At once, a series of code flooded the screen. After a couple of seconds, everyone watching the war at home couldn't see the knight anymore. Only those on the battle ground saw what left their jaw dropped. The speed of those retreating took another turn. Increasing five time their normal speed. In a couple of seconds. They're couple of kilometers from the battle ground.

'Out of danger zone.'


The sudden explosion rose smoke in the sky. Every on the battle suck in a cold air. If not for the immediate call back, almost all the troops from Thango overlord would turned into ashes. Meanwhile, the Starlight Genesis knights had their jaw dropped when they saw the magnitude of the explosion. Everything in 2 km area where they were before were now in flame. The heat coming from the explosion could send a normal human being packing.

However, since none of them were no normal human being, it range of attack only shocked them for a couple of seconds before they recovered from the initial shock. They looked at each other and a wide grin appeared on their face.

"Captain, what do we do?" A pretty young lady asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Hearing the question, everyone turn to look at the captain. 

Seeing their gaze, the captain shook his head and looked at the not yet settle smokes. "We wait for command." He had yet to complete his statement when his notification devise beeped. Hmm! He furrowed. Without further ado, he checked the notification. 'Return to battle.'

Short and direct. The captain twisted his lips and looked at his teammates. "The order as arrived. Back to battle."

"Yea!" They chorused rushing back to the battlefield. 

Meanwhile, Lady Mata and her troop watched the explosion without any changes in their expression. Before the explosion, they have long retreated to safe distant. However, the cruse of the matter was their enemy since to know their plan and escape before the explosion.

'Is there a mole among us.' She creased her brow, looking straight into the thick smoke. She shook her lightly. 'Impossible. I'm the only one with enough authority to laugh the attack. Beside, no one knew when I will launch the attack.' Thinking of these, Lady Mata began to feel an incoming headache. She didn't expect some underdog city would give her headache when the battle just start.

At the left flank of the battlefield, a group of team sat of their jeep leisurely, watching the ongoing battle on their devise. These teams are part of Starlight Genesis knights. They are waiting for command from HQ to joined the battle. To the knights, this war was just a place where they could rake more GC and Privilege points. Sitting on the side lines were just too uncomfortable but they couldn't refute a direct order. Every one of them was checking their notification devise for the HQ order. Just then, the order arrived. 

'Join the battle. Use only close combat.'

"Close combat." A young woman in her early thirties twisted her lips and smiled looked at her team. "No gun. Only melee weapon…" She paused and looked at the wide smile on the face of her team. 'We are not going for party for fuck sake. This is war. Control your smile.' She shouted in her mind. However, the smile on her face said something entirely different.

"You all know the drill. Swift and efficient. Our team must be the winner. Is that clear!?"

"Copy!" They shouted. 

"Let join the fun." 

On the PAR side, Lady Mata was discussing with some high official when they noticed some approaching them from at extreme speed. At once, everyone of them raised their brow. They thought their enemy would retreat and plan for their next exchange of battle. But seeing this…

"Prepared for battle." Lady Mata shouted. 'This people… are they nuts.' She shook her head. 'It better like this. It would easy to subdue them. I guess I overestimate them.'

In just in a blink, the first team was already on sight. But something was different this time around. Their riffle was fixed at their back while they held various melee weapon. Seeing this, the PAR and his troop curled their lips in disdain. However, not only the PAR and troops looked at the incoming with disdain. Those watching at home all over the world couldn't but shake their head. Stupid! 

"Take them down." Lady Mata commanded. 

At once, rows of PAR best shooter form a straight formation in front of the troop with sniper rifle in their hands. Everyone was expecting the battle to be seal with this. However, things didn't go according to their plan. Just then, a whistling sound echoed throughout the battlefield.

All the PAP sniper soldiers fell on the ground. A hole appeared on their forehead, blood gushing out of it. All of them deader than dead. Watching this, everyone suck in a cold breath. They couldn't believed what just happened. They widened their eyes, seeing close to hundred people died at the same time. Panic streaking, they rolled their eyes and looked at their superior. What the fuck! 

However, all the superiors could fathom what just happened. They took in a deep breath and turn to their supreme commander. Lady Mata. Lady Mata was oblivious to the thousands of gaze directed at her. She was lost in thought. She couldn't wrapped her head on what just happened. Is the human or Robots. The timing and efficient was just too insane. Fear! For the first time, a slight traces of fear sprout deep in the heart of her. She raise her brow and looked into the sky. But the sky was crystal clear. No aerial support then what. 

"Lady Mata, what your decision." A panic voice asked. 

"What do you mean my decision…" She scoffed. "We fight. Do you think the enemy would allow us to retreat. Hmm!" She looked at the troop behind her with cold expressionless gaze. "If they want close combat. We give them close combat. Switch your weapon. Now!"

At once, everyone abandon their assault rifle. Taking out their blade. The looked at the incoming knights with a sharp glints. Everyone took a deep breath to calm their raging heart. Most especially those that are not part of PAR. Their gene serum was nothing like the PAR serum. They need to be on their guard if they wanted to return alive. Their enemy was only 200 meters away. No body dare to underestimate the Vulture soldier anymore. However, staying to face the Knights was already underestimating their prowess. If anyone from Vulture had the chance to advise these naïve men. They would told run for your dear life. However, such opportunity won't present itself in battle.

"Ma! 3 o'clock" A voice shouted. 

Immediately, all head turn to their 3. Watching another company of knights approaching with fierce glow in their eyes. The troops looked at each other before turning to the commander. Without further ado, Lady Mata made an instant judgement.

"We divide the troop into two. Half on these side and the other on these side." Lady Mata commanded. Her voice had hint of urgency. The troops quickly scrambled to their position, waiting steadily for their enemy. 

The knight team coming from the front arrive first. Every one of them had a range of different weapon from sword to spear and to others. They ran into the PAR troop like they were thin air. However, the cries of instant agony announced to the world. This was no joke.

Numerous heads flies in the sky like balloons. In just one swing attack, many headless corpses fell on the ground. None of them understood what just happened. They were prepared to have a fierce battle but why the sudden would they see their heads flying in the sky. However, that question could only be answered in their next life. 

Like angels of death, the troops were falling like a withered leaves. Muffle sound and groans echoed in the clear sky. The killing efficient of the knights shocked the entire world. None of the troops could survive more than two strike before they meet their dismiss. Lady Mata and some high ranking official stood behind watched everything with their jaw dropped to the ground. This was the first obvious expression on Lady Mata's face. He wide open eyes blinked continuously but she found it difficult accept what was happening in front of her. 

Ah! Ah!

Another cried of agony echoed from their left flanks. The other knight had collide with the PAR troops and the obvious happened. Heads were falling from the sky like rains. No matter where you look on the battlefield, head would be in the sky. These scary scenes scared the hell out of some group of people. And those people were the overlord in Thango. 

They remember the word from the young captain before the battle. 'Those that support PAR should prepared for their visit.' Now, Thango was in upheaval as the battle was ongoing.  Various movement began to happen in every major cities in Thango.

While there was a fierce battle happening on ground. Emma was having another battle with Thango net space. Since the beginning of the battle. It was not a battle to preserve Vulture. But a battle to dominate Thango. Every Major satellite and server in Thango was under a serious cyber-attack. Since everyone attention was the ongoing war, the security was lax. 

[[Thango Net space control. 70% complete]]

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