Lady Mata jumped out of her jeep when she felt an instant threat. She was barely a couple of meters from her jeep when her was sent flying in the sky. Watching this, She frown and looked at her surroundings. The enemy had not even appeared but they are already this pitiable. But this is war. These small casualties wouldn't deter them from going forward.

"Advance!" She shouted. 

Emma watched the battlefield with a calm gaze. Every data about the Knights were been displayed on the huge screen. What Jojo said was right, though she just bluffed in front of the knights. However, Emma was perfectly collecting data about the enemy and them. To form a perfect strategy and use them in simulations for better result for the knights.

With the sudden raid of the drones, disrupting the plans of the PAR. Now, everyone could only go on foot. Scared if they advance with their jeep. They would easily be targeted. There are over five hundred PAR soldiers while the overlord in Thango send their private military to assist PAR to conquer Vulture. Though the PAR tried to reject the help but the overlord insisted. Making the overall military Close two thousand.

Now, more than one fourth of the troops were kill in the explosion. But the troop didn't bat an eye to their fallen comrade. Everyone took their gear and rushed forward when they heard the command. 'Advance.' Leading the charge, Lady Mata speed was nothing like the others. She was couple of meters from the others. Climbing the small hill, suddenly she halt. She held her rifle tightly while her chest moves up and down in an uneven rhythm. 

Watching the commander freezing on a spot, the troops couldn't understand what was going on but their speed didn't falter for once. When they finally arrived behind the commander. Their heart missed a beat. They gasped loudly. The plain was deadly quiet. The sun hung high in the sky while its ray fell on the face of the PAR and their group. 

Four teams of Starlight Genesis knight stood straight like pole looking at their enemy straight in the eyes. The wide grin on their face was difficult to miss. Using their jeep to form a line of defense. The air blew gently to their face, flaunting their hair. Just then, a young man in his early twenties step out of the defense line and removed the helmet from his head.

"Hello, friend." His voice was not loud but it was audible to everyone on the battle field. 

Hearing this, Lady Mata raised her brows. She halted because the enormous pressure she felt from the group lesser than two hundred people. She hadn't felt such pressure from any body in battle apart from her boss. 'What the hell is going on?' She shouted in her mind. Though she may be proud and cold. That doesn't mean she doesn't use her head. Perhaps, people underestimated her. Her thinking capability was fearsome that why she could attain her present position not because of her strength. 

She took a deep breath and step forward a couple of feet. She didn't dare let our guard down. Her gaze fixed on the young man. "Surrender and we wouldn't kill you." She announced coldly. 

Hearing this, the young man smiled and shook his head. "Why did you all use the same line every time…" He raised his head and looked at the sky. He sighed. "I guess, you don't understand the situation you're in." He murmured. However, everyone could heard his murmured. 


A slight frown appeared on Lady Mata face. What did he mean? She opened her mouth but the young man beat her to it.

"Those of you from Thango that support PAR in these war…. You can say goodbye to your life…." The smiled on his face disappeared. "After these war… We'll pay a visit to you lot. Your friend, your family and everything close to you would atone for your sin."   

"Shut the—"

The young man looked at the robust middle-aged man and raised a finger. Instantly, something happened.




The robust middle-aged man head bust into pieces, blood splashed to the face of the people around him. His headless corpse fell, deader than dead. Seeing this, they gasped and widened their eyes. Everyone took a deep breath and looked at the surrounding for the direction of the shooter but found nothing.

"When I'm talking, you don't interrupt me" The young man said coldly. 

Lady Mata didn't bat an eye to the dead man. "Are you the leader of this campaign?" 

"No, No." The young man shook his finger and look straight into Lady Mata's eyes. "You don't have what it takes to meet the leader. Besides, you're nothing in front of my superior. Not to talk of the leader."

"Enough of these pet talk. Those watching out home. If your family are part of these people. Prepare your grave. Because we're coming." With that, the young man return to his position, putting on his helmet.

Lady Mata was furious. When was the last time she was address like this. 'I will make you regret. Your leader, my foot. I'm enough to deal with you all.' 




The PAR troop rushed forward firing their riffle continuously. Meanwhile, the knights didn't care about the incoming bullets. The held their guns tightly, using the jeep as cover. The small device at the back of their hand displayed the incoming threat while prioritizing the enemy base on their threat. There gun was no ordinary gun. The gun could be control with voice activation. They only need to command the gun with what types of bullets they wanted to use and press the trigger. Then the gun would do it magic.

The knights looked at each other and nodded at each other. When they wanted to attack then they heard the voice of their captain. "The highest would get 200GC from me. However, if I'm with the highest kill. You will all give me 20GC each."

"Captain!" The Knight all shouted.

However, the young man didn't bother to looked at them. "The kill begins now."

"3 magma roll" The young man said calmly. However, his gun fire three bullet at once, exploding the head of three people at once. "3" he shouted


"Double encapsulation"

"Raging thunder."

"Silence thread."

"Kill wonder."

The battlefield became a death zone. Heads were popping like cherries. The people couldn't understand why they couldn't get closer to the knights. However, that doesn't deter them from shooting them from afar. Their jeeps were cover with holes. However, under the continuous threat of explosion and bullets flying back and forth. The knights were still shouting.



"Shit! 22"

Lady Mata and the member of the PAR stood back and watch the ongoing battle with their brow raised. Are these people insane. Didn't they fear their life. It only a matter of time before they are out of armor. What then!? If the Knights heard PAR thought. They would have laugh at their ignorance. Out of armor!? May be after hundred years. 

"Ma, what are we waiting for. If we support these people. We can easily subdue these people." An elderly man approached Lady Mata.

Without looking at the elderly man. She replied. "Do you think it would be easy like that. These people are discipline and work in perfect sync. All the missile sent were dodge before it explode. Have you seen any of them pass 20 meter closer to the enemy? No.  Besides, do you think this are all their troops."

Hearing this, the elderly man swallowed the lumps in his throat. Though he was only a star lower than Lady Mata. But he knew he was nothing compared to Lady Mata. He looked at the battle with rasp attention. If this is not their entire men. Then we're in for it.

'This can't continue like this.' Lady Mata furrowed.

"Deploy the A13" She commanded.

At the base of the PAR, a giant square devise shook lightly and suddenly, something shoot out of it with a great speed. Whistling toward the direction of the battle. Meanwhile, on the battle the captain received an immediate threat. Seeing this, he frowned and shouted. "Retreat! Retreat"

Without further ado, the team retreat with their greatest speed. The devise in their hands were blinking danger. Seeing this, the people were surprised. They wanted to chase after them but was stopped by Lady Mata. She was quite confused. How the hell did they know of the incoming A13. 

'Still in danger zone. Use your transformation now.' The message appeared on their comms. 

In the sanctuary, Emma watched his men retreating with their life on the line. He rubbed his temple. "Zeus, cover them."

[[On it]] 

At once, a series of code flooded the screen. After a couple of seconds, everyone watching the war at home couldn't see the knight anymore. Only those on the battle ground saw what left their jaw dropped. The speed of those retreating took another turn. Increasing five time their normal speed. In a couple of seconds. They're couple of kilometers from the battle ground.

'Out of danger zone.'


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