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When each individual finished the ending process of TerraLink. The operating system of their phone change immediately. It turned into the color of TerraLink. Blue and Black. It gave each individual a serial number and coin to purchase anything on Terra World. Terra World could be controlled with the help of their Link. In the TerraLink world, virtually everything was provided. Class, Social network, Market, Finance and more… And the last thing was they could issue mission also receive mission on TerraLink. Also, everything done on TerraLink was anonymously but supervised by Terra World itself. Nobody knows whose.

The night wisped by silently. Light of dawn seeped into Vulture City. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in, welcome a new day. Anyone did not mention the events that took place at midnight. They behaved as nothing happened. However, some look at each other suspiciously, but they could do nothing.

Emma walked into the glass room, rubbing his bleary eyes. He yawned. He sat on the chair and looked at the giant screen.

"Zeus, update."

Zeus: "Everything went according to plan. 150 089 users are currently online."

[You're serious about your project. But how would this help you?]

"You're with me. Why the rush? Watch and learn." Emma said proudly.

[Watch your head. I have over 1000 thousand ways to accomplish what you're trying to do. Don't blame your trumpet too loud.]

Emma ignored Lily. "Zeus, send the invites."

Instantly, Zeus dispatched the invites. All the people with smaller power in Vulture City received mails with all their deep secrets unveiled. It terrified them. They couldn't believe what they saw. However, in their panic state. They received an anonymous call. The voice of Zeus came from the other side.

Shortly after the call. The mails disappeared from all the people's computers or phones. But an icon was blinking on their screen. Seeing the logo on their screen, the small gangs, families, or organizations clicked on the login and began their registration. While this was happening, Emma sat calmly and watched everything like a movie. After an hour, everyone on the screen had finished what they were doing.

Zeus: "First mission and been awarded."

"Let begin."

[You're such a cunning bastard. But I like it. You're trying to control the underworld. You will do all their shady business. With all their secrets in your hands. It won't be long before you have done reliance on you.]

A young lady was shopping for some groceries in a store when a notification beeped on his phone. She knew that notification. It was from Terra world. It was her Link. Quickly, she took her phone and saw a mission. She had a minute to decide whether or not to accept the mission.

The young lady in her mid-twenties was ecstatic. She skimmed through the intel and smile. She clicked, accepted. On her phone screen. It gave the direction of accomplishing the mission with every necessary detail. Also, with a countdown.

The young lady bolted out of the groceries store like a bullet, following her phone's direction to accomplish the mission. Meanwhile, it was not only the lady that receives a mission. Many people on Desert Street received missions according to their profile. Therefore, the world of TerraLink began its full operation.

Three days later, most people living in Vulture City had already forgotten TerraLink. Because no one wanted to talk about it. Besides, in TerraLink World, they had made two men an example of going against their promise.

Emma made those men regretted not being inhumanly tortured. Everyone in TerraLink watched the compulsory video. Since then, no one had the taught to disclose TerraLink anymore.

It was a nice evening. Emma could finally take a break from his work. He could only visit the only girl that knew about his whereabouts. Emma with a hood over his head, nice jean trousers, and a blue sneaker. He walked into an average-looking restaurant. He looked for an empty seat and found one on the window side.

[it is wise of you to have a break. Relax and enjoy life why you can.]

"When did you become a sage," Emma asked in his head.

[Don't you know am a sage. On this tiny planet, am a sage.]

"Say the sage who can't live without me."

[Tsk. Tsk. One day you would see how powerful I am.]

"I'm waiting for that day." Emma snickered.

Emma ordered some food and eat casually. He looked at his surrounding with fascination. Though he had inherited the knowledge of the previous Emma. This would be the first time he would be around people in a restaurant. He loved the feeling. Emma called a female server.

"Please, can I talk with Amanda?" Emma asked.

"Yes, I will notify her." The server smile and left.

Shortly, Amanda came from the back and walked toward Emma's seat. She was puzzled. She looked at Emma, trying to identify who he was. But Emma's transformation made it difficult for people to identify him. Besides, Emma always had a hood over his head.

"How may I help you," Amanda said politely.

"Seat" Emma pointed to the vacant seat in front of him.

Amanda rolled her eyes and seat with her eyes, not leaving Emma's face. She tries her best to remember where she got the same feeling she was having right now. However, she couldn't wrap her head around it.

"So, what do you want from me?"

"Nothing. Just want to talk with you." Emma answered casually.

"Mr. You see am busy. I don't have time for that. Excuse me." Amanda announced with a hint of annoyance.

Emma smiled under the hood. "Don't you want to know who I am?"

Amanda stopped on her track and looked at Emma for a second. "Sure, but not at the expense of losing by the job."

With that, Amanda left, not looking back. Amanda's action quite surprised Emma. He looked at her back and mused about what to do next.

[You're such a loser. You can't even have a pleasant conversation with a lady without showing your snobby side.]

"Shut up! What do you know." Emma shouted in his head.

[Tsk… Tsk..]

Under the hood, there was an earpiece in Emma's ear. He could talk with Zeus directly.

"Zeus, get me the manager here."

Inside the manager's office. The manager was busy with some files when his phone rang. He looked at the unknown and answered it. Shortly, the manager bolted down toward the eating section. He stopped in front of Emma, trembling.

"Mr. How may I help you."

"Nothing much. I want to take a lady from your restaurant without her losing her job." Emma sipped his wine without looking at the robust man.

"Sure. Sure. Who is it? I'll call her for you right now and you can spend as many days as you like." The manager said with a shaky voice.

The people in the surrounding looked at Emma's table in shock. They couldn't understand why the arrogant manager would behave timidly in front of a young man. They thought, but no one has the courage to ask.

"Amanda," Emma answered.

"Oh! Amanda. I'll be right back." The manager dashed out like a bullet.

"Zeus, what do you tell him that makes him like that," Emma asked.

Zeus: 'I just tell him I know some things he doesn't want others to know.'

[Really! You and your AI are turning into another thing entirely. But I like that.]

Emma wanted to retort, but saw Amanda approaching him with a frown.

"What do you do to the manager?" Amanda cocked her head to the side.

"What do you need? A break" Emma shrugged. "There isn't any excuse anymore.. Walk with me. I won't eat you"

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