Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 39 - Buying Server Farm 1

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Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate


Seeing that the simulation failed. Emma sighed. He walked back to the seat and sat dejectedly. "Show me the error log." He announced, downcast.

Emma looked at the error with his brow raised. He furrowed. 'There are many mistakes that are overlooked. Hmm. I will need to be conscious of these errors next time.' he thought in his head.

"In my next work. Check for this error in real-time."


[[Master, you need to relax.]]

"I know… Wake me up after 4 hours." Emma dragged his tired body out of the glass room.


Morning is an important time of the day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you're going to have. There are people in the world, who are just wrong, and then there are the masses of population that are right, or at the very least they lie in the veil of between. I on the other hand, do not belong to any group.

I don't exist. It's not that I don't have substance; I have a body like everyone else. I can feel the fire when it burns against my skin. Rain when it caresses my face and the breeze as it fingers my hair. I have all the senses that other people do. I'm just empty inside until I see the early morning, bringing a new beginning, where everyone starts at the same time, letting me forget my pain and suffering.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

[[Master, it's time to wake up. It's already 8 in the morning.]] Zeus's monotone voice echoed from the corner of the ceiling.


Emma sluggishly staggered out of the bed, his eyes heavy from insufficient sleep. Thus, there are still bags under his pupils. He groaned and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes, Emma came out of his room, looking fresh and more relax.

Inside the glass room, Emma watches the morning sea from the giant screen. The waves and tides coming from the speaker make it seems he sat beside the sea. A turbid air escaped from his mouth.

"Update." He rubbed his face.

[[First, Amanda is already in the office. Her mother wakes up early this morning. Second, the Viper gang movement is suspicious. Their movements were not violent, as predicted. Besides, it's difficult to track the top officials among them. Thus, I am having difficulty predicting their next cause of action. Third, the movement of Terra World is restricted. It needed more firepower….]


"I get you..." Emma furrowed and squinted his eyes. "You only listed a bunch of problems. Huh. Amanda's report is the only positive one…."

>>What do you expect…

'I know and I have already expected the problem to pop out. However, I don't expect this soon. Why do you think I'm working my ass off for a new sensor?'

>>Oh! Don't see that coming… you're using more of your brain more and more. I like that. You're following my teaching. Mama is proud of you.

'…' Emma gasped, his mouth wide. Speechless.

"First, why can't you track the viper gang movement."

[[The higher officials are using some type of encryptions phone to communicate. Besides, I don't have the resources.]]

"Hmm, Viper gang isn't part of the three most powerful gangs, but they have such gadgets… This makes it more interesting — " Emma paused and crooked his nose. "We need to bring in the big guns." He declared after a few seconds.

>>What type of big guns?

'Wait and see'

>>Oh! You're becoming more conceited when you're using your head now. I like it.

Emma shook his head and ignore Lily's rant. "Zeus, I need a big secure server farm immediately." He commanded firmly.

[[On it..]] Zeus's operating system rolled at full force. With the help of other lesser AI supporting Zeus. They use an enormous amount of resources in their search.

Zeus and its troop scrapped the internet. They hack everything hackable and crack the crack-able. In just 10 minutes, Zeus and its minions had ransacked the net space of vulture city.

[[Six server farms found. However, some of them may need a little persuasion from us.]]

"Good!" Emma nodded. "We will acquire all six. Get me all the necessary info about the owners let visit them."

Emma stood up and walked to the right side of the room. He got on the treadmill and began his daily mission.

Seeing this, Lily's core processor froze for a few seconds. What the hell— What happened to the previous Emma I know? He changed totally. Anyway, it's good...

>>I thought you forget about your daily mission…

Lily taunted.

However. Lily never receives a response from Emma. His raspy breathing, thumping of heartbeat, and the humming sound coming from the treadmill filled the room.

Nevertheless, lily did not relent. She tried various ways to taunt Emma, but he never bugles from his exercise. After two hours of rigorous exercise, Emma finished his exercise, sweating profusely.


[Daily Mission 2/3 completed]


Inside a first-grade driverless car. A young, handsome man sat in a refine posture. He adorns a blue suit with glistened black lace shoes. His well-trim, glossy hair flaunted gently.

This young man with refine manner was Emma. The black expensive car parked in front of a giant skyscraper with many security personnel in front of it. The headquarter for Happy House group.

A young man opened the door. A ravishing fragrance assaulted the young man's nose. He inhaled the smell with widened eyes. He forgot about his work and enjoying the fresh smells coming from the car.

Emma came out of the car, standing straight like a proud peacock. His refine physique and the mesmerizing Dalbu-Burberry air around Emma add to his charms. The young waiter had his jaw dropped; his throat dry. He swallowed the lump in his dry throat, looking at the perfect physique of Emma.

>>Serious, this transformation got me speechless. Anyway, I'm still to be praise. Without me, you won't be who you're today. Give me a bow and call me Mama.

Hearing this, Emma wanted to puke out blood. But he controlled himself, exhaling. He ignored Lily's narcissist comment and carried himself proudly toward the building.

Most people that accosted Emma had to take a cursory glance at him. This had to be expected. Apart from Emma's refined physique and handsomeness. Everything on his body was goddamn expensive.

>>Um-hmm. I welcome those gazes. Directly or indirectly, they are praising me… Hmm.

'God! Where did I find you…' Emma shouted in his head.

>>Shus! Let me enjoy those praises coming from their gazes.

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