are finally ready to show the world why they must never look down on me. Starlight Genesis. "What is the lowest rank to the highest."

[[The Solace have five ranks. Yellow, Green, Red, Black and Blue. Yellow the lowest while Blue the highest.]]

"Good!" He rubbed his temple and thought for a few seconds. 'Should I join the battle or not.' He pondered. 

'Lily what do you think? Should I join the battle or not?'

>>I don't think so. Let your knights deals with them. This a no threat to you. Let your men exercise their dormant muscle.

'Hmm, but I don't know which class of Knight should I deployed. Class E knights can't fight the battle. Likewise, Class D. the loss would be too huge. And I can't bear such a loss. Though the world had gone nuts. That doesn't mean I should treat my men like garbage. Class C knight should do. I would also have the B and A knights on stand by. While 10 Ghosthunter would over see the battle. Lily, what do you think?'

>>I agree with your plan, Class E, D and C are enough for the war. These will stress them thin and show the best of talents. While also it would hide your military capabilities. It better not show all your hidden cards at once. Anyway, I guess the enemy couldn't win if you show all your cards at once. The rate of your improvement is too alarming..

>>I suggest you divert all your attention from inventing things and focus on personal growth.

'I will follow your advice. I need to relax and develop myself. While also, I need to upgrade Vulture technology.'

>>Sigh…. Something like that.

"Zeus, Tell Jojo to deploy Class E, D, C while the B and A should be on standby. Also 10 Ghost Hunter should over the battle. I don't want any of the enemy to go back alive."

[[On it]]

"They wanted to destroy Vulture. Then I will show them the way of Vulture."

A couple of kilometers outside Vulture. A large group of men were shouting and talking on top of their voice. While giggling and laughing every time and then. Numerous tents were erected on the open field. At the center of the field was a big ten and inside it was three people, holding a jug of wine in their hands.

'Captain Jojo, prepared to receive the order from the great commander.'

Immediately, Jojo expression changes slightly when she heard words from her comms. She straighten her back and looked at the small device at the back of her arm. Rows of information appeared on the small devices and after a few seconds. The information stop appearing. Seeing the slight change on Jojo's face. The other two people knew something was up. 

"What's it" Laka asked, raising his brow.

Jojo took large gulp from her jug and looked at the two with a dejected expression. "I just received the order…."

"So…?" Maya asked, not understanding the pouting face of her friend… The two had become closer after they were assign as the leader of the Ghost Hunter. Though the compete with each almost every second. These also foster the cordial relationship between them. They knew in Starlight Genesis. Plotting or Scheme against your fellow comrades would be dealt with highest martial law. Besides, scheming was useless. The commander held the absolute power in Starlight Genesis. Every of their action was under the radar of the commander. So who in his right senses dare to go against the absolute Commander. 

"We're not part of the fun. Perhaps I could say the Ghost Hunter is not part of the fun." Jojo to another swig from her jug.

"Oh!" Maya and Laka gasped. They looked at each other and drained their wine. After their last expenditure, they have been doing nothing in the barrack. Now, a war is at hand. They wanted to exercise a little bit. But now, everything was pipe dream.

"I guess the commander is deploying the lower class." Maya grumbled.

"Un hmm. Class E, D, C. While B and A would be on standby. And 10 of Ghost Hunter will make sure no one escape." Jojo recounted the command. She relaxed on the chair, folding her arm under her breast, taking a deep breath, looking lazily at her two comrades.

"I understand the commander decision a bit." Laka looked at Maya and Jojo's face. "Since we're no normal soldier anymore. It would be unnecessary to send us to the war. We are the strongest in the military. I guess in the current world. People that could contest against us can be counted."

Hearing this, the two ladies knew it was true but the thirst for battle never stop flowing in their veins. The sighed and looked at each other not knowing what to do. "I guess our mini competition would have to be postpone" Jojo announced. 

The other nodded without uttering a word. The tent descended into an abrupt silence. Everyone savoring the taste of the wine in their mouth, lost in thought. After a few seconds, Maya broke the silence. 

"With our rapid growth. More enemies are bounded to appear. Then, we will have that moment to show our prowess. Let watch the battle and learn how far the world had grown." 

"You're right. after I left Beta as an ordinary soldier. I don't know how the world had turn. Leaving in Vulture was like living at the bottom of the well." Jojo chuckled. 

"Yeah, you are right. Thango can never be compared with Beta. However, I can't say that anymore." Laka shook his head, twisting his lips looking at the face of the two.

None talk for a few seconds before they started laughing. The three laugh for a couple of seconds before they could control their emotions. "Yeah. Vulture is another world entirely. Previously I regret coming to Vulture. But now, it a blessing in disguise." Maya added, smiling, showing her small dimples. 

"Let go and show those people, things are not what they thought.." Jojo announced.

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