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The registration of the TerraLink closed when the countdown reached exactly 0. Many people were waiting anxiously for the next step, but nothing happened. Many people had tried to look for the traces of TerraLink on the internet but they found none. Besides, only Desert street received the notification of TerraLink.

Meanwhile, Emma sat casually with a bowl of noddle in his hand. He looked at the final registered and smile. 'I guess the count down increased the number of registration.' On-screen, the number of registered users continued to blink. It was 320, 000 registered users.

[Your puny trick actually worked. You target their weakness and they yield. Well done.]

"No one wanted to miss a rare golden opportunity. Whatever gives humans a sense of urgency, they cherish it." Emma chuckled.

[Where did you learn all these tricks? Your brain did not show any sign of such activity]

Emma shrugged. "I guess there are things you can't see."

Emma behaved nonchalantly to Lily's claim, but he was sweating deep within. 'Fuck. I need to be careful in the future.' He exhaled.

"Zeus, begin the next phase."

Zeus: "Initializing….. The next phase will begin in three days."

In the three days, many things had happened in Vulture City. Especially Desert street. Every individual in Desert street was talking about TerraLink. Those that didn't register scorned the registered users. They label TerraLink as a cyber attack. Local news stations anchored the news of a mysterious app called TerraLink.

An expert was brought on to the TV show to talk on TerraLink on how it may affect the people of Desert street. And most of all, the reason and identity behind TerraLink. The powerful families and gangs in Vulture city were on the lookout for the mysterious TerraLink.

Exactly 8:p.m of the third day after TerraLink was launched.

Many people were drinking and enjoying their time in a bar when the news about Terra was once again mentioned. Seeing the news, many people talked about TerraLink.

"Why are they still talking about this dangerous app?"

"it just an awareness. So people won't fall into that trap again."

"How many people would lose their money or privacy when the people behind TerraLink used their data."

"Who cares? That served them right. I know the offer on TerraLink was just too good to be true that why I didn't register."

"You read my mind. We think alike. I was also suspicious of the offer that I decided not to register. Thank God, I didn't."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

People began to receive notifications. Many people inside the bar looked at their phones, mostly the outdated android phone or apple phone. The icon of TerraLink was blinking with information on how to proceed. Also, there was a countdown below.


"TerraLink is back!" A young man shouted.

Hearing this, the bar turned into upheaval. Those registered users took their phone out briskly and saw the icon of the blinking TerraLink. Their jaw dropped with their eyes widening. They couldn't believe what they were seeing on their phone.

Everyone had been preparing for the worst. Many experts had announced that it was a cyber-attack from hackers. Dashing their hope. So, they had no hope of seeing TerraLink on their phone again. After a couple of seconds, the people recovered their wit. They were now in a dilemma whether or not to continue with TerraLink. Many of the registered people were skeptical about proceeding.

What was happening in the bar was happening everywhere in Desert street. The Desert street was in another uproar. Arguments and hostility occurred in Desert street. Those who didn't register tried to dissuade their friend or loved ones from continuing their registration on TerraLink, saying it's a cyber-attack. Why some with hidden agendas try to steal the phones of those that registered.

Reporters sprout to the desert street when they heard the news of the comeback of the unknown app. TerraLink. However, because of the countdown on TerraLink. Many people decided not to continue with the registration of TerraLink. The fear of the unknown couldn't make most people proceed. Besides, many friends and family dissuaded their loved ones not to continue on TerraLink.

Emma looked at the final registered users on the giant screen calmly. The population had dropped by a hundred thousand. The completed profile was now 220,000.

Over 60% of residence of Desert street didn't register on TerraLink. This doesn't come as a surprise for Emma. Zeus with Hera had already made thousands of simulation probabilities of the possible outcome. And this result as the highest percentage of happening and it happened.

[What is your next step? Now, people have a poor impression of your app]

"I don't care. Zeus, start the next phase." Emma shrugged.

[There is still another phase! Gawd! What are you really doing!] Lily shouted in Emma's head.

Emma ignored Lily and looked at a certain point on the screen. 'Next phase will begin at midnight'

'The plans had worked perfectly. Now only a few people will know about TerraLink before it rose to stardom. Then I would have all the necessary resources to protect it.' Emma thought, breathing a sigh of relief.


Most people had already slept when a certain district in Desert street received a call from an anonymous number. The call continued to ring until they answered it. And only those that continued with the registration of TerraLink received this call. Some people tried to reject the call. But a message was blinking on their screen. 'Final assimilation from TerraLink. Pick it up and join the family.'

With this message, the people's fear disappeared. Picking up the call... Only to hear the voice of their younger self. Everyone who listened to the call was flabbergasted. But they listen curiously to the call.

'Hello, I'm you. The younger you, in TerraLink world. Please give me a unique name that only you would know. With this name, you can call me through this unique name on your call or message. You must make a promise to keep TerraLink top-secret to everyone around you and if asked. Even though if they were your loved ones, it must remain a secret. Under no circumstances must you reveal your Link with Terra World.

However, if you break this promise, you shall be punished. Mind you, you'll wish you aren't born than to receive the punishment from TerraLink. Don't worry. We TerraLink, monitor every member of TerraLink World when you're in danger.. TerraLink protects it, family. Are you ready?'

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